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10 theories that explain why we dream

10 theories that explain why we dream
Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service. I like #7 and #8 of sorts, as they sort of fit in with the kinds of dreams I have. Fixing things, solving thing, experimenting with situations, and learning. That said, I know that differs a lot from the kind of dreams I probably had as a child, so there really can't be a single answer to this I guess. On that note after seeing Inception I loved the comments about how our dreams are basically "filled in" with familiar places/things to make them feel more complete. Flagged

Sacred Sex For further contact with others who are interested in sacred sexuality, you might enjoy subscribing to the usenet newsgroup alt.magick.tantra. It is a low-traffic group where long-time practitioners and newcomers can frankly discuss everything from meditational Hindu Tantra Yoga and Asatru sex worship to karezza and Crowleyian sex-magick. If the theories and techniques of classical Indian Tantra Yoga are your interest, you might enjoy subscribing to alt.religion.tantra, which deals exclusively with those subjects. If you are looking for a tantra yoga guru or a teacher of Westernized neo-tantra techniques, please do not contact me; i am not a tantra yoga or neo-tantra teacher and i keep no database of such teachers.

Memory implantation is now officially real In this study, the mouse is now afraid of an environment in which it never received pain, and would therefore not associate pain with it. By artificially activating the neurons associated with the pain-free environment in a new context with a foot shock, a fear response is now elicited the original context where no shock or pain occurred. The experiment takes advantage of associations, but uses optogenetic activation to make the mouse remember shock where shock never occurred (false memory). But the environment could be similar enough that it thinks it may be get a shock anyways. umm, yeah, but the mouse still recieved pain from simply thinking of or remembering the environment. Of course you would be scarred shitless if you were forced into this bedroom, which the simple act of thinking of causes physical pain. The conclusion that it created a false memory is a huge assumption. I agree with this person...

Out of Character: The Psychology of Good and Evil by Maria Popova What Aristotle has to do with Tiger Woods and the story of the world. The dichotomy of good and evil is as old as the story of the world, and timeless in its relevance to just about everything we do in life, from our political and spiritual views to our taste in music, art and literature to how we think about our simple dietary choices. In Out of Character: Surprising Truths About the Liar, Cheat, Sinner (and Saint) Lurking in All of Us, researchers David DeSteno and Piercarlo Valdesolo explore this curious disconnect through the rigorous lens of science. The derivation of the word ‘character’ comes from an ancient Greek term referring to the indelible marks stamped on coins. In this excellent talk from Northeastern’s Insights series, DeSteno reveals some of the fascinating research behind the book and the illuminating insights that came from it. The analogy of color is an interesting way to think about [character]. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information"[1] is one of the most highly cited papers in psychology.[2][3][4] It was published in 1956 by the cognitive psychologist George A. Miller of Princeton University's Department of Psychology in Psychological Review. It is often interpreted to argue that the number of objects an average human can hold in working memory is 7 ± 2. This is frequently referred to as Miller's Law. Miller's article[edit] In his article, Miller discussed a coincidence between the limits of one-dimensional absolute judgment and the limits of short-term memory. Miller recognized that the correspondence between the limits of one-dimensional absolute judgment and of short-term memory span was only a coincidence, because only the first limit, not the second, can be characterized in information-theoretic terms (i.e., as a roughly constant number of bits). The "magical number 7" and working memory capacity[edit]

Procrastination hack: '(10+2)*5' Following on the idea of the procrastination dash and Jeff’s progressive dash, I’ve been experimenting with a squirelly new system to pound through my procrastinated to-do list. Brace yourself, because it is a bit more byzantine than is Merlin 2005’s newly stripped-down habit. It’s called (10+2)*5, and today it will save your ass. Who it’s for procrastinatorsthe easily distractedcompulsive web-surferspeople with a long list of very short tasks (a/k/a “mosquitos”) people having trouble chipping away at very large tasks What you’ll need a timermust be easy to resetelectronic kitchen timer is particularly good (pref. with multiple alarm memories), oran app like Minuteur (get the newest version—several cool new features)a reduced subset of your to-do list tasks that can be worked on (not necessarily completed) in blocks of 10 minutes or lessGTD people: next actions only, pleasean hour of your time (less is potentially okay, but it’s non-canonical)your sorry, procrastinating ass How it works

THE FOURTH MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION THE FOURTH MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION by BV Bhagavat Maharaja & Isa das Which religion is that? You may ask, and rightly so. Most academic and news articles usually talk about the three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Even though these three religions share a common theological precept that there is one GOD ([1]El Kana) and no other, they are anything but unified in describing the path that the devotee must take to reach that one and only GOD. Today we have attempts by all three religions to create interfaith harmony through theological fiats at ecumenical conferences that draw people's attention to the things that unify these three religions as opposed to their differences. Hinduism (Vedic Religion, Sanatan Dharma) would like to join this dialog and be recognized as Monotheistic. "After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. a. b. [10]Shiva (Judaism)

Scientists can implant false memories into mice 25 July 2013Last updated at 15:28 ET By Melissa Hogenboom Science reporter, BBC News Optical fibres implanted in a mouse's brain activated memory forming cells False memories have been implanted into mice, scientists say. A team was able to make the mice wrongly associate a benign environment with a previous unpleasant experience from different surroundings. The researchers conditioned a network of neurons to respond to light, making the mice recall the unpleasant environment. Reporting in Science, they say it could one day shed light into how false memories occur in humans. The brains of genetically engineered mice were implanted with optic fibres in order to deliver pulses of light to their brain. Unreliable memory Continue reading the main story “Start Quote Our memory changes every single time it's being recorded. End QuoteDr Xu LiuMassachusetts Institute of Technology When this was brought to public attention, eyewitness testimonies alone were no longer used as evidence in court.

Eye Direction and Lying - How to detect lies from the direction of an individual's gaze / visual accessing cues. Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> Eye Direction & Visual Accessing Cues Eye Movement and Direction & How it Can Reveal Truth or Lies This is a continuation of our previous article Detecting Lies. Many comments by our visitors asked about how eye direction can indicate the presence of a lie. Can the direction a person's eyes reveal whether or not they are making a truthful statement? Short answer: sort of. In these shows a detective will deduce if a person is being untruthful simply because they looked to the left or right while making a statement. In reality, it would be foolish to make such a snap judgment without further investigation... but the technique does have some merit. So, here it is... read, ponder and test it on your friends and family to see how reliable it is for yourself. Visual Accessing Cues - "Lying Eyes" When asked a question a "normally organized" right-handed person looks (from your viewpoint, looking at them): The Gist of it... How this information is used to detect lies:

Il tuo cervello dà i numeri Pensa ad un numero tra 1 e 10. L’importante però è che sia un numero imprevedibile. Fatto? Allora puoi continuare a leggere l’articolo. Altrimenti, fallo ora. Stai dando imprevedibilmente i numeri? C’è circa il 50% di possibilità che tu abbia scelto… Se invece avessi generato davvero un numero casuale, la probabilità di indovinarlo sarebbe stata solo del 10%. Paradossalmente, il motivo per cui hai scelto un numero molto prevedibile, se l’hai scelto, è perché hai letto che avrebbe dovuto essere un numero imprevedibile. Il cervello non è affatto bravo a generare numeri casuali. Quando hai estratto il numero dal tuo cranio, probabilmente hai velocemente cambiato idea una o due volte prima di decidere che era quello giusto. L’algoritmo seguito dal tuo cervello è il seguente: Hai scartato i numeri pari, perché non sembrano abbastanza imprevedibili (c’è una eccezione, ma ne parliamo dopo). L’1 e il 10 li hai scartati perché sono agli estremi. Restano il 3 e il 7. E l’eccezione dei numeri pari?

19 of the best iOS apps from May 2015 We’ve looked at a lot of new and updated iOS apps this month, with the usual healthy smattering of ones dedicated to messaging and photo organization /optimization. Some big names – like The New York Times and Flickr – also have revamped apps worth revisiting. All you need to do is peruse the list below and pick your own favorites. Kwilt Kwilt isn’t a new app – it first launched in November – but it did undergo a reasonably significant visual overhaul in May to make it easier to use. Alongside a tweaked UI, the multi-platform photo organizer also got a revamped collage option – now called KwiltSnaps. The update also added support for streaming images from a few new Network Attached Storage drives too. ➤ Kwilt QuizUp QuizUp shot to popularity at the end of 2013, but it took until this month for the company to significantly revamp the platform to put more emphasis on social interaction around gaming. The update also ushered in support for playing QuizUp on the desktop for the first time. ➤ QuizUp
