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Technology, Science, Entertainment, and Business News

Technology, Science, Entertainment, and Business News

TechCrunch Crypteks USB™ - Inspired Design meets Ultra-Security by Crypteks Inc. Hello! - Thank you for stopping by and checking us out. We're proud to introduce the first lockable and encrypted USB drive ever! A special thank you to eah-and-every one of our backers for their kindness and support! If you missed our Kickstarter campaign check us out at Christina Ortiz - Discovery Tech Uncrate Charlie Sorrel - WIRED Andrew Tarantola - Gizmodo Chris Pirillo - LockerGnome The Crypteks USB™ is one of the first (the first as far as we know!) Most of the inner parts are made of ultra-high-grade aluminum alloy finished in a unique anodized layer to help with fingerprints and dust. Okay. When we say "Simply Secure" we mean it. Your pledge (and again thank you SO much!) Since our launch we've been getting quite a few requests for a black Crypteks USB™ in 16GB so we couldn't help ourselves and went ahead and made one just for you!

The Tech Report - PC Hardware Explored Image Optimization: The New Arsenal in the Kitty of Digital Marketers Image Optimization Image Optimization? Remember your childhood? Reading books was a part of daily curriculum and you did read them, but here is a little secret that you revealed to no one but yourself, You always preferred reading image-laden books to the descriptive textbooks. Image Optimization: The New Arsenal in the Kitty of Digital Marketers Image Optimization SEO If you own an online business, SEO is something you must be quite familiar with. What is the Hype about Image Optimization? Images are known to provide extended visibility in the web arena. Image Optimization search However, have you ever wondered why images related to your business do not appear in the search results? Now that you know what image optimization means and what wonders it does to the ranking of your online portal, its time you learn some quick tricks and tips that will help you in optimizing the media on your site as per SE standards. Fantastic Five Tricks for Result-Oriented Image Optimization:

40 Fantastic Websites To Help Pass Time « TechWorthy Warning: Reading this story may be hazardous to your productivity. The Web sites within may divert you from the dull tasks in need of your attention and may cause you to goof off for hours instead. Oh, who am I kidding? You weren’t going to get any work done today, anyway. 1. Hey, get your mind out of the gutter–Stripgenerator is about comic creation, not clothing removal–though we wouldn’t claim that the two paths have never crossed. 2. FMyLife encourages people to send in anonymous real-life stories of worst-case scenarios that came horrifyingly true–things you’ll just have to read to believe. 3. A must-try for any music or film fanatic, LivePlasma helps you find new movies and music by building interactive maps around your current favorites. 4. The onetime competitor to Mad Magazine has reinvented itself as a Web site for all things funny. 5. Add some pizzazz to your profile pic with 6. 7. Do park visitors generally need to be told “Please do not sit on crocodile”? 8.

Tools and Toys — Hand-Picked for Work and Play Using Long Tailed Keywords on Niche Topics for Top SEO Rankings - Elite Fox long-tail-Keyword The keywords you choose to implement when devising your SEO strategy play a monumental role. The major mistake a lot of people make is that they choose to use a key phrase based on the mere calculation that it is searched a lot. Of course in the grand scheme of things you need to make sure that your key phrase is getting searched regularly, otherwise it will have a null effect. However, you need to put a lot more thought into your keywords than just this. After all, if the phrase is being searched extensively then it’s likely that competition is high and thus you will be competing against a monumental number of web pages. First let’s deal with why long tailored keywords are beneficial. You need to hit the right balance between keywords that are searched frequently, yet also keywords that do not have extensive competition. In addition to this, picking niche topics helps because you have a much greater chance of your viewers converting into customers.

Técnología Las Google Glass se agotaron en menos de 24 horas en Estados Unidos Las Google Glass solo estuvieron a la venta en Estados Unidos durante el día de ayer, pero antes de que llegara la media noche en California ya se habían agotado. Sin embargo, Google no quiso revelar cuántas unidades llegaron a comprarse. Todo aquel que ayer hubiera estado interesado en adquirir unas Google Glass tenía que cumplir ciertos requisitos: ser residente en Estados Unidos, ser mayor de edad y tener, al menos, 1.500 dólares... Ver más Los 4 tipos de usuarios de la segunda pantalla La segunda pantalla no es igual para todos. WordPress ya gestiona el 22% de los sitios de internet Hace menos de un año atrás, WordPress era la plataforma sobre la cual corrían casi el 19% de páginas de la red. 8 tendencias de nuestra vida digital en un futuro cercano La tecnología evoluciona a la velocidad del rayo, tanto que es casi imposible aventurar qué derroteros tomará en el futuro. Windows Phone 8.1 ya disponible

Bill Mullins' Weblog - Tech Thoughts | Security and System Tools and Tips. Software Reviews, News, Views, Downloads and Links. How to Correctly Optimizing a Website for SEO Optimizing a Website for SEO You want to make sure that you’re creating quality content, Optimizing a Website for SEO. You must make sure that you’re creating relevant content that is going to grab the attention of your audience so they will want to keep reading the entire piece that you have written. You need to make sure that you’re writing is free with no spelling or grammatical errors you should also make sure that your regularly updating the content that you’re putting on your website and that you’re not adding content that is simply stuffed with keywords. You’ll see that doing this will lead to the decline of your website rather than having more people visit it because you have fresh and interesting content. Keyword research is also very important when it comes to optimizing your website. Creating a Sitemap is something else that you can do to help optimize your website. Speed is a big deal in deciding your rankings on the search engines.

