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Math Paper : Panther Technology

Math Paper : Panther Technology

Create Maps : Scribble Maps Map Data Hybrid Road Satellite Terrain Update Log August 12, 2015 Added Undo/Redo by extremely popular demand. July 05, 2015 Key strokes added to delete prompt. June 29, 2015 UI Refresh on editor and light widget theme. May 02, 2015 Updated hand cursor. April 18, 2015 Anchor on flag markers and some tabs have been updated. April 11, 2015 Recently used markers will now appear in the marker panel (works with custom markers as well). April 09, 2015 Increased max image size for VIP to 2500x2500px. February 25, 2015 Improved Text Editor (both advanced and simple) Added link inserting Add Quick Checkbox on Text Marker editor to hide background. February 12, 2015 Added Map Styler Added Custom Style Support for images and widgets Fixed ToolTip bug (not showing) Added ability to Delete Maps to "Your Maps" Rolled out documentation at December 12, 2014 Happy Holidays! October 30, 2014 Added quick drag (shift key). October 29, 2014 Markers with no data are no longer clickable on widgets. 1. 2.

Games in the Mathematics Classrooms: There’s an App for That! Last month, the Institute of Play released a 160-page whitepaper on successfully designing and implementing video games as classroom assessment tools. It is widely hoped that the Institute's study, along with further research by SRI, will prove conclusively that cognitive skills are significantly improved by playing educational video games. This was not news to the math education community, which has known about the benefits of games in the classroom for a long time. Back in 2004, a study by Tisa Lach and Lynae Sakshaug had already shown that middle school students made significant improvements in algebraic reasoning, spatial sense, and problem-solving abilities after playing biweekly sessions of popular tabletop games such as Connect Four, Mastermind, Rush Hour, and Guess Who. Slice It! With all of the evidence pointing toward the effectiveness of game-based learning, one could reasonably ask why educational and board games are still used so sparingly in American math classrooms. 1. 2.

Customizable, 3D Printable Keyguard for Grid-based, Free-form, and Hybrid AAC Apps on Tablets | Makers Making Change Device Details Keyguards help individuals with limited ability to point reliably at regions of an app running on a tablet. They do this by physically separating access to specific regions of the tablet screen with rails that rise up from the surface of the tablet. In this case, the apps are associated with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Some AAC apps organize their content into grids with menus and message bars, above or below the grid. The number of possible choices for tablet, tablet case, and AAC app, make it impossible to design a few keyguards that will meet everyone’s needs. We have created an OpenSCAD design that allows the user to identify their tablet, describe how the AAC app is laid out, describe their case, and choose a mounting method to mount the keyguard directly to the tablet or to the case. This is a Thingiverse Customizer design but only for grid-based apps. At that cost, you can easily have multiple keyguards for multiple app configurations.

Hur man skapar ett ordmoln? Nio appar för att lära sig svenskaPinned: 23 Feb 2015 Sfichatt: ett nytt och annorlunda lärarrum!Pinned: 15 Feb 2015 behöver din hjälp!Pinned: 6 Oct 2014 Sfipodd: gratis poddradiotjänst för sfi-studerande + intervju med projektledaren Olga Carlberg.Pinned: 14 Sep 2014 I detta inlägg presenterar jag ett urplock av de sfi-bloggar som finns ute på nätet (de flesta har jag hittat i olika Facebook-grupper). Det har blivit populärt att ha en klassblogg för att publicera all möjlig information till sina elever. Math Made Fun: Little Wizy's Kindgom My Kid's Locker One App Do your kids like Minecraft? Can we make Math fun again? This app is a wonderful app full of the power of Minecraft, but uses simple user-friendly ways to integrate Math skills. As an educator, and a parent, I am wanting my children to use apps to springboard themselves into learning, rather than just engage the thrill-of-the-game part of the brain. Please watch the YouTube video to see how my children at home interact with this wonderful app. The Goal of this App The user must collect money, lives and more to survive and create their magical world. The companies who created this wonderful little app are Common Extract, which you can learn more from HERE, and Creative Wizard, which you can learn more from HERE. Thank you to Common Extract for the privilege to review your app, creating my logo, creating my animated YouTube intro and conclusion, and more! Kindergarten to Grade Two (Ages 4 to 8) – Will need adult help at times Grade Three to Grade Five (Ages 9 to 11) iPads

Tips for Teachers of Color-Blind Students Color blindness can be one of the most difficult deficiencies to detect in your students. It is not uncommon for a student to mask their vision deficiency by following the lead of others. This is especially common in young students who may fear being different than their classmates. Other times, a student's vision deficiency may be wrongly categorized as a learning disability due to poor performance. The lack of color-blind training presented to teachers can make it difficult to spot color blindness in a struggling student. Furthermore, this lack of training can make it hard for teachers to know how to properly accommodate their students. How To Spot Colorblindness in Students Sometimes you may have a student who is already diagnosed with a color deficiency, and you’ll need to adjust your curriculum for them. If you notice these signs in one of your students, encourage their guardian to have their vision tested by an optometrist or to use a color-blind test online for diagnosis.

10 Word Cloud Generators You Have Probably Never Tried A few days back, we looked at five great ways to incorporate word cloud generators into your classroom. There are obviously many more uses out there for them – but that is a discussion for another post. We’ve mentioned most of these before – in a post from way back when – so I won’t go into too much detail about each individual one, but we’ve added a few notable ones to the list. (Of note, the list is in no particular order). The vast majority of them work the same: plug your text into the box, select a few options, and you’ve got yourself a word cloud. Some offer more options than others, some offer word clouds with words going in any and all directions, some offer shapes, others create much simpler word clouds. If you do a quick search for word cloud, you’ll see so many different types. Do you have a favorite word cloud generator from the list below? Wordle Jason Davies’ Word Cloud Generator WordSift WordItOut Tagul TagCrowd Yippy WordMosaic AbcYa Tagxedo VocabGrabber

Matteappar för barn - en översikt Det här är en helt unik sammanställning över de populäraste matteapparna för barn. Filtrera resultatet för att hitta fler appar för en viss åldersgrupp eller plattform. Vi är föräldrar och pedagoger som testar och rekommenderar bra och roliga appar för barn. Visa fler (60+) appar › Addition Här hittar du appar som lär ut och/eller tränar räknesättet addition i olika svårighetsnivåer. 7+ år King of Math Junior · 30 kr · Omfattande matteutmaning Läs mer! Zcooly Affären Åk1 & Förskola · 22-30 kr · Hjälp till i affär och träna matematik Läs mer! Lek och lär med matte · 15-20 kr · Spela och träna på de fyra räknesätten Läs mer! 8+ år Tower Math · 7-10 kr · Befria siffrorna i Tower Defence-spel med matteträning Läs mer! Mystery Math Town · 30 kr · Ett lekfullt och klurigt mattespel i en spännande miljö Läs mer! Mattemix · 40 kr · Träna addition och subtraktion Läs mer! 5-8 år Tiokompisar · 75 kr · Spela spel och lär dig vilka talpar vars summa blir tio Läs mer! Motion Math: Cupcake Läs mer! Twelve a Dozen Läs mer! 12+ år

Ipad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculianumeracy Difficulties An accessible breakdown of this PDF poster is available further down the page. iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia/Numeracy Difficulties is one of a series of over 30 posters available from the Downloads section of the CALL Scotland web site. It was first launched in October 2017 and has been downloaded nearly 14,000 times. Since our last update a few apps have disappeared; others have had their names / icons or web addresses changed and the following apps have been added: Dexteria DotsDyscalculia - Test and TrainingMaths Loops Add Subtract LiteMaths Skill Builders - UKMathscribeMeasureMental Math Practice - Arithmetic Flash CardsSqueebles FractionsStages MathTimes Tables Challenge Quiz The wheel is by no means comprehensive but attempts to identify apps that will help to embed numerical learning and to give opportunities for repeated practice of concepts that cause difficulty. An accessible breakdown of this PDF poster is available further down the page.

Att starta en lektion på effektivt sätt | Min undervisning Att ha startuppgift i början som är skriftlig är ett bra sätt att starta en lektion på, men ibland hinner jag inte med det. Jag vill hinna med andra förmågor och upplever ibland att skrivuppgiften kan ta hela lektionen i anspråk. Vi har som mål att ha startuppgifterna skriftliga kanske jag ska tillägga. När jag var på kurs i Bedömning FÖR och AV lärande fick jag höra ett förslag av en specialpedagog på hur man kan starta en lektion på effektivt sätt och få med sig så många som möjligt att man hinner med att instruera de som behöver ha mer hjälp medan de andra hjälper varandra. Specialpedagogen heter Emelie Britse, och jobbar på Älvkvarnsskolan i Ursvik och är även utvecklingsledare i Solna stad. Jag har gjort en canva till den strukturen och den ser ut enligt nedan. Först ger man en instruerade uppgift – antingen muntligt, i filmform eller i skrift eller annan form för den delen. Sedan har man som lärare en återkoppling på det.

Goda exempel- iPad som komplement i matematikundervisningen åk1 Jag kommer här stolt att presentera goda exempel på ikt i verksamheterna från min egen kommun, Lysekil. Ett sätt att sprida kunskaperna vidare, så fler kan ta del av dem, modifiera, komplettera och sedan göra till sitt eget. I Lysekils kommun pågår många spännande projekt ute i både förskola och skola där it är en naturlig del och där barnen/eleverna får använda den digitala tekniken som ett komplement till den undervisningen som traditionellt bedrivs. Först ut är Mariedalsskolan som använder iPaden som ett komplement till matematikundervisningen i åk1. Syfte: Optimera elevernas kunskapsinlärning med hjälp av Ipads. Mål: Vi vill att eleverna når så långt som möjligt i sin kunskapsutveckling i matte. Rutiner: Vi gör på olika sätt och här är tre exempel: När vi går igenom ett nytt moment i matte så kan man gå igenom det på olika sätt, praktiskt, teoretiskt eller på iPad. Regler: Läraren bestämmer vad det är eleverna skall träna/jobba med. Vid frågor kontakta: Relaterat
