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MailPoet Newsletters (formerly Wysija)

MailPoet Newsletters (formerly Wysija)
Create newsletters, post notifications and autoresponders. Drop your posts, images, social icons in your newsletter. Change fonts and colors on the fly. Manage all your subscribers. A new and simple newsletter solution for WordPress. Finally! We built it with the idea that newsletters in WordPress should be easy. Check out this 2 minute video. Post notifications video. Features Drag & drop newsletter editorSend your latest posts automaticallyAutoresponders, i.e. Premium version MailPoet Premium offers these nifty extra features: Send to more than 2000 subscribersA beautiful statistics dashboard to compare your newsletters, and subscribersDetailed stats for each subscriber and newsletterAutomated bounce handlingTest your spam score before you sendImprove deliverability with DKIM signatureDon't reinstall. Visit our Premium page. Support Find over 80 articles in our documentation: Translations in your language Get a Premium license in exchange for your help in translation

Les plugins indispensables pour Wordpress en 2013 | Webpulser developers' blog source : Comme avant de partir en randonnée, il est vitale de se prémunir des bons outils et accessoires pour bien démarrer un projet WordPress pour éviter tout pépin pendant le voyage. WordPress regorge de milliers de plugins et de danger (faille de sécurité, bugs, parois rocheuses, chemins glissant), je dresse ici une liste non exhaustive des plugins indispensables pour mener à bien une aventure avec ce CMS destiné aux blogs et sites vitrines. Gestion du cache, minifier css et js, optimisation, sécurité W3 Total Cache Téléchargement ici : Ce plugin simple et efficace regorge de fonctionnalités intéressante pour optimiser son site Web: gestion du cache, minification des fichiers JS et CSS, intégration de CDN. WP Téléchargement ici : Ce plugin permet d’utiliser le très célèbre service d’optimisation d’image de Yahoo. WP Security Scan

URL-uri curate pentru cei care scriu cu diacritice 15 Flares40011--×15 Flares Modul în care au fost tratate caracterele româneşti pe tastaturi de-a lungul timpului au dat de multe ori bătăi de cap atât realizatorilor de programe software cât şi utilizatorilor finali. Pe scurt, există două tipuri de glife (reprezentări grafice) asociate caracterelor Ș și Ț respectiv: cu sedile: ş ţ (pe tastatura Romanian Legacy)cu virgulă: ș ț (pe tastatura Romanian Standard) Conform precizărilor Institutului de Lingvistică al Academiei Române din anul 2003, a doua variantă (cea cu virgulă dedesubt) este cea corectă ( sursa: ). Ultima versiune de Windows (Vista) include in fonturile de bază (core fonts) versiunea corectă a caracterelor Ș și Ț. Din nefericire însă, atunci când crează URL-urile SEO la articole, platforma WordPress nu convertește caracterele corecte (cele cu virgulă), în schimb le convertește pe cele cu sedile. Caz concret: Pentru asta am creat pluginul de mai jos. Pentru a instala pluginul:

qTranslate Writing multilingual content is already hard enough, why make using a plugin even more complicated? I created qTranslate to let WordPress have an easy to use interface for managing a fully multilingual web site. qTranslate makes creation of multilingual content as easy as working with a single language. Here are some features: qTranslate Services - Professional human translation with two clicksOne-Click-Switching between the languages - Change the language as easy as switching between Visual and HTMLLanguage customizations without changing the .mo files - Use Quick-Tags instead for easy localizationMultilingual dates out of the box - Translates dates and time for youComes with a lot of languages already builtin! qTranslate supports infinite languages, which can be easily added/modified/deleted via the comfortable Configuration Page. For more Information visit the Plugin Homepage Please be aware of slow updates currently.

WordPress Plugins: Appointment Calendar for Small Business If you are a professional or an Internet entrepreneur providing services online, keeping track of appointments and giving time to potential clients can be a time consuming task. Not if you have already made it big and have an assistant to do that for you! But you can automate this appointment reservation task and make life easier for yourself and your customers. Juggling all the tasks – research, product and service development, sales, and work – keeps most of the lone business owners busy. Interruptions for giving time, though desirable, can take you away from your work. This plugin helps you set up an appointment system for your office. Plugin Details Author: codepeople Last updated: 8 November 2012 Recommended for YouWebcast: The Art of Growth Hacking: Gaining Early Traction by Doing Things that Don't Scale Dowload Link: What can You do with it Options Using the options page, you can: · Define the working days of the week (1).

Obtenir Debian Debian is distributed freely over Internet. You can download all of it from any of our mirrors. The Installation Manual contains detailed installation instructions. And, the release notes can be found here. If you simply want to install Debian, these are your options: Buy a set of CDs or DVDs from one of the vendors selling Debian CDs Many of the vendors sell the distribution for less than US$5 plus shipping (check their web page to see if they ship internationally). Here are the basic advantages of CDs: Installation from a CD set is more straightforward. Buy a computer with Debian pre-installed There are a number of advantages to this: You don't have to install Debian. Strategies For Persuasion Stories are a very integral part of being persuasive. You’d think that as a guy that loves data, I’d be averse to storytelling as a whole. As a marketer though, I can’t be. Those in sales and marketing have known for a long time that stories trump data when it comes to persuasion because stories are easier to understand and relate to. Are you incorporating stories into your copy? If you’re anxious to understand and tap into the power of storytelling, get ready to jot down some notes! Why You Need to Incorporate Storytelling Storytelling works. But why should you have to incorporate this flowery style into your writing? A lot of folks are averse to telling stories because they believe that “the facts” are the most persuasive pieces of content they can deliver. It’s not, and here’s a visualization that helps to explain why: Am I telling you that it’s better to say nothing in a memorable fashion? No, of course not. How Stories Affect the Mind Of course! The question then is this… Here’s what they found:

Installer WordPress sur un serveur Debian Squeeze | Le déblogue! Qu’est-ce que WordPress?Si vous souhaitez publier en ligne un blog comme si vous utilisiez Word alors WordPress est une des solutions possibles. Une fois installé sur un serveur, il n’y a plus qu’à se connecter et mettre en ligne ses articles. Avoir un blog fait partie de l’arsenal que l’amateur de réseaux sociaux doit posséder. Bien sûr; il est possible de créer son propre design si l’on est un peu bricoleur et prêt à mettre les mains dans le cambouis… enfin dans le code XHTML et CSS. Pré requis : Debian Squeeze installé (dans notre cas sur une Dedibox chez, MySQL et Apache installé et configuré. 1. Connexion à MySQL : Entrez votre password pour MySQL. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Renommez le fichier wp-config-sample.php en wp-config.php. 11. Modifiez les informations suivantes selon vos propres paramètres : Enregistrez et quittez. 12. ) et saisissez : Si tout se passe bien WordPress vous criera « Quel succès! 13. 14.

UpdraftPlus - backup, restore and migrate plugin for WordPress - UpdraftPlus jVectorMap Wordpress example. Load page ia ajax after clicking on a country <?php * Template Name: jVectorMap Template * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Eleven wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery', ' array(), null, false ); wp_enqueue_style( 'jvectormap-style', get_template_directory_uri() . wp_enqueue_script( 'jvectormap-script', get_template_directory_uri() . wp_enqueue_script( 'jvectormap-map', get_template_directory_uri() . wp_enqueue_script( 'jvectormap-map_code', get_template_directory_uri() . get_header(); ?

WordPress Add A Shortcode Example How do I create shortcodes that support attributes under wordpress CMS? How do I add shortcodes to my theme? A shorcode is nothing but a simple set of function for creating macro code for use in post content. You need to use functions.php a functions file, which resides in the theme subdirectory. Create wordpress function Edit functions.php, enter: $ vi functions.php Create a function called demo and append: //[foo]function foo_demo( $atts ){ return "This is a demo Save and close the file. Test it Edit or create a new post and add the following shortcode (in the post/page content): [foo] Save/publish post. How do I pass parameter or attribute to shortcode? The Shortcode API makes it easy to create shortcodes that support parameters like this: [movie genre="animation" rating="PG"] [movie genre="comedy" rating="G"] Add the following to your functions.php: You can now insert it as follows in your post: [movie genre="Animation" rating="PG" date="2012"] The output would be: References:

The Best Mapping Plugins For WordPress A contact page is much more useful with a map. A post about your favorite places for Chinese food is much easier to understand with a map full of pinpoints. A travel blog is that much more fun when you (and you readers) can see at a glance all the places you’ve been. There are many reasons to include maps on your WordPress site, and no matter what your reason is you should have an easy and efficient way to do just that. Below is a roundup of some of the best mapping plugins available. We’ve included a good mix of free and premium plugins to help you map out whatever it is you need to. Maps Marker Pro Maps Marker Pro is a premium WordPress plugin that works with a variety of mapping systems – Google Maps, Google Earth, OpenStreetMap, MapQuest, OGD Vienna Maps and Bing Maps are all compatible. Get The Maps Marker Pro WordPress Plugin Leaflet Maps Marker Leaflet Maps Marker is a free WordPress plugin created by the makers of Maps Marker Pro. Interactive World Maps MapPress Easy Google Maps

A Solution Guide | The Soul Mountain Okay, so I came across a situation where I needed to migrate my wordpress site from local to server (in my case which was running on Ubuntu). Everything was working fine until I came across many issues after setting up the site on the server. I had made some changes to the permalinks and now , suddenly, everything just turned into a mess. Before we proceed on fixing the issues, lets try to put the pieces together now, shall we? Note: You could really skip this part of the article and come back to it at the end if none of the solutions given in the next heading works. What Really Happened before the 404 1. 2. One reason could be that apache does not allow wordpress to easily change the content of your .htaccess file which resides on your wordpress root folder. 4. 5. You may have to make the hidden files visible. From the above code, <IfModule checks within apache whether the mod_rewrite.c module is included within itself. Somehow the damage is done. Enabling mod_rewrite.c module on Apache or

Restricted Site Access Limit access your site to visitors who are logged in or accessing the site from a set of specified IP addresses. Send restricted visitors to the log in page, redirect them, or display a message or page. A great solution for Extranets, publicly hosted Intranets, or parallel development / staging sites. Adds a number of new configuration options to the Reading settings panel. From this panel you can: Enable or disable site restrictionChange the restriction behavior: send to login, redirect, display a message, display a pageAdd IP addresses to an unrestricted list, including rangesQuickly add your current IP to the unrestricted listCustomize the redirect location, including an option to send them to the same requested path and set the HTTP status code for SEO friendlinessDefine a simple message to show restricted visitors, or select a page to show them - great for "coming soon" teasers!

Installer PHP, MySQL,Apache2 et phpMyAdmin sur un serveur Debian Squeeze Qu’est-ce que c’est ?L’ensemble PHP, MySQL et Apache forment un excellent trio pour mettre en ligne un joli site web. PHP permettra de faire un site dynamique, MySQL de gérer vos bases de données et Apache de gérer les connexions des clients à votre serveur. Pré requis : Debian Squeeze installé avec une adresse IP fixe. 1. 2. Prise en charge de PDO dans le fichier conf de PHP (utile pour WordPress par exemple): En fin de fichier, ajoutez les deux lignes suivantes: 3. Cochez la case « Apache2 » puis OK. Laissez l’option « Oui » : Entrez un mot de passe : Tapez votre mot de passe qui vous servira lors de vos connexion à phpMyAdmin : Confirmez votre mot de passe : Vérifiez le bon fonctionnement de phpMyAdmin en vous connectant avec votre navigateur : Tapez « root » dans « Utilisateur » et entrez votre mot de passe : Voici l’interface de gestion phpMyAdmin de votre MySQL : Modifiez le fichier dir.conf pour rediriger en priorité sur les pages php : 4.
