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100 livros clássicos para download

100 livros clássicos para download
Uma compilação com 100 obras, entre autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, escolhidas entre os 10 mil títulos disponíveis no portal Domínio Público. A lista, traz desde livros seminais, formadores da cultural ocidental, como “Arte Poética”, de Aristóteles, até o célebre “Ulisses”, de James Joyce, considerado um dos livros mais influentes do século 20, além de clássicos brasileiros e portugueses. Todo o acervo do portal DP é composto por obras em domínio público ou que tiveram seus direitos de divulgação cedidos pelos detentores legais. A Divina Comédia — Dante Alighieri Ulysses — James Joyce A Metamorfose — Franz Kafka Don Quixote. Don Quixote. Cândido — Voltaire Uma Estação no Inferno — Arthur Rimbaud Iluminuras —Arthur Rimbaud A Esfinge sem Segredo — Oscar Wilde Viagens de Gulliver — Jonathan Swift Poemas — Safo O Elixir da Longa Vida — Honoré de Balzac Arte Poética — Aristóteles Via—Láctea — Olavo Bilac As Viagens — Olavo Bilac Contos para Velhos — Olavo Bilac Poemas Selecionados — Florbela Espanca

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional Passado Musical Projeto patrocinado pela Petrobrás, com o objetivo de resgatar uma parte da memória musical armazenada na Biblioteca Nacional, no acervo de quase 12 mil discos de 10 polegadas (78 RPM). Edital do Programa de Residência de Tradutores Estrangeiros no Brasil A Fundação Biblioteca Nacional lançou um novo edital do Programa de Residência de Tradutores Estrangeiros no Brasil. Até 26 de maio, tradutores estrangeiros que estejam realizando a tradução do português de um livro brasileiro podem se candidatar a receber uma bolsa para residência de trabalho e intercâmbio de no mínimo quatro semanas no Brasil entre 1º de agosto e 15 de novembro de 2014 EDITAL - Concurso Público - 2014 A Fundação Biblioteca Nacional torna pública a abertura de inscrições e estabelece as normas relativas à realização do Concurso Público para provimento de 40 (quarenta) vagas. Biblioteca Acessível Normas de acesso aos portadores de necessidades especiais, usuários da biblioteca acessível

Project Gutenberg - free ebooks 450 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free Down­load a Free Audio­book from Audi­ble and also Down­load hun­dreds of free audio books, most­ly clas­sics, to your MP3 play­er or com­put­er. Below, you’ll find great works of fic­tion, poet­ry and non-fic­tion, by such authors as Twain, Tol­stoy, Hem­ing­way, Orwell, Von­negut, Niet­zsche, Austen, Shake­speare, Asi­mov, HG Wells & more. Also please see our relat­ed col­lec­tion: The 150 Best Pod­casts to Enrich Your Mind. Fic­tion & Lit­er­a­ture

American Libraries : Free Books : Free Texts The California Digital Library supports the assembly and creative use of the world's scholarship and knowledge for the University of California libraries and the communities they serve. In addition, the CDL provides tools that support the construction of online information services for research, teaching, and learning, including services that enable the UC libraries to effectively share their materials and provide greater access to digital content. Books from the Boston Library Consortium . See a Tag Cloud for the Boston Library Consortium collection. Books contributed by Getty Research Institute . As a member of the Open Content Alliance, the University Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is contributing digital content to the Internet Archive from our Rare Book Collection and North Carolina Collection, including rare Spanish dramas, UNC Yearbooks, and North Carolina legislative materials. Books contributed by the Boston Public Library . by California Revealed

Lists Over the years, I found it necessary to organize my notes concerning individuals into a chronological format beginning with their birth date and various events all through their lives accumulating with their death and burial locations. As I formulated this research, I labeled my efforts aptly named the Cradle to Grave Profiles (C2G). These profiles have become famous to family history researches due to their detailed documented facts containing material from rare and hard to find resources. Using this style of recording data concerning our ancestor's life, allows the researcher to insert, move, delete, change and follow their subject's life events without losing track of their timeline. Events such as political, historical and environmental are illustrated as well as legal documents, newspapers and historical records to acclimate the reader during the time frame of that ancestor’s lifetime.

Conversations With Carl Sagan - Carl Sagan Though a well-regarded physicist Carl Sagan (1934-1996) is best-known as a writer of popular nonfiction and science fiction and as the host of the PBS series Cosmos. Through his writings and spoken commentary, he worked to popularize interests in astronomy, the universe, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. From the beginning of his public career, when he co-wrote Intelligent Life in the Universe to the very end as he worked on the 1997 film adaptation of his novel Contact, these subjects absorbed him. This interest in space was rooted in his understanding of the smallness and vulnerability of humanity measured against the immense size and power of the universe. This profound philosophical humility, mixed with personal exuberance, comes through in Conversations with Carl Sagan. This volume shows how Sagan, a lifelong skeptic, refined his views and expressed amazement that Earth, for all his belief in extraterrestrial life, encompasses everything about which he cared.

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