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Exploring Space: Cosmic Revolutionaries Des toiles de Maître victimes d’animations surréalistes wtf!- Jeudi 7 novembre 2013 · Tags: tableaux· Laisser un commentaire À l’instar des animations délirantes de Terry Gilliam durant les épisodes des Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1969), l’émission australienne « The Elegant Gentleman’s guide to Knife Fighting » s’amuse à animer des toiles de maître. C’est barré, parfois gore et généreusement décalé. Lo scultore Byles vive per un anno nei boschi e “scolpisce” la foresta incantata. Il video Why Doing Awesome Work Means Making Yourself Vulnerable The first time Brené Brown read Theodore Roosevelt's exhortation that it is not the critic who counts, but rather "the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood," and that "if he fails, he at least fails while daring greatly," the author knew that what the pugilistic president was talking about back in 1910 was what she researches today: vulnerability. And so those last two words are the title of her newest book, Daring Greatly, from publisher Gotham. Fast Company talked with Brown about why vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, how engagement got to be uncool, and why perfectionism is the enemy of getting work done. FAST COMPANY: If I were to say to you, "I'm in business, I don't do vulnerability"--how would you respond to that? BRENÉ BROWN: I would say that you do do vulnerability. Vulnerability is simply defined as uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure. The question becomes, what do you do with it? How does that relate to shame?

Aussie student re-invents police motorcycle helmet, adds 'RoboCop' features A better police motorcycle helmet Student Alfred Boyadgis has developed a high-tech police motorbike helmet. P A real-life RoboCop is one step closer to reality thanks to 23-year-old UNSW design student Alfred Boyadgis. Boyadgis has designed a high-tech helmet for motorcycle officers that displays information in the visor and combines a number of vital technologies that are currently only available at arm's length. The helmet is designed to improve response times in emergencies and save lives. The Forcite helmet by Alfred Boyadgis. Mr Boyadgis says he is also in talks with the NSW Police Traffic and Highway Patrol Command. Advertisement "The way that helmets are designed at the moment is quite archaic," Mr Boyadgis said. Student Alfred Boyadgis has developed a high-tech police motorcycle helmet. "This heads-up display shows very basic colour-coded information," Mr Boyadgis said. The Forcite helmet on display at UNSW.

Convocatoria para conformar un banco de proyectos elegibles para la realización de proyectos de comunicación con enfoque de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad para el fomento de una cultura del conocimiento en Colombia Financiar proyectos de comunicación reflexivos y contextualizados para la comprensión, el dialogo y la formación de opinión sobre las relaciones entre ciencia, tecnología, innovación y sociedad a través de productos radiales y contenidos virtuales. Objetivos específicos: I Have Dated Several Crack Dealers Illustration by Rob Ondzik The source of this story, who lives in Canada, wished to remain anonymous for fairly obvious reasons. Just last week, I was at a trap house with my ex in Cloverdale, British Columbia. Crack dealers tend to approach me. I’ve met some of them through friends, some I’ve met randomly at the club, or at a bar, or on the street. The first time I was approached by a crack dealer, I was 19 and at a party somewhere in East Vancouver. He was a full-time dealer and worked on the streets, mostly around the Downtown Eastside, but it was nothing huge. Illustration by Lindsay Pomerantz I used hang with a guy who would go to Saskatchewan and sell drugs all the time. But even with him, it wasn’t all limos and fancy dinners. I dated another crack dealer who I liked to call “Art School Boy.” You want to get a regular job but you can't, because you have a criminal record. For a while, I was a driver. Ultimately, none of these relationships worked out. Crack Tales Cut the Shit

Diplomado en fotografía – Procesos antiguos / Nuevos medios | Fotografia Colombiana Horario: Martes, jueves y viernes de 6:00 pm a 9:00 pm y algunos sábados de 10:00 am a 1:00 pm Duración: 132 horas Inversión: $ 3.200.000 El diplomado en fotografía – Procesos antiguos / Nuevos medios, busca ofrecer una mirada amplia sobre la producción fotográfica en la actualidad, desde el uso de emulsiones elaboradas en el siglo XIX, el laboratorio análogo y digital, hasta las posibles hibridaciones de los medios, para una apropiación creativa del lenguaje a nivel técnico y expresivo. El Diplomado pretende que el estudiante logre un nivel idóneo del dominio del lenguaje fotográfico, teniendo en cuenta las múltiples perspectivas que este campo ofrece, así como los aspectos técnicos, creativos, estéticos, críticos y conceptuales de la fotografía. Cuenta con 5 módulos a través de los cuales el estudiante va ir abordando temáticas diferentes, de carácter teórico y práctico, que le permitan abordar un proyecto personal al finalizar las sesiones.

Ministry of Truth » Blog Archive » Cameron ‘Porn’ Advisor’s website ‘hacked’ – Threatens/Libels Blogger I’m perhaps one of the last people you’d expect to see stepping up to defend Paul Staines (aka Guido Fawkes) but you’d be wrong because there are principles that come into play whenever a blogger, even one as notorious as Guido, is subjected to an unjustified, hectoring attack by a bullying politician for reasons that have never been better expressed than by the playwright Robert Bolt: Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that! At some unspecified point, but probably in the last few days, David Cameron’s technologically illiterate self-appointed wannabe Net Nanny, Claire Perry, has had her insecure website hacked, and from the look of things it appears that- amongst other things – she may very well have been Goatse’d (relax, link SFW), the discovery of which led to Guido running the following story at

#TeAmoVale "Devil's Playground": The Jeremy Foley 2012 Pikes Peak Story the Startup Universe, the design process | giorgia lupi during last months we’ve been working for and with the great graphic designer Ben Willers designing and developing the Startup Universe interactive Data Visualization. Our design aim has been to provide a “visual access” to the Crunch-base database, and the idea that was driving all of our process was the one to provide an easy environment allowing users to go back and forth form a Vc centric view, to a startup centric view, to a founders centric view. This to provide the more information we could about “where did money go, and when” (i.e. where meaning in which startup, and as an aggregate level, in which categories), “which startups did their best, and when”/ meaning the year they have been founded, and the rounds they have been more successful in (as an average), and also, “the most visionary founders” / meaning: who really was so good and founded some really (and lots of!) well funded startups over the years? Play with the final interactive version here Like this:

DIE VÖGEL: THE CHICKEN Pensamiento Visual & Facilitación Gráfica
