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Leadership Freak

Leadership Freak
Related:  Leadership in Education

The Best Use of Words Successful leaders lift people; poor leaders drain them. You either bring vitality or you exhaust. Recently a leader from a Fortune 500 company that I’ve worked with reminded me of something I wrote. Who have you encouraged in the last day or week? Encouragement: Encouragement infuses others with courage, hope, and confidence. Express encouragement. Ask people, “What encourages you?” Bonus: Be specific when giving compliments and don’t add but’s. There’s no middle ground when it comes to encouragement. What could you do to encourage someone today? What encouragement tips can you suggest? Like this: Like Loading... 13 Ways to Pass the Squeeze Test The people you serve evaluate you like a person buying bread. Do you pass the “squeeze test?” Ever have a bad boss who didn’t realize how bad they were? What if complaints about you are partially right? Experience suggests you may not realize you are a stale, lousy leader. Really lousy leaders don’t know how lousy they are. Lousy leaders: Walk around with their nose in the air and their hands in their pockets.Don’t show-up until something goes wrong.Think problems are somebody else’s.Blab on and on.Keep others on the hook but, let themselves off.Blow up when their ideas are questioned or challenged.Hide behind policy and procedure. 13 qualities of leaders we admire: Always seek the highest good. Bonus: Know they’re on both lists. What positive qualities are most important? What positive behaviors do you aspire to? Like this: Like Loading...

Michael Hyatt | Intentional Leadership Home Eric is the Principal at New Milford High School located in Bergen County, NJ. He is passionate about establishing and fostering learning environments that are student-centered, collaborative, flexible, and prepare all learners to succeed in the 21st Century. As an educational administrator he firmly believes that effective communication, listening, support, shared decision making, and the integration of technology are essential elements necessary for the transformation of school cultures. Eric has emerged as an innovative leader in the use of social media and web 2.0 technology as tools to engage students, improve communications with stakeholders, and help educators grow professionally. Eric is the award-winning Principal at New Milford High School located in Bergen County, NJ. His work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools and districts forward.

5 Ways To Measure The Emotional Intelligence Of Your Boss Research has shown us that more than 90% of top leadership performers have a high amount of emotional intelligence or EI. The higher up the ladder that leaders are, the more people they impact and their EI becomes increasingly important. The person at the top sets the atmosphere that permeates the organization, including the emotional temperature. Not only does a leader with low emotional intelligence have a negative impact on employee morale, it directly impacts staff retention. We know that the biggest reason that people give for leaving an organization is the relationship with those above them. Below are five ways to spot an emotionally intelligent boss. 1. Insecure leaders that demonstrate low EI become defensive and take it personally whenever they encounter anything that appears to them as criticism and a challenge to their authority. 2. Leaders who are oblivious to their own emotions and how they are impacted by them have no awareness of how their words and actions affect others.

The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss “Everyone’s looking for rules to follow, and the sooner you realize there aren’t any, the better art can be.”– Jerrod Carmichael Jerrod Carmichael is pushing the boundaries of comedy with his groundbreaking work in stand-up, television, and film. Now just 29 years old, what this driven North Carolina native has accomplished is mind-boggling, and 2017 is going to be his biggest year yet. Jerrod stars in the hit NBC series The Carmichael Show, which he also writes and executive produces. Love at the Store is the funniest standup special I’ve seen in many years, and it’s the reason I reached out to Jerrod. In the summer of 2016, Jerrod reprised his role as ‘Garf’ in the Universal comedy sequel Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising opposite Seth Rogen and Zac Efron. Jerrod recently announced his upcoming authorial debut with an as-yet-untitled memoir. Please enjoy my wide-ranging conversation with Jerrod Carmichael! Want to hear another episode with a standup comedian?

What Happens After Teacher Leaders Meet? - Leading From the Classroom On Friday, August 3, the US Department of Education hosted Transforming the Teaching Profession: A Teacher Leader Convening. The purpose of the meeting was to gather teacher leaders from various education organizations to identify priorities and develop strategies to move the RESPECT Project vision forward. I had the opportunity to attend this event in my new position as a Director of Educator Engagement at the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and as a former Teacher Ambassador with ED. The RESPECT document has evolved to be an impressive document. There are different perspectives on these issues, and it's critical to have these thoughts articulated in a single document to guide discussions. Us and Them... During the morning part of the convening, teachers and other educators from the various organizations discussed what the US Department of Education (ED) needs to do to advance the components outlined in RESPECT. Then WE & ALL... To be continued....

Overcoming Obstacles to Diversity How to Change the World Amazon start selling the paperback edition of my latest book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. APE explains how to publish a book by breaking the process down into three stages: Author explains how to write a book. You can order APE here: There are 204 Amazon reviews for it: 181 five stars, 21 four stars, and 2 three stars which averages to five stars! Here are three of the blurbs: “Nuts, bolts, and inspiration too. Seth Godin, author and founder of The Icarus Project “Guy’s book is the perfect companion on the journey of independent publishing and great reading for the millions who aspire to become authors.” Atif Rafiq, General Manager, Kindle Direct Publishing at “APE is easily the most comprehensive, best organized, nuts-and-bolts-useful work on self-publishing I’ve seen to date. Barry Eisler, bestselling novelist of the John Rain series including The Detachment, Requiem for an Assassin, and The Last Assassin

Leadership & Change As technology and globalization transform our economy and civic sphere, educators must rise to the challenge of preparing students for an ever more complex and cognitively demanding world. Education leaders are often faced with the challenge of encouraging teacher innovation while maintaining academic rigor and student performance. When we work with school leaders, we focus our discussions around three core questions: Why Change? - Making the case for 21st century skills instructionWhat Does Change Look Like? To examine the role that technology can play in helping students develop these skills, we work with school leaders to immerse ourselves in hands-on practice with iPads, mobile devices, and Web 2.0 tools, examining several key conceptual frameworks, as well as a suite of strategies for guiding and supporting change in the instructional core. Our leadership workshops also examine issues of the performance assessment with 21st century teaching and learning.

Six Habits of Highly Empathic People If you think you’re hearing the word “empathy” everywhere, you’re right. It’s now on the lips of scientists and business leaders, education experts and political activists. But there is a vital question that few people ask: How can I expand my own empathic potential? Empathy is not just a way to extend the boundaries of your moral universe. But what is empathy? The big buzz about empathy stems from a revolutionary shift in the science of how we understand human nature. Over the last decade, neuroscientists have identified a 10-section “empathy circuit” in our brains which, if damaged, can curtail our ability to understand what other people are feeling. But empathy doesn’t stop developing in childhood. Habit 1: Cultivate curiosity about strangers Highly empathic people (HEPs) have an insatiable curiosity about strangers. Curiosity expands our empathy when we talk to people outside our usual social circle, encountering lives and worldviews very different from our own.
