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Consciousness Science Kept Hidden

Consciousness Science Kept Hidden
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Glitch-O-Rama and the Leaking Matrix 19th April 2016 By Zen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World There is increasing evidence that the constructed veil between humanity and reality is dissipating. Much like settled science now confirming cosmic realities long known to consciously awake and aware humans and cultures — such as the center of our galaxy being an energetic source intensely affecting ourselves and our planet — revelations of truth continue to pour into our collective awareness. The fact that we’re in the midst of a rare alignment with the galactic center as well as passing through other charged fields has profound implications. Quantum physics revelations, new archaeological finds continue to be discovered, all while previously unavailable documents and information are surfacing at an unprecedented, exponential speed. The awakening springs forth – and nothing can stop it! Language Leaks Busting the Dam This is a continual phenomenon to definitely track. It can’t help but happen. Timelines and Parallel Worlds

Billions of cicadas are about to erupt from the ground and have sex in your backyard Things are about to get real noisy if you live in the northeastern United States. Billions of cicadas are scheduled to burst out of the earth this May, causing a cacophony of humming as they seek out mates for a month-long orgy of sex and death. And who can blame them? They've been waiting for this since 1999. While some cicada species serenade us each summer, there are three species currently getting ready to erupt into the above-ground world, known as '17-year-cicadas', or 'periodical cicadas'. This year, these 17-year-cicadas are about to appear in force in parts of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio - with the insects getting so intense, their density can hit 1.5 million cicadas per acre. We can't predict the exact date the cicadas will emerge, but it happens whenever the night-time soil temperature hits 64 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) for four nights in a row at a depth of 8 inches (20.32 cm), to be precise.

Scientists Say Time Travel Is Possible Through Parallel Universes Time Travel Through Parrallel Universes On August 10, 1901, two Oxford professors, Anne Moberly, the principal of St. Hugh’s College, and Eleanor Jourdain, the vice-principal, were wandering, lost, through the garden of the Petit Trianon at Versailles when they were both overcome with sudden feelings of gloom, depression, and unease, though they said nothing of it to one another at the time, it became one of the strongest reports of time travel ever talked about. Suddenly the scenery seemed somehow abnormal, lifeless, and unreal. The two continued on their way and soon reached a pavilion that stood in the middle of an enclosure. The woman, oddly dressed for the period in a summer dress with a long bodice and a very full but short skirt, held a large sheet of paper or cardboard in her hand and seemed to be working at a drawing. String theorists and cyberneticians rejoice. Events such as the Moberly and Jourdain incident are familiar even to government-employed remote viewers. Comments

Canadian prime minister schools journalist in how quantum computing works As a journalist, I've learned never to assume anything. Don't assume a fact you've read comes from a reliable source. Don't assume that your readers know all the details of a complicated topic you're writing. One unsuspecting Canadian journalist was schooled in this topic today during a press conference at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. Don't just assume that the leader of your country doesn't have a thorough knowledge of quantum computing "I was going to ask you to explain quantum computing," he said, as the crowd chuckled with delight. Trudeau then explained how normal computers are binary systems. Yeah, so Trudeau knows his physics. SourceCBC

SLAC researchers recreate the extreme universe in the lab Conditions in the vast universe can be quite extreme: Violent collisions scar the surfaces of planets. Nuclear reactions in bright stars generate tremendous amounts of energy. Gigantic explosions catapult matter far out into space. But how exactly do processes like these unfold? What do they tell us about the universe? To find out, researchers from the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory perform sophisticated experiments and computer simulations that recreate violent cosmic conditions on a small scale in the lab. "The field of laboratory astrophysics is growing very rapidly, fueled by a number of technological breakthroughs," says Siegfried Glenzer, head of SLAC's High Energy Density Science Division. Three recent studies exemplify this approach, shining light on meteor impacts, the cores of giant planets and cosmic particle accelerators a million times more powerful than the Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle racetrack on Earth. D. P.

Consciousness occurs in 'time slices' lasting only milliseconds, study suggests The question of how exactly we experience the world through our perception of consciousness is one that's long intrigued scientists and philosophers. And at its core are two divergent hypotheses. On the one hand, it could be that consciousness exists as a constant, uninterrupted stream of perception, like how it feels to watch a movie. You sit down with your popcorn and experience a film from beginning to end in one continuous flow, unaware of any segmentation or breakup as you go. But another hypothesis of consciousness reflects what a film technically is: a series of individual frames of time stitched together into a reel that – when played back – appear seamless. According to a new study by Swiss psychophysicists, neither hypothesis is truly correct. In their model, 'time slices' consisting of unconscious processing of stimuli last for up to 400 milliseconds (ms), and are immediately followed by the conscious perception of events.

Is the Universe a Sophisticated Simulation? Neil deGrasse Tyson and other scientists discuss the possibility Although we perceive the universe as being something enormous and real, in recent years, a growing number of researchers have considered the possibility that everything we perceive as reality, could in fact turn out to be a sophisticated simulation. A group of distinguished scientists –including Neil deGrasse Tyson; Lisa Randall, theoretical physics at Harvard University; Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); David Chalmers, a professor of philosophy at the University of New York; Zohreh Davoudi, a theoretical physicist at MIT and James Gates, a theoretical physicist at the University of Maryland –gathered at the Museum of Natural History in New York, discussing the possibility that the universe is, in fact, a sophisticated simulation. It seems that researchers are becoming extremely open-minded in recent years. According to the holographic theory, gravity in the universe comes from thin, vibrating strings. Ivan

This New Experiment Will Allow Us To ‘See’ Quantum Entanglement With The Naked Eye Researchers in Switzerland have devised an experiment that would allow humans to directly perceive quantum entanglement for the very first time. Quantum entanglement occurs when two particles, at the quantum scale, interact in a way in which they become linked, demonstrating that ‘space’ might just be the construct that gives the illusion of seperation between two physical objects. That being said, the behaviour of particles at the quantum scale does not mimic the behaviour of physical systems that are much larger. If we think in terms of a cosmic scale explanation, two electrons created together are entangled; if we send one to the other side of the universe and then do something to one of them, like spin it, the other will mimic the behaviour instantaneously. Quantum entanglement has been verified, meaning that physicists can entangle light particles in a laboratory setting, but the researchers from Switzerland want to take it one step further. Find Out What Your Risk Of Cancer Is

An unknown force is pulling the Milky Way and other Galaxies towards IT at 12 MILLION mph Researchers are struggling to understand WHAT is ‘pulling’ our galaxy, the Milky Way, and other galaxies towards IT at an incredible speed of 22 million kilometers per hour. Just as the movement of tectonic plates shows the properties of the interior of the Earth, the motions of galaxies provides information about the main constituents of the Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Dark matter is an invisible material whose presence can be demonstrated only by its action on the movements of galaxies and stars, not emitting or reflecting light. Dark energy is THE mysterious force behind the universe and its acceleration. Interestingly, there are many researchers that theorize about ‘Multiverses’, other universe located extremely close to our own, perhaps even only a millimeter away. The Great Attractor is certainly there (because we see its gravitational influence), but the major portion of the mass that must be there cannot be seen in our telescopes. Ivan

Bizarre fourth state of water discovered You already know that water can have three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. But scientists at the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) have discovered that when it's put under extreme pressure in small spaces, the life-giving liquid can exhibit a strange fourth state known as tunneling. The water under question was found in super-small six-sided channels in the mineral beryl, which forms the basis for the gems aquamarine and emerald. The channels measure only about five atoms across and function basically as cages that can each trap one water molecule. What the researchers found was that in this incredibly tight space, the water molecule exhibited a characteristic usually only seen at the much smaller quantum level, called tunneling. Basically, quantum tunneling means that a particle, or in this case a molecule, can overcome a barrier and be on both sides of it at once – or anywhere between. Sources: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Physics

To See Deep into Space, Start Deep Underground Constance Walter is the communications director for the Sanford Underground Research Facility. She explores the stars vicariously through the physics experiments running nearly a mile underground in the former Homestake Gold Mine. She contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights. In 1969, Neil Armstrong fired my imagination when he took "a giant leap" onto the moon. How we see the world impacts how we view it: That first glimpse of outer space sparked an interest in science. Kathryn Jepsen, editor-in-chief of the physics magazine Symmetry, captured this need for the visual in this way: In trying to create images for her readers, she is never sure if her intent is what readers "see" in their mind's eye — so she works with illustrators, videographers and photographers to create the images she wants them to see. And such visualizations can be profound. Here's how: Hold out your hand. Transition Cavern Timelapse from on Vimeo.

What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality Known to the Egyptians as the plant of immortality and to Native Americans as the wand of heaven, aloe vera comes with a wide array of amazing healing properties — some of which you may already be aware. You might even have your own aloe vera plant in your home for those small emergencies like scrapes, cuts, and burns, but did you know that aloe vera is not only limited to topical use and is actually even more beneficial to your body when taken internally? Aloe vera contains over 200 biologically active, naturally occurring constituents which include polysaccharides, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and minerals that promote nutrient absorption. According to The Journal of Environmental Science and Health, aloe vera also possesses anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties that assist the immune system in cleansing the body of toxins and invading pathogens. But that isn’t all aloe vera juice/gel has to offer.[1] Minerals Enzymes Vitamins Amino Acids Other Uses For Aloe Much Love

What Science Is Telling Us About Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields & How They Connect To Our Own Science has recently shed light on the fact that what we used to perceive as ‘human’ aura is actually real. All of our bodies emit an electromagnetic field, and this fact plays a very important role far beyond what is commonly known when it comes to understanding our biology, and the interconnectedness we share with all life. For example, did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body’s major organs? These fields and the information encoded into them can change based on how we are feeling, what we thinking, and different emotions we take on. The heart even sends signals to the brain through a system of neutrons that have both short-term and long-term memory, and these signals can affect our emotional experiences. The emotional information that’s modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. The quote above comes from Dr. So, what exactly is heart coherence? So What Can You Do? Related article:
