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10 Words That You've Probably Been Misusing

10 Words That You've Probably Been Misusing
There are so many words in the English language that it’s not surprising that the definitions for some of them have gotten mixed up over the years. It’s possible that you’ve gone your entire life without realizing your mistakes. I’m sure people have noticed. 1) Travesty What you may think it means: a tragedy, an unfortunate event What it actually means: a mockery; a parody This one, I’ll admit, is my own personal error. 2) Ironic What you may think it means: a funny coincidence What it actually means: contrary to what you might expect It’s not ironic that you bumped into a talking turtle in a sweater vest right after you told your friend how cool it would be to bump into a talking turtle in a sweater vest. 3) Peruse What you may think it means: to skim or glance over something What it actually means: to review something carefully/in-depth 4) Bemused What you may think it means: amused What it actually means: confused Again, with the whole “words sounding alike” issue. 5) Compelled 6) Nauseous

Home Remedies for Sinus Infection – Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a hailed sinus infection treatment. Being just one of many apple cider vinegar uses, countless individuals attest to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against a multitude of health conditions, including sinus infection. One of the most powerful ways to use ACV is to mix 8oz of warm water with 2 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of honey. In addition to the above home remedies for sinus infection treatment, you could try utilizing some of these options. Elevate your head while sleeping.Apply warm compresses to your face multiple times daily for 5 minutes each.Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster, and can help to fend off sinus infections. Source: Natural Society Apple Cider VinegarMedicinal Herbs Related Posts « Take Action: Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act Portland Voters REJECT Water Fluoridation »

Mothering the Mother: 40 Days of Rest | Birth Without Fear “The role of the midwife is to be mother to the mother.” (Unknown) We’ve all heard that ‘all that matters is a healthy baby’. Mothers matter. Of course infant health is important. In the past, women were surrounded by their own mothers and other older women during and after birth. But that kind of caring is the kind of attitude we need to cultivate. While many people believe that, “Women from [fill-in-the-blank random 'savage' culture] just have the baby in the fields then get right back to work,” in reality most traditional cultures, including those throughout South America, Europe (Greece), the Middle East and Asia, a 40-day rest period is considered mandatory after an infant’s birth. Women from the mother’s community stop by her place to offer support, childcare for older children, and to bring food. *Photography used with permission. **Svea Boyda-Vikander is a mother, psychotherapist and visual artist.

Behind a Little House Project: Dramatic Changes in Landscape Behind a Tiny House For his Behind a Little House Project Italian photographer Manuel Cosentino found an unsuspecting muse: a tiny nondescript house on an unexceptional hill. He returned to photograph the small building from the exact same location for nearly two years in order to capture the dramatic changes in weather and light that utterly changed the scenery just beyond the horizon. As part of a traveling exhibition the photos are mounted on a wall behind a book containing copies of a photo of the house against a white sky. Viewers are then invited to draw their own interpretation of what appears behind the little house. The first photograph starts the series with a Big-Bang-like explosion and sets everything into motion, the last is a new beginning – it represents that piece of “carte blanche” that we are all given with our lives. The entire project is currently on view at Klompching Gallery in New York as part of their Annual Summer Show through August 10th.

Internet Service Providers Plan Censorship Strategies For All Customers By 2014 (PreventDisease) When censorship fails there is always a fallback strategy to muzzle the population – going straight to the source. In this case internet service providers (ISPs) are the companies that offer users around the world access to the Internet. There are many websites which pursue censorship strategies to prevent specific information from getting through to the public domain. Google, facebook, youtube are among many of the largest sites in the world which employ sophisticated information suppression techniques. The problem is, it hasn’t worked very well, so ISPs now plan to block specific websites and search terms they consider offensive under the guise of initiatives to block pornography and other sexually offensive material. But it won’t stop there. Just two years ago, a University of British Columbia Professor made headlines when he stated that censorship has become a worldwide norm and that new laws will control what you read or see on the internet. Why Is This Happening?

Berries Over Bugs! Tell Dannon to Get Insect-Extract Out of Yogurt Instead of relying entirely on strawberries, raspberries, cherries, or other healthy wholesome fruit, Dannon sometimes uses an extract made from the pulverized, dead bodies of cochineal insects to give its yogurts fruity red colors. It’s deceptive and gross. But for some, cochineal insects (usually labeled as carmine on food labels) can trigger a dangerous allergic reaction. Dannon should go skip the insect-extract and use more fruit to color its yogurt. To: Franck Riboud, CEO, Groupe Danone It has come to my attention that in 13 of your fruit-flavored yogurts, you use carmine to give those products additional red color. Quelle horreur! As you know, carmine is the coloring extracted from the pulverized dried bodies of the cochineal insect. If you think that your yogurts are insufficiently pink or red, please consider using additional fruit, and not carmine or synthetic dyes, to color them. Sincerely, [Your name here]

Comment trapper les chats pour les faire stériliser/Trapping Cats: How to Trap an Entire Colony (video) - Les Amis des Chats de Port-Vendres (APCV) Mise à jour du 5 mars 2014. Depuis le piratage de notre site a été piraté il y a un an, nous n'avons pas eu encore eu le temps de rétablir tous les articles (entre 15% et 20% d'entre eux sur 600, ainsi que la moitié de nos albums photos ont été détruits) La présentation de notre association disparait à chaque rétablissement! Pirater un site de défense animale, voilà qui n'est pas fréquent!!! Par ailleurs deux de nos responsables ont du porter plainte au Procureur de la République après avoir été menacées, injuriées, calomniées, et victimes de violation de domicile par des responsables d'une autre association... En outre, une action de stérilisation de grande envergure sur un site où il est urgent de stériliser tous les chats a été sabotée, et la plupart d'entre ont mystérieusement disparu. Nous espérons que les coupables de ces actes passibles de peines de prison et de grosses amendes seront bientôt punies...

Scientists Officially Link Processed Foods To Autoimmune Disease The modern diet of processed foods, takeaways and microwave meals could be to blame for a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, including alopecia, asthma and eczema. A team of scientists from Yale University in the U.S and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, in Germany, say junk food diets could be partly to blame. ‘This study is the first to indicate that excess refined and processed salt may be one of the environmental factors driving the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases,’ they said. Junk foods at fast food restaurants as well as processed foods at grocery retailers represent the largest sources of sodium intake from refined salts. The Canadian Medical Association Journal sent out an international team of researchers to compare the salt content of 2,124 items from fast food establishments such as Burger King, Domino’s Pizza, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Subway. Many low-fat foods rely on salt–and lots of it–for their flavor.

La vente d'acide sulfurique régulée en Inde pour protéger les femmes L'Inde prend plusieurs mesures pour réguler la vente d'acide, pour punir les coupables et pour mieux protéger les femmes, principales victimes. En Inde, la cour suprême vient d'ordonner l'encadrement strict de la vente d'acide, afin de lutter contre les attaques de femmes avec ces produits mortels. L'acide sulfurique ou chloridrique est en effet en vente libre dans les commerces indiens, normalement pour le nettoyage ménager ou industriel, mais il est également utilisé par les hommes éconduits qui veulent se venger en le jetant au visage de la femme en cause. Des centaines de cas ont lieu chaque année en Inde. Des indemnités prévues pour les victimes Avec cette régulation, l'acide ne devra plus être vendu à des mineurs, il ne pourra être acheté qu'en présentant une pièce d'identité afin de tracer les acheteurs. L'Etat devra, lui, payer 4700 francs d'indemnité à chaque victime ainsi que leurs frais d'hospitalisation. Sébastien Farcis/lgr

11 Year Old Exposes The Monsanto Corporation Many young people today are having a tremendous impact on the global awakening that continues to unfold as we move through 2013 and beyond. Birke Baehr is no different, he wants us to know how our food is made, where it comes from, and what’s in it. At age 11, he gave a TED talk that exposed the Monsanto corporation, it was heard around the world. Birke began studying sustainable and organic farming practices when he was 9 years old. Shortly after that he discovered his passion in educating others about the destructiveness of the industrialized food system. Just a few days ago, a 14 year old by the name of Rachel Parent (founder of had some words for Kevin O’leary, the billionaire that said Monsanto is a hero.

Chemicals in Cosmetics Help us expose and eliminate the environmental causes of breast cancer.Together we can stop this disease before it starts. When it comes to beauty products, the effects of the ingredients they contain can be more than just skin deep. The cosmetics industry uses thousands of synthetic chemicals in its products, in everything from lipstick and lotion to shampoo and shaving cream. Many of these substances are also used in industrial manufacturing processes to clean industrial equipment, stabilize pesticides and grease gears. And we can all agree that an ingredient that effectively scours a garage floor may not be the best choice for a facial cleanser. In the U.S., major loopholes in federal law allow the cosmetics industry to put thousands of synthetic chemicals into personal care products, even if those chemicals are linked to cancer, infertility or birth defects. Following are some of the chemicals commonly found in cosmetics and what they do to us. Phthalates Triclosan 1,4-dioxane Parabens

Ceci n’est pas un tweet… - Chroniqueurs - L'Agora Il faut un brin de prétention pour écrire pour être lu. Il faut à tout le moins penser être assez intéressant afin d'intéresser des lecteurs éventuels. Qui plus est, écrire plus de 140 caractères en espérant être lu, c'est un défi colossal. De nos jours, le chroniqueur doit faire face à un nouvel ennemi, le doigt nerveux de l'internaute, à l'image du célèbre cowboy Lucky Luke de Morris, presse plus vite que son ombre sur sa souris ou sur son écran tactile. La liberté d'écrire Chroniquer en toute liberté représente un plus grand défi que cela peut paraître à première vue. Sartre et la littérature Jean-Paul Sartre a écrit dans son célèbre livre Qu'est-ce que la littérature? Mise en garde Je dois cependant faire une mise en garde. J'entends aussi garder un profil haut à cette chronique. Je vous avais averti dès les premières lignes, ceci n'est pas un tweet... Le tweet de la semaine Écrivez-moi vos commentaires :

Should You Be Able to Buy Food Directly From Farmers? Regulators Don't Think So Photo Credit: pogonici/ July 18, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Around the country, local farmers are selling meat, dairy products, and other dinner table staples directly to neighbors, who are increasingly flocking to the farms in search of wholesome food. This would seem to embody the USDA’s advisory, “Know your farmer, know your food,” right? For the USDA and its sister food regulator, the FDA, there’s a problem: many of the farmers are distributing the food via private contracts like herd shares and leasing arrangements, which fall outside the regulatory system of state and local retail licenses and inspections that govern public food sales. In response, federal and state regulators are seeking legal sanctions against farmers in Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California, among others. These consumers are clearly interpreting “safety” differently than the regulators.
