10 of the Most Powerful All Natural Antibiotics Known To Man
The Facts:Below are 10 natural substances that have strong anti-bacterial properties.Reflect On:How much would we discover if the medical industry put the same amount of resources into natural medicine as it does with 'chemical' medicine? Special note to our readers: A hard-hitting documentary series explores the most powerful alternative medicines known to man – all backed major scientific studies. These remedies have been kept from us because big pharma doesn’t want you to have the power to heal yourself. That ends now. You can sign up here to watch it if interested. There’s a huge shift right now occurring within the medical industry. Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging, has explained that pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of healthy people, which is why there is no funding for research. Arnold Seymour Relman, a Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal, has also stated:
Herbal Remedies"
While some people may dismiss herbal remedies as quackery, the use of botanicals is well rooted in medical practice. Ancient doctors methodically collected information about herbs and developed well-defined pharmacopoeias to treat a variety of ailments. More than a quarter of all drugs used today contain active ingredients derived from those same ancient plants. It's estimated that nearly 80 percent of the world's population use herbs for some aspect of primary health care. Clinical studies on a handful of herbs are underway, but to help you understand the benefits and risks, we've compiled a comprehensive guide to herbs, including potential uses, side effects, and precautions. Otherwise, on the next page, you can enter the healing garden by exploring the herbs used in herbal remedies from the letter A through the letter C. This information is solely for informational purposes.
20 Antibacterial & Antiviral Herbs & How To Use Them
Image Credit: sustainablebabysteps.com Before you read on and start trying these wonderful alternative herbs please consult a medical professional also I would consult an herbal medicine guide or herbalist for exact dosing instructions. Using herbal remedies is easy and if you’re looking for herbs to prevent or treat bacterial and viral infections, this list can help you decide what’s best for your situation. The full article from sustainablebabysteps.com below shows you 20 great antibacterial and antiviral herbs and how to use them accordingly. This is wonderful knowledge to have if you are looking to go more natural. 20 Antibacterial and Antiviral Herbs and How to Use Them
Zioła przeciwwirusowe - 12 najsilniej działających naturalnych substancji
Przeciwwirusowe zioła i substancje najsilniej działające na wirusy Wirusy mają zaledwie kilkanaście genów a stosują miliony tricków by oszukać organizm. Składające się się z białek i kwasów nukleinowych pozornie prymitywne drobnoustroje potrafią błyskawicznie uodpornić się na niszczące ich strukturę substancje chemiczne. Na wirusy nie działają antybiotyki ani dostępne środki farmakologiczne. W przeciwieństwie leków, których lista potencjalnych skutków ubocznych jest często dłuższa niż lista korzyści. Dlaczego zioła przeciwwirusowe nie leki? W leczeniu zakażeń wirusowych współczesna medycyna ma do zaoferowania jedynie leczenie objawowe w postaci środków przeciwgorączkowych, przeciwzapalnych i przeciwbólowych. Przykładem jest substancja czynna wielu tabletek i syropów – inozyna pranobeks. W czasie infekcji wirusowych bezpieczniej jest zatem nie przyjmować żadnych leków. Zioła o działaniu przeciwwirusowym Dziewanna Napar z kwiatów dziewanny Łyżkę suszonych kwiatów zalać szklanką wrzątku. Imbir
Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs To Alleviate Aches and Pain For Good
Carly Fraser, Live Love FruitWaking Times If you’re currently taking drugs for your inflammation, then you need to read this article. First things first – chronic inflammation doesn’t need to be your enemy. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of almost every disease and illness known to man. By making slight shifts in your lifestyle, supplementing with anti-inflammatory herbs, and removing inflammatory foods like gluten, meat, eggs, dairy, refined sugar and margarine, you’ll experience less pain, gain more energy and improve your moods.
This fantastic article was written by Sarah Biren, a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. We encourage you to check out her website here! Winter is nearly here and that means the flu season is on the rise. With the change of temperature, and the cold air being more conducive to spreading germs, many of us are already feeling run down. Maybe some of us are sniffling while other have a sore throat. Health Benefits of Garlic Garlic contains allicin, a compound that is known for anti-microbial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties. Garlic can: regulate high blood pressure,fight allergies,diminish plaque from the arteries,regulate blood sugar levels,expel parasites,reduce inflammation,help prevent weight gain,treat sore throat,and soothe upper respiratory tract infections Garlic is a vital source of vitamins of nutrients that can combat cold and flu symptoms. Health Benefits of Ginger Flu-fighting Ginger And Garlic Soup Ingredients: Method: Variations: Sarah Biren
8 Natural Alternatives For Commonly Used Antibiotics
The Facts:While antibiotics are prescribed to be helpful, their bug-killing ability unfortunately is unable to distinguish between good and bad microbiomes. Thankfully, all medications are derived from plants, therefore there are many natural alternatives.Reflect On:How many antibiotics do you regularly rely upon? Have you tried any of the outlined alternatives to see if they can provide you the same relief without the long-term side effects? Antibiotics are medicines used to prevent and treat bacterial infections and can be life-saving. However, most people have no idea how much we are consuming and how they can negatively affect our health. So many of us are prescribed antibiotics at the first sign of an illness, and we are eating pesticides, and antibiotics in our conventionally raised food. So, What’s The Harm? Antibiotics are designed to kill “bad bugs” however cannot distinguish between good and bad microbiomes in the body and seeks to destroy all. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Meet The World's Largest Living Organism
When you think of the biggest organisms on Earth, the blue whale probably springs to mind first. After all, these gargantuan beasts are up to 30 meters long (100 feet) and can weigh upward of 180 tons, meaning they’re probably bigger than even the largest dinosaurs. But it turns out that the world record holder for the largest living organism on Earth is something much less impressive to look at, but size wise it makes even the mighty blue whale seem puny; it’s a fungus. More specifically, the contender for the world’s largest known organism is a honey fungus living in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. Honey fungus, or honey mushroom, is actually the common name given to several different species of fungi in the genus Armillaria. Members of the Armillaria genus produce clumps of edible yellow-brown mushrooms that grow above ground. Scientists first started to appreciate the sheer size of Armillaria after two massive specimens were discovered in 1992.