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Light Probe Image Gallery Updated 10/9/04 SIGGRAPH 2001 Course Paul Debevec and Dan Lemmon taught a half-day course on Image-Based Lighting at SIGGRAPH 2001. The web page (with the final notes) for the course is here. The course covered both the theory and practice of using light probe images to illuminate computer-generated objects. Introduction A light probe image is an omnidirectional, high dynamic range image that records the incident illumination conditions at a particular point in space. RADIANCE Image Format and Viewing on Unix Light Probe images are measurements of light in the real world, and thus are high dyanmic range. Viewing and Editing HDR Images The images may also be viewed using USC ICT's program HDR Shop. Raw Floating-Point Image Data The raw floating-point format images are 4-byte single precision, big-endian, with interleaved color planes. Making Your Own Light Probes Light Probe Images Note that each light probe image represents a full 360 × 360 degrees, or 4pi steradians. Note on downloading:

Kokua and Imprudence Blog Second Life: New World Notes Philip Rosedale on the Future of VR & Virtual Worlds Philip Rosedale* recently gave a keynote speech in Second Life for an education conference and Daniel Voyager has a rough transcript here. There's a lot about the future of VR, virtual worlds, his new VR/VW startup High Fidelity and its relation to his last startup, Linden Lab. This point on latency is fascinating: How much latency can there be in face to face talking? Which is why, as he told me recently, Philip Rosedale's next VR-based virtual world is aiming for 100 millisecond latency. Continue reading "Philip Rosedale on the Future of VR & Virtual Worlds" Posted at 03:52 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | Bookmark Here's the SL Game of Thrones Cosplay You Were Expecting You knew it was coming and so here it is: Game of Thrones cosplay in Second Life. Me, I'm holding out on reading or watching Game of Thrones until George R.R. Continue reading "Here's the SL Game of Thrones Cosplay You Were Expecting" (Hat tip: Chandra Masala)

Media Grid : Home Page Creating Rope And Tubing In Maya - This tutorial will teach you two techniques for creating ropes, tubing, etc. with UVs. Set-up Download this curve.mb file. Methods There are two methods to make a tube or curve-like shape, but both of them involve starting with a NURBs curve in along the path of the tube you want to create. Once you've created your NURBs curve, you will wrap your geometry around in one way or another. Polygon Extrude Assuming that you're making a round object (pipe, hose, rope, tube, etc.), you'll want to start with a polygonal cylinder, then extrude one of the cylinder's end faces. Step one - Open the curve.mb scene file you downloaded. Step two - Go to create>polygonal primatives>cylinder... Step three - Set the axis divisions to 30; this will ensure that the cylinder is smooth enough. Step four - Right click and go to face mode and select all the faces except one of the end faces; it doesn't matter which end. Step five - Now go to object mode and select the model and go to modify>center pivot. Tapering

The Tundra Project When the realXtend project started in the fall of 2007, two different technologies were chosen as the starting point for development; the OpenSimulator server (based on reverse-engineered Second Life servers) and the open source Second Life viewer. The platforms were chosen as the best available candidates considering the rapid prototyping necessitated by the project’s six-month schedule. Even in hindsight the choices were good, despite the negative issues encountered further along the development. The prototype produced during the first stage of the project proved successful technology wise and it gained a fair amount of positive publicity. Early 2009 saw the emergence of the Naali project. To make server development easier, the realXtend server side enhancements were modified into a module called “ModreX” and a suitable module interface was created to OpenSim. The Tundra Server Interoperability between different worlds is an important question.

Not Possible IRL HomePage openfootage Grid Builders SLEducation - home Top 100 Animation Sites You Need To Know Did you know.... In 2013 every movie nominated for an Oscar Award in the Best Visual Effects category had graduates from The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (DAVE School at Universal Studios Orlando) in the credits. This year (2014), four of the five nominated films - The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Iron Man 3, The Lone Ranger, and Star Trek Into Darkness- included DAVE School graduates. Those 4 films alone employed nearly 70 DAVE School graduates last year. I’ve been professionally writing about the game, film, and tech industries for six years online. If there’s one thing I’m an expert at, it’s the Internet. I chose to use Alexa’s global Web traffic rankings as a guideline for the list’s structure, but I bumped some sites up or down depending on how often they update and how influential they are specifically towards animators and not just all digital artists in general. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. cgHub. 91.

The Burbclave crime scene chalk by miikkahoo, on Flickr When I announced the Mainland Renaissance Project just over a week ago, I had a renewed optimism for Second Life and high hopes about doing something good for the mainland. Unfortunately I didn’t anticipate being locked out of my account the next day, and potentially losing my account, my land, my creations, and a part of my virtual identity altogether on October 26th unless the trouble ticket that I filed a week ago is dealt with quickly. I’d like to apologize to anyone who has sent me any landmarks to check out for this project. Unfortunately I find myself in a position that is far too common with Linden Lab’s customer support, a sort of limbo where I’ve jumped through every hoop requested to correct a mistake that they partially share the blame for… and waited…wand waited…and waited. Around June of this year I became the victim of identity theft. Apparently my $10 membership fee on June 20 didn’t actually go through.

Be Cunning and Full of Tricks | Strategies for Pioneers in Education, Online Communities and Virtual Worlds
