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A Recipe for Turmeric Juice: A Powerful Healing Beverage

A Recipe for Turmeric Juice: A Powerful Healing Beverage
When I lived in Bali, I fell in love with the Balinese-style turmeric juice, Jamu Kunyit. Turmeric is known to be one of the most powerful healing herbs. It is great for bones and joints as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer. Turmeric's also a natural liver detoxifier and a kidney cleanser, and it speeds metabolism and aids in weight management. Plus it heals and alleviates conditions of depression, psoriasis, damaged skin, arthritis and more. For these reasons, turmeric is ubiquitous both in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. Here's what you'll need to get started: 5-7 inches turmeric 5-7 tamarind 2 lemons raw honey water blender strainer bowl mason jar(s) or other glass jar with lid 1. 2. 3. 4. By this time, you should be able to see the little seeds coming out. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Enjoy! Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Finding Your Place in the Sport : EVENTING NATION Esprit boing-ing through the coffin at River Glen. Image courtesy of WNC Photo. It’s a running joke at events that at some point during the weekend, usually after a competitor’s party beverage or two, I will inevitably descend into an “I love you, man” style monologue about our sport. Sometimes I just blubber on enthusiastically to anyone who will listen; sometimes I get deep and serious, even a little teary eyed if I’m really on a roll. This past weekend at River Glen H.T., the moment arrived unexpectedly while I was tearing open bags of shavings. Eventing has been the one constant in my life for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, when you look around at an event, you’re almost always going to spot someone who doesn’t look happy to be there. What’s your place in the sport? I think we make eventing too complicated sometimes, piling all of this drama on top of it, allowing our egos to get in the way.

How To Find Yourself, When You've Lost Yourself Relephant reads! How to Release Your Inner Wonder Woman. Sometimes We Need to Get Lost to Be Found. Live the Life of Your Dreams. I had everything—a home, a loving husband, two gorgeous daughters, financial security. I felt safe. I was lost…completely lost, with no clue how to get home. “Where was home? My life was uncomfortably predictable—I knew what was going to happen next, in every moment of every day. The stagnancy of my life was destroying my spirit. That was three and a half years ago. Today, I’m writing this from home, from the same beige couch. The difference? There were many frightening moments, many moments I didn’t think I would make it. If there’s one piece of advice I would give every person, it would be to get lost. Finding yourself is not a comfortable process, nor should it be. This period of confusion is the catalyst for questioning everything, for evaluating your life and your place in it. If you already feel lost, listen closely. When you feel lost, you’ve lost your purpose.

Top 10 Recommended Health Products Being educated on proper nutrition and healthy living doesn’t come naturally. That’s why it’s so important to read the right books so we can protect ourselves from all of the dangers in the world, from GMOs to toxins in the food we eat. This list contains the 10 books that changed my life completely, and the ones that I recommend to you and your family to improve your lives. Scroll to the bottom of this page to learn why I recommend these books and how you can help make this list even better. Gut and Psychology Syndrome provides the information you need to heal a damaged digestive system. April Verderico says: “Being sick and tired of being “sick and tired,” I’ve finally found a way of eating and believing about my health that is making a difference. Barbara Geatches says: This is a must read book for ANYONE concerned with their health and how to stay healthy. Forget about drilling, filling, and the inevitable billing. Dr. L. Then in September, I went back. Wendy says: Now Jeffrey M. Dr.

Top 5 Ingredients in food that Harm Your Brain We rarely think about caring for our brains. It is there, it is an integral part of who we are, but it is not often that we think about it, much less know how to take care of it. Our brains are involved in everything we do. When your brain is healthy and is working right, you are right too. But when your brain is in distressed or troubled you will have distress and trouble in your life as well and the source of it might just be hidden toxins in your food. 1. You know this artificial sweetener as NutraSweet or Equal. 2. Home-popped microwave popcorn usually contains butter flavoring with the additive diacetyl. 3. Monosodium glutamate, usually referred to simply as MSG, is ubiquitous in processed foods. 4. More than a Food Additive Aluminum is an additive in baking powder and anti-caking agents, but it is used as much more than just a food ingredient. 5. Trans fats are strongly inflammatory in your entire body including damage to cell membranes throughout your body. The good news is…

What's a Healthy Bowel Movement? Sometimes in life we have to deal with things that are less than pleasant – dirty laundry, patching up wounds, pet messes – let’s face it, moms cope with a lot of messy situations. Talking about bodily functions doesn’t generally make for polite conversation. Judging by the stunning array of constipation medications available at the drugstore, maybe we do need to talk about it. (I was looking for ipecac syrup, which they no longer carry, to keep in our emergency medical kit.) So, what constitutes a “normal” bowel movement? Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts These stools lack a normal amorphous quality, because bacteria are missing and there is nothing to retain water. We are bombarded with advertisements for FIBER! I (unfortunately) found this information out first hand when my thyroid became sluggish. 1) Eat plenty of coconut oil and other high quality saturated fats. Fats are our bodies natural lubricants. 3) Stay hydrated I’m not fanatical about how much water I drink.

La ligne de parti | Stéphane Laporte, collaboration spéciale | Stéphane Laporte Il y a deux mois, la députée fédérale Maria Mourani a été expulsée du Bloc québécois, parce qu'elle s'était opposée à la même Charte proposée par le PQ. Tu ne peux pas être péquiste ou bloquiste et être contre la Charte des valeurs. Tu ne peux pas être libéral et être contre la position des libéraux à propos de la Charte des valeurs. On appelle ça, la ligne de parti. «Moi, je pense qu'on devrait courir! - Moi, je pense qu'on devrait lancer le ballon! - Moi, je pense qu'on devrait botter!» Cette équipe-là n'irait nulle part. En politique, c'est le chef qui dit quoi faire, les autres écoutent et exécutent. La différence, c'est qu'un jeu au football dure environ 10 secondes et n'a d'autre conséquence que de faire gagner ou perdre une gang de gars qui jouent au ballon. Et si la politique n'était pas un jeu? Les partis sont des machines à gagner des élections. La lumière jaillit du choc des idées, pas de l'aplanissement des idées. Car il y en aura toujours. Lâchez-nous avec la ligne de parti.

Homemade Kombucha Stupid Easy Paleo - Easy Paleo Recipes to Help You Just Eat Real Food My new ebook, The Paleo Athlete, is now available ! Dial in your performance, get stronger and improve body composition for any sport with a real food approach. Includes pre- and post-workout nutrition and competition day strategies! Making your own homemade kombucha is stupid-easy. Yusss! All you need is tea, sugar, a SCOBY and patience. [Want me to show you how to do it all from start to finish? All About Homemade Kombucha I love fermented foods – I make my own sauerkraut and plan to start making kimchi – and it makes me feel kind of off the grid. I used a recipe for plain kombucha to start, then created my own flavor combinations for the second fermentation (to make more carbonation). Overall, I was psyched at how easy this was to do at home, and I’m already planning to expand my little operation so I can double or triple my homemade kombucha production. Basic Ingredients for Unflavored Homemade Kombucha Tea (KT): Directions for Unflavored Homemade Kombucha Tea (KT):

10 Foods Sold in the U.S. That Are Banned Elsewhere | OracleTalk This Article First Appeared At Americans are slowly realizing that food sold in the US doesn’t just taste different than foods sold in other countries, it’s created differently. Sadly, many U.S. foods are BANNED in Europe — and for good reason. Take a look at the plummeting health of Americans; what role might toxic foods play in our skyrocketing disease rates? Below are 10 American foods that are banned elsewhere. #1: Farm-Raised Salmon Farm-raised fish is usually fed an unnatural diet of genetically engineered (GE) grains, antibiotics and chemicals unsafe for humans. To determine wild from farm-raised salmon (sold in most restaurants), wild sockeye gets its red color from natural astaxanthin and carotenoids. Avoid “Atlantic Salmon.” Where it’s banned: Australia and New Zealand #2: Genetically Engineered Papaya Most Hawaiian papaya is genetically engineered to be ringspot virus-resistant. Where it’s banned: The European Union #3: Ractopamine-Tainted Meat #4: Flame Retardant Drinks

How to grow your own superfoods this winter No need to bypass all the health perks of fresh superfoods this winter — simply grow them inside on a sunny window ledge. As the weather turns colder, now more than ever it is important to fortify the body with nutrient dense foods. What better way than with unprocessed superfoods? With food costs skyrocketing this season, consumers are looking for novel ways to stay nourished on a budget. Effortless to grow, these four superfoods are perfect for an indoor garden. Arugula Sometimes referred to as rocket, arugula is a mildly spicy, fast growing superfood. Cilantro Cilantro is an exceptional herb that controls blood sugar, detoxifies heavy metals and possesses strong antibacterial properties. Scientists discovered that dodecenal was more effective in combating salmonella food poisoning than the commonly used antibiotic gentamicin. Oregano The great Greek philosopher Hippocrates used oregano for its germicidal qualities and as an tonic for digestive upset. Watercress Carolanne Wright

Pour se débarrasser de l'UPA, il vend son troupeau - lvaNouvelles Madeleine Maltais et Jacques Laberge par Jean-Pierre Lemieux « La seule manière pour me débarrasser d'eux autres c'est de tout vendre ». Après 28 ans en agriculture, c'est là qu'est rendu Jacques Laberge de Laterrière. « On a des infrastructures qui valent des millions mais on n'a pas de revenus ». C'est un troupeau de Jersey, 115 bêtes, qu'il a à vendre. Il a déjà des rendez-vous avec deux acheteurs.

Family Living in New House Discovers Stranger Living Inside Walls Most people believe that they are safe inside their own homes. This story just proves, though, that even that is rarely true. Two boys were playing rough in their parents room when they made a startling discovery. This could chill any homeowner down to their very core. The house was built in the early 2000s. Except when the new owners’ two songs were horsing around and dislodged a bookshelf… That movable bookshelf revealed a secret staircase. The tall, spiral staircase seemed to lead downward directly into a wall. But halfway down, there was a crawlspace. Inside, the two boys found the most terrifying thing: evidence that someone was squatting. Whoever was living there had small objects with them, like the elephant seen here. They also had a key that unlocked only God knows what. And of course, they also found creepy dolls hidden in the room. Because every stranger living secretly inside of your walls need dolls with soulless eyes. Good luck falling asleep tonight. Source

21 copies d’élèves parmi les plus drôles Chaque année, nos professeurs ont droit à leur lot de copies insolites, de quoi rendre les soirées de correction un peu plus amusantes, même si les zéros pointés pleuvent. En voici une série parmi les plus drôles qui ne fait ni honneur à la langue française, ni à l’intellect. On peut quand même féliciter les élèves pour leur culot ! Page visitée (858936) fois Tags: copies, drôle, élèves, Humour, insolite This Guy Has No Idea What He's In For When He Pranks His Girlfriend By Saying He Cheated On Her (Video) British barber Mo Nabbach decided to promote an April special for men’s haircuts in the form of a humorous poster featuring North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. The poster on M&M Hair Academy in South Ealing shows a picture of Kim above the phrase, “Bad hair day?”. Not at all amused by the sign were two […] In some not so surprising news, men and women have put their desire to breed actual children on the back burner and have started to replace the void with miniature dogs. This is not a drill; I’m totally serious. Over the past several years, the number of births per 1,000 women between the ages 19 […] Many scouts are ranking former Oregon State wide receiver Brandin Cooks as a potential late first to early third round pick in the 2014 NFL Draft. Urban Dictionary defines “clingy” as: ”A boyfriend/girlfriend or possibly someone who likes you who becomes, let’s say, obsessed. You know that sexually transmitted disease that the majority of men never experience symptoms of?

How to Protect Your Phone From the Police
