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Expert Health Information - Questions and Answers

Expert Health Information - Questions and Answers

Walgreens' Facebook Site Adds Health Advice - Healthcare - The Patient Sharecare, made famous by Dr. Oz, now available via Walgreens' Facebook page. 7 Patient Education Tools (click image for larger view and for slideshow) If you're one of the 2 million people who follow Walgreens on Facebook, you now have a new resource to answer your healthcare questions. Sharecare, which a press release calls an "expert question and answer online platform addressing health topics," now has a link on Walgreens' Facebook site. Founded in October 2010 by WebMD founder Jeff Arnold and Mehmet Oz, M.D., the well-known heart surgeon, author, and TV personality, Sharecare presents healthcare content in the form of answers to questions about health and wellness, as well as the mechanics of the healthcare system. Any healthcare professional who applies can become an "expert" on SharedCare. [ To find out which medical apps doctors and patients are turning to, see 9 Mobile Health Apps Worth A Closer Look. ] Walgreens has been active on Sharecare since its inception. More Insights

Slideshow: Healthy Eating When Dining Out Don't Abandon Your Diet Americans love eating out -- and there's no reason why it can't be healthy eating. But you can't always find out the amount of calories, fat, or salt in a restaurant's menu items. So follow these ordering tips to make sure you stay within your healthy diet. Some Fats Are Good for You Monounsaturated fats: Substituted for saturated fats in your diet, they help lower bad LDL cholesterol and don't reduce good HDL cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats: Help lower cholesterol. Fish Is Good for Your Heart Fish is a healthy choice when dining out. Avoid Fried Foods and Added Cheese Eating out often means getting too much saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calories. How can you spot the dangers? Spotting High-Sodium Foods Restaurant foods can be very high in sodium, or salt. Foods that are pickled, smoked, in broth or au jus Cocktail sauce, soy, or teriyaki sauce MSG Look for low-sodium soy sauce. Have a Heart Some restaurants have tuned into heart-healthy eating. Thumbs Down:

HEALTHBEAT: Helping doctors keep human touch WASHINGTON (AP) — Medical student Gregory Shumer studied the electronic health record and scooted his laptop closer to the diabetic grandfather sitting on his exam table. "You can see," he pointed at the screen — weight, blood sugar and cholesterol are too high and rising. The man didn't reveal he was too nearsighted to see those numbers, but he'd quietly volunteered that he'd been ignoring his own health after his wife's death. The future-Dr. As the nation moves to paperless medicine, doctors are grappling with an awkward challenge: How do they tap the promise of computers, smartphones and iPads in the exam room without losing the human connection with their patients? "That's the tension I feel every day," says Dr. Across the country at Stanford University this summer, medical students will bring a school-issued iPad along as they begin their bedside training — amid cautions not to get so lost in all the on-screen information that they pay too little attention to the actual patient.

Recipes @ Whole Foods Market Welcome back {* welcomeName *}! {* loginWidget *} {* #userInformationForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* traditionalSignIn_password *} {* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *} {* /userInformationForm *} Please confirm the information below before signing in. {* #socialRegistrationForm *} {* socialRegistration_firstName *} {* socialRegistration_lastName *} {* socialRegistration_emailAddress *} {* socialRegistration_displayName *} {* socialRegistration_postalCode *} By clicking "Sign in", you confirm that you accept our terms of service and have read and understand privacy policy. {* /socialRegistrationForm *} We have sent a confirmation email to {* emailAddressData *}. Please confirm the information below before signing in. We'll email you a link to create a new password. {* #forgotPasswordForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* /forgotPasswordForm *} We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. {* mergeAccounts *}

Is That Healthcare Website Making You Sick? -- InformationWeek Many healthcare websites provide valuable information that can help prepare you for the next doctor's visit. But some serve up misinformation that just might land you in the hospital. Here's how to tell the difference. 1 of 9 Dr. While Dr. Of course, for every story that warns about information found on independent healthcare websites, there are plenty of other stories that support it. As we all know, the Internet is a mix of trash and treasures--the trick is figuring out which is which. When you review any healthcare website, it helps to mentally place the advice you find on a "reliability ladder." At the bottom of the ladder are websites that recommend advice or therapies based only on testimonials. At the top of the reliability ladder are treatments that have been subjected to rigorous testing in large groups of patients in double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. With these guidelines in mind, let's take a look at some health-related website examples. More Insights

Pacific Natural Foods » What we believe #pacific farms #pacific community #sustainability May 5th, 2013 25 years ago, Pacific Foods started out on a journey. From the beginning we’ve always stood by our own ways of doing things- using simple ingredients, farming sustainably and acting kinder towards people, animals and the world around us. Read More Preservatives and our packaging have never met. Read More Sustainable farming is something we’re passionate about so we try to lead with a kind hand. Read More Accountability is a lot to ask of a hazelnut (or any other nut for that matter).

The Healthcare Blogger Code of Ethics and HIPAA | The Social Medic One of the problems that early health care bloggers faced was trying to figure out what was and what was not permissible or ethical in the blogosphere. Since this post is dealing with legal matters, first a quick disclaimer: The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Wasn’t that fun? The Health Care Blogger Code of Ethics In May 2007 discussion of the need for an oath or a code evolved into The Healthcare Blogger Code of Ethics. Perspective – that your readers understand your professional perspective. If patient care stories are going to be part of your blog then I highly recommend adopting the code for yourself and join the community at Healthcare Blogger Code Of Ethics. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) One of the things that differentiate blogs from other media sources is usually their style of story telling. Answering the Where? NameAddress of residenceLocation of serviceDate of serviceTime of service

Body-for-LIFE Exercise If you're following a healthy nutrition plan, exercise can improve your results. Whether you're new to fitness or have been working out for years, we have exercise suggestions and workouts to fit your needs. The exercise techniques on Body-for-LIFE are based on universal principles that have already produced breakthroughs in tens of thousands of people. Studies have shown that high-intensity exercise can help burn fat and with the addition of strength-training exercise can help you not only increase your metabolic rate but change your body composition. This is why Body-for-LIFE's combination of targeted strength-training workouts and high-intensity cardio workouts is so effective. Body-for-LIFE's recommended programs: Weight-training Cardiovascular

New study examines how medical symptoms presented online makes a difference in health-care choices Public release date: 12-Mar-2012 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Julie Newberg 480-727-3116Arizona State University TEMPE (March 12, 2012) - Maybe you've had a reoccurring sore throat or frequent headaches. Perhaps the pain in your leg won't go away. Today, people are more likely to go online to punch in their symptoms. Details of a new study examining how symptoms presented online influence people's reactions to possible medical conditions will be presented in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The research was conducted by Arizona State University Associate Psychology Professor Virginia Kwan, Sean Wojcik of the University of California, Irvine, Talya Miron-shatz of Ono Academic College, Ashley Votruba of ASU, and Christopher Olivola of the University of Warwick. "A recent report by the Health Information National Trends Survey examined the use of Internet in seeking cancer-related information.

Body-for-LIFE Nutrition Nutrition news and information to help you learn and understand exactly what protein, carbohydrates and fat are, and how they work in your body. Read the articles about vitamins and minerals, hydration, balanced nutrition, and how EAS supplements can help you with the Body-for-LIFE program. Preparing for a Successful ChallengeResearch shows that you will be more successful and motivated in your weight-loss goals if you lay out a detailed plan on how you intend to approach your upcoming Challenge. Here are some ways you can start planning ahead. Body-for-LIFE First Week Meal PlanTo make it easy, we’ve planned your first week of eating on Body-for-LIFE.
