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Alternative Sleep Cycles: 7-10 Hours Are Not Needed

Alternative Sleep Cycles: 7-10 Hours Are Not Needed
The average person requires 7-10 hours of sleep per night according to the National Sleep Foundation. But is it possible that using different sleep cycles, where the benefits of sleep are still achieved, we can sleep less? Much less? Most of us are familiar with what is called a monophasic sleep cycle. Fact is, there are 4 other sleep cycles that can provide all the benefits of sleep, while sleeping much less. Not only that but sleeping has always been something I wish I could do when I felt like it and not because I’m ‘supposed to.’ if I could spend less time lying awake at night trying to sleep, then great. The Monophasic cycle consists of various stages of sleep with REM (rapid eye movement) being the most important. The Byphasic cycle, also called the Siesta, is the most common of polyphasic cycles as it can be viewed as the most practical for people. The Dymaxion cycle is said to be the most difficult as it can only be successfully used by certain people. How will you sleep? Related:  Holistic Living

50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. 20. 40. Sources – muxedo task: 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

The top 6 FAQs about facial recognition How facial recognition works. Via With the FTC currently focusing on facial recognition, we figured it was a good time to provide answers to the 6 biggest questions about this technology and how it affects you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A stranger snaps a picture of you with his iPhone camera while you’re walking down the street on your way to work in the morning. Your face is your identity: you should have control over it. Sounds like science fiction? 1. When we talk about facial recognition, we’re really talking about two different applications: basic and advanced. Who IS this guy? Advanced facial recognition builds on these principles to answer the question, “Is this a particular face?” Facial recognition is alive and flourishing. SceneTap’s interface. Lots of mobile apps use facial recognition, too. Companies give two main reasons for using facial recognition technology: it helps with security, and it makes photo editing and sharing easier. 3. 4. 6. Is it cool?

Liberul arbitru la supermarket de Ionuț Ruscea Omul mai face şi rău şi de aici se poate crede că răul are tot o origine dumnezeiască. Pentru că aşa ceva nu prea se cuvine şi pentru a nu admite ideea unei divinităţi imperfecte, gânditorii creştini au inventat termenul de „liber arbitru” , adică libertatea omului de a alege între posibilitățile care i se oferă. În contradicţie cu liberul arbitru se află determinismul, care spune că orice eveniment, inclusiv cogniţia şi acţiunea umană, este determinat de un lanţ neîntrerupt de evenimente anterioare. Să ne imaginăm următoarea situaţie: Eşti în supermarket, îţi e foame, întinzi mâna şi iei o pungă de chipsuri şi o cola la jumate. Lăsăm în aer întrebarea şi trecem mai departe. Deşi în viziunea modernă cele două concepte nu par să mai fie în totală contradicţie. Bun. Mergem mai departe şi ne întoarcem la Freud. Aşa cum spune şi domnul Pepe în Filantropica: „Te-am impresionat?

14 natural items for your alternative first aid kit Cloves. Photo by Elenadan Find out which multitasking natural remedies merit a spot in your backpack. IF YOU’VE COME TO trust in herbal and alternative medicine at home, it can be a hard decision to go back to Pepto-Bismol and Dayquil when you’re getting ready to go abroad. With these 14 items it’s easy to keep up that alternative health kick you’ve been on, even when you’re 5000 miles from home. 1. This is top of the list because it’s just so damn useful. Echinacea. 2. A powerful antibacterial, antibiotic, and antiparasitical potion. 3. Few things can kill a travel buzz like bad menstrual cramps. 4. All-Heal, Self- Heal and Heal-All are all common names of a plant which has many uses: antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent. Ginger root. 5. Stomach troubles are one of the most common issues among travelers. 6. Arnica is commonly found in two forms, either as a gel( look for Boiron brand) or in homeopathic pellets. 7. Native to Australia, the tea tree plant produces a powerful astringent oil.

Learning to Learn: leveraging your circadian rhythm There are a few distinct, precious moments of heightened sensory elation that we can achieve through unique actions; whether that be hitting the sweet spot on your driver from the tee box, tossing that crumpled up piece of paper that started out as a great idea and delivering it perfectly into the waste basket 10 feet away, or something as simple as arriving at the perfect adjective when telling a story to a friend. Achieving a greater sense of cognitive ability when interacting with either the external environment around you or the internal synapses of your own brain is an equally satisfying accomplishment that many believe would lead to immediate success. There is no special formula for arriving at a heightened rate of learning, enhanced memory, or sudden talent for verbiage; however there is a proven internal process that you can utilize in order to maximize your work output, in channeling your Circadian Rhythm. Spend a few days tracking your levels of focus, energy, and hunger.

Iubiri care au invins timpul. Nichita si Dora Stanescu (Foto/Video – interviu) Va oferim prilejul de a viziona si asculta un interviu captivant cu poetul Nichita Stanescu, preluat de la colegii nostri “ZiaristiOnline” : Acest interviu va fi vizionat si in cadrul evenimentului nostru “UniVers InVers – in numele lui Nichita Stanescu” in seara de 12 Septembrie 2013 orele 18.30 La Copac, deci daca aveti de gand sa veniti mai bine tineti-va rabdarea sa-l putem viziona impreuna la proiector, multumim: Eveniment aici: Ziaristi Online: Nichita Stanescu. Ziaristi Online: Nichita Stanescu. Ea avea 22 de ani, el 45! Dora Stanescu: Toata viata mea este legata de Nichita Dupa moartea sotului sau a evitat sa apara cu declaratii despre iubirea lor. Sa stii ca tu o sa fii nevasta mea In seara cand l-a vazut pentru prima data, ea era inca Studenta la Filologie. «Ma uitam absent la nu stiu ce Desigur in spatele meu ningea O fuga de iepuri lasase urme pe camp Fara de arme fiind, Doamne, cum am putut sa starnesc atata groaza!»

TOPICS | Practical Survivor by Robert Munilla is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.Based on a work at Navigation Home Hand Drill Fire Starting Click title or picture for full article. Read more Survival Saws Read more Urban Winter Emergency Shelters Read more Basic Cold Weather Survival Read more Snow Cave Read more Basic Desert Survival Read more Flint and Steel Fire Starting Read more Bow Drill Fire Starting Read more Magnesium Block Fire starter Read more Mission Team 21 Knife by TOPS Read more 12345next ›last » 13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. About the Author Carol Morgan has a Ph.D. in communication and is a professor at Wright State University. Credits: Life hack

Topul ciudăţeniilor şi a lucrurilor ieşite din comun despre sex practicate din antichitate şi până azi De-a lungul timpului, sexul a fost asociat cu tot felul de ciudăţenii, deşi la vremea respectivă sau în cultura respectivă reprezentau normalul. Între cele care pot fi enumerate dintr-o suflare sunt faptul că de exemplu în Guam, fecioarele nu pot merge la altar, astfel că există bărbaţi bine plătiţi să le rezolve problema,iar în India te costă mai puţin o prostituată decât un prezervativ. Iată 69 de astfel de ciudăţenii şi curiozităţi sexuale practicate pe întreg mapamondul de-a lungul timpurilor Prostituţie pe front şi în mănăstiri 1. 2. 3. 4. Bombe cu efect afrodiziac 5. 6. 7. 8. Cum erau pedepsiţi infidelii în Antichitate 9. 10. 11. 12. Precursorii tatuajelor 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Posteriorul bombat, cheia succesului în Somalia 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Concursuri de "bărbăţie" 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Sexul în grup din biserici 34. 35. 36. Perversiuni în toată istoria 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Violul "conjugal" 44. 45. 46. Fantezii sexuale ciudate ale aristocraţilor 47. 48. 49.

6 Fun Ways to Sharpen Your Memory Have trouble recalling your second-grade teacher's name, or even just what you ate for dinner last night? If so, that's natural: Both long-term and short-term memory tend to worsen as people age. The more neuroscientists learn about this process of decline, however, the more tricks they've uncovered for how to slow — or even reverse — the process. Here are six such tricks for lifting your cognitive fog. Wake up and smell the rosemary Scientists have found that aromas can profoundly affect people's cognitive abilities. As it turned out, those in the rosemary-infused cubicles demonstrated significantly better long-term and working memory than those in the unscented cubicles, while those in the lavender-scented cubicles performed worse than the others in tests of working memory. If you need your brain to perform at its best, you can try placing a rosemary plant on your windowsill but, unfortunately, you ought to avoid stopping to smell the lavender. Food for thought Juicy fruit for the brain

6 Best Tips to Turn off Negative Thoughts How to Avoid Negative Thoughts How to stop negative thoughts How to Turn off Negative Thoughts Here are the best ways to avoid negative thoughts which looks like Negative Thoughts quotes. A1. Notice when you are slipping into negative, absolutist ways of thinking where you think the worst of yourself, your life and your future. A2. A3. A4. A5. A6.

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