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Open Knowledge Foundation Blog

Open Knowledge Foundation Blog

[UPLOAD Blog] The National Archives | Services for professionals | Records Management Capacity Assessment System (RMCAS) | Downloads Additional tools E-Records Readiness Tool The E-Records Readiness Tool, which was funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat, has been designed to be used in conjunction with existing e-government readiness tools to provide a simple, high-level assessment that will determine whether a government or public agency's records and information management infrastructure is capable of supporting e-government initiatives. The tool is a brief questionnaire that divides e-records readiness into 12 high-level components to address the required legal framework, ICT infrastructure and records and information management infrastructure for e-records readiness. Download the E-records Readiness Tool (301kb) For a more in-depth analysis of the issues covered by the Tool, the Trust's Records Management Capacity Assessment System (RMCAS) software tool is available via the 'Download RMCAS' button further up this page.

Press Il nous fait toujours plaisir de parler aux médias! Contactez-nous en nous écrivant à Prière d’intituler votre message « REQUÊTE MÉDIAS ». Nous apprécions vos échéanciers et nous efforcerons de répondre à votre demande dans les plus brefs délais. Pour plus d’informations sur Montréal Ouvert, veuillez consulter la page « À propos » de notre site web. Montréal Ouvert dans les médias: Let’s Talk We love talking to the press and giving good quote. For press inquiries, simply contact us at with the subject “Press”. Montréal Ouvert in the media:

Blogs Häufig ist ein Blog „endlos“, d. h. eine lange, abwärts chronologisch sortierte Liste von Einträgen, die in bestimmten Abständen umbrochen wird. Der Herausgeber oder Blogger steht, anders als etwa bei Netzzeitungen, als wesentlicher Autor über dem Inhalt, und häufig sind die Beiträge aus der Ich-Perspektive geschrieben. Das Blog bildet ein für Autor und Leser einfach zu handhabendes Medium zur Darstellung von Aspekten des eigenen Lebens und von Meinungen zu spezifischen Themen. Meist sind aber auch Kommentare oder Diskussionen der Leser über einen Artikel zulässig. Die Tätigkeit des Schreibens in einem Blog wird als Bloggen bezeichnet. Geschichte[Bearbeiten] Die ersten Weblogs tauchten Mitte der 1990er Jahre auf. Ab 1996 wurden Dienste wie Xanga eingerichtet, die Internetnutzern auf einfache Weise das Einrichten eines eigenen Weblogs ermöglichten. 1997 wurde eines der ersten Blogs gestartet, das bis heute existiert, namens Scripting News von Dave Winer. Begriffsherkunft[Bearbeiten]

DBA DBA è un'associazione non-profit nata nel 1990 con lo scopo di diffondere i sistemi informativi per la documentazione, le biblioteche, gli archivi e promuovere ricerche, nuove applicazioni, interventi di formazione. È distributore autorizzato dell'UNESCO del software CDS/ISIS per l'Italia. E' un'agenzia formativa ufficialmente accreditata presso la Regione Toscana ed ha ottenuto la certificazione di qualità secondo lo standard ISO 9001:2000 (cod. IT 47816). Iscritta nel Registro degli Operatori di comunicazioni (ROC, n. 15658) dell'Autorità per le garanzie nelle Comunicazioni per svolgere attività editoriale. Fa parte della società ToscanaFormazione, una rete di agenzie formative accreditate con sedi a Firenze, Livorno, Arezzo, Grosseto e Siena dedicate alla gestione di progetti di formazione continua. È socia della Società IDEST di Campi Bisenzio, casa editrice della rivista LiBeR e promotrice di attività culturali per bambini e ragazzi Continua >>

How Open Data Initiatives Can Improve City Life Major city governments across North America are looking for ways to share civic data — which normally resides behind secure firewalls — with private developers who can leverage it to serve city residents via web and mobile apps. Cities can spend on average between $20,000 and $50,000 — even as much as $100,000 — to cover the costs of opening data, but that's a small price to pay when you consider how much is needed to develop a custom application that might not be nearly as useful. Here are a few examples of initiatives that are striving to make city governments more efficient and transparent through open data. 1. Apps4Ottawa - Ottawa, Quebec Careful to adhere to security and privacy regulations for their open data program, the City of Ottawa started sharing data in several areas: geo-spatial (roadways, parks, runways, rivers, and ward boundaries); recreation facilities; event planning; civic elections data; and transit, including schedules. 2. 3. 4. 5. More Dev Resources from Mashable:

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