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We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by

We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by

16 things I know are true but haven’t quite learned yet There’s a difference between knowing something and living as if it were true. At the end of 2013, these truths are all lingering on that awkward threshold, for me anyway. 1) The sooner you do something, the more of your life you get to spend with that thing done — even though it takes less effort (or at least no more) than it will later. It’s the ultimate sure-thing investment and I pass it up all the time. 2) I never regret working out. 3) Whenever I’m playing with my phone I am only shortening my life. 4) Nothing makes me more productive and in-the-moment than a clean house. 5) Minute-for-minute, nothing I do is more rewarding than meditation. 6) Creative work is something that can be done at any time. 7) Acting the way you want to feel usually works. 8) Ninety-five per cent of my happiness comes from having a home, a functioning body and something to eat. 9) Our minds are geared to manage much less than we typically end up managing. Goodbye 2013, you were great. Photo by David Cain

20 Awesome Celebrity Quotes Worth Sharing inShare46 There is a cognitive bias in psychology called the halo effect. Effectively it means that the more we admire and/or like somebody, the more we are likely to agree and align with something they say. Advertisers use it to great effect when paying huge sums to stars to promote their products. Politicians use it also, which is why few Obama fanatics can see his flaws and few GOP members can see his attributes. Sadly, some people take this celebrity worship to ridiculous lengths. One particular example was a celebrity quote from Lauren Conrad that went like this. “You can never make the same mistake twice. People flocked to re-pin this profound wisdom on Pinterest as though Conrad had discovered the very meaning of life itself. Unfortunately, very few of the repinners stopped to think, “Hang on a minute, isn’t this total bollocks?” Not to get too personal, but I have twice trapped a certain part of my anatomy in my zip. 1. 2. But I also think it can be used on a more global level. 3.

9 Badass Quotes By Famous People - TopYaps We’ve often heard words of wisdom or virtuous sayings hurled by famous people. However most of the people don’t give a damn to these preaches, accept it. Needless to say, these people are generally self-centered douchebags who love to live on their own principles, until they come across these badass quotes……. 9. If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth. 8. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. (More quotes by Mahatma Gandhi) 7. I never wanted to be famous. 6. All great truth begin as blasphemies. 5. If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it. 4. Though I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest mother ****er in the valley. 3. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. 2. 1.

100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Plenty of universities, nonprofits, organizations, museums and more post videos for the cause of education both in and out of schools. The following list compiles some of the ones most worthy of attention, as they feature plenty of solid content appealing to their respective audiences and actively try to make viewers smarter. Multidisciplinary and General Education Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology Social Sciences, History and World Issues Visual, Performing and Liberal Arts

Story starters - avoiding the blank page.Practical Creative Writing There is no rule that says you must always start work at the beginning of a story. Some writers enjoy rewinding a story – working backwards from the end until they arrive at a beginning. As always there are no limits on creativity and these exercises are designed to be deliberately ambiguous thus allowing you enough freedom to follow your imagination wherever it may lead. So try using these story endings as story starters and experiment as much as you want. She knew they weren’t coming back. I hope these endings worked for you! Best of luck with your writing. Grace thoughtcatalog Literature has created some of the most evil characters we’ve ever known, showing us just how dark and twisted the mind can go. In celebration of great literature, cunning villains, and writers with the incredible talent to create the stories that make our hearts beat faster, here are 19 of the most chilling lines in literature. Are there any missing from the list? 1. “I kissed her, a long hard kiss. 2. “My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. 3. “He started down the rough wooden steps. Huddled against the back wall were naked people, male and female, all trying to hide, shielding their faces with their hands. Jesus, he whispered. Then one by one they turned and blinked in the pitiful light. 4. 5. “Wendy? 6. “A census taker tried to quantify me once. 7. “Inside me I’m screaming, nobody pays any attention. 8. “Burt jumped from the pulpit and ran down the centre aisle. 9. 10. 11. “I am a great soft jelly thing. I have no mouth. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

@kkoolook — Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No... #random but #inspirational by @koqoo #kkoolook series by @koqoo Curso de Guitarra Gratis (Lección 3) La Posición de Tocar Antes de tomar la guitarra, necesitamos saber cual es la posición correcta de sentarnos para poder sostenerla y tocarla. Necesitas sentarte en una silla resistente con base plana lo suficientemente alta para que tus piernas queden flexionadas en 90 grados, con tus pies apoyando toda su base en el piso, tus rodillas deben estar separadas a la anchura de tus hombros. Tu espalda debe estar derecha y tus hombros relajados y nivelados. Procura que la ropa no te estorbe al tocar, siempre pasa que la manga esta apagado el sonido de las cuerdas. Como Sostener la Guitarra Posición normal Apoya la cintura de la guitarra en tu pierna derecha y coloca tu antebrazo derecho sobre el borde de la caja. Posición clásica Apoya la cintura de la guitarra en la pierna izquierda, con el mástil inclinado hacia arriba, de manera que la mano izquierda llegue con facilidad al diapasón. Posición de Pie Cualquier guitarra se puede tocar de pie colgándola con una correa. La Mano Izquierda

The 9 Epiphanies That Shifted My Perspective Forever By David Over the years I’ve learned dozens of little tricks and insights for making life more fulfilling. They’ve added up to a significant improvement in the ease and quality of my day-to-day life. But the major breakthroughs have come from a handful of insights that completely rocked my world and redefined reality forever. The world now seems to be a completely different one than the one I lived in about ten years ago, when I started looking into the mechanics of quality of life. Maybe you’ve had some of the same insights. 1. The first time I heard somebody say that, I didn’t like the sound of it one bit. I see quite clearly now that life is nothing but passing experiences, and my thoughts are just one more category of things I experience. If you can observe your thoughts just like you can observe other objects, who’sdoing the observing? 2. Of course! 3. 4. 5. Yikes. 6. This discovery was a complete 180 from my old understanding of emotions. 7. 8. 9.

Пикабу 6 | 6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day | Fast Company | business + innovation It’s Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. Two San Francisco entrepreneurs are pitching their ventures to potential investors today. They’d both agree that this is one of the most important days of their lives. This is the story of Jane and Joe... Jane was up until 4 a.m. putting the final touches on her deck. Joe, on the other hand, went to sleep last night at 11 p.m., as he does most nights of the week. Which entrepreneur would you bet on? And, which entrepreneur most closely resembles you? Jane and Joe are fictional characters but having been immersed in the world of startups in both New York and San Francisco, I see a lot of Janes. This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak with my friend Mike Del Ponte, who resembles the character of Joe. “Every day I need physical energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance to tackle everything that comes my way,” Mike said. Here are the six simple rituals he uses to perform at his highest, which you too can begin implementing right away: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
