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Pearltrees Bookmarklet

Pearltrees Bookmarklet
Pearltrees is a social curation tool. It lets you organize, discover and share the stuff you like on the web. How does it work? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go beyond social bookmarks and download Pearltrees' add-on! Source ( View Bookmarklet Code: Bookmarklet Source Code: Rate it: Tags: Comments Comments so far. TimJS Oh my freaking god! Seriously, it's not often it happens, but I'll be telling someone, "This email fax site is great, but there's a sweet deal at the bottom of the 3rd page when going through the FAQ section that links to an offer they probably forgot all about. Amazing.. Xena It is simply awesome.

The Google+ musings of Daniel Treadwell With the release of Google+ came a new social media platform that encouraged the sharing of long form, structured content along with beautiful images in a way that was almost TOO easy. More and more people found themselves creating great posts that would have previously been submitted to their blog which was suddenly starting to look barren. It was for this reason that Google+Blog for WordPress was created, a simple plugin that takes posts from Google+ and imports them into your WordPress blog. How Do I Buy The Plugin? There are two versions of the plugin available, the first of which is available for US$10. This cost covers the continued development of the plugin and allows me to provide support where possible. Can I Get It For Free? Download Google+Blog for Wordpress 1.4.2 If you have any comments, questions or suggestions related to the plugin, please do not hesitate to contact me by choosing your favourite contact method on the right (though email is preferred).

About Bookmarklets | What's a Bookmarklet? What's a bookmarklet? Bookmarklets are 'smart bookmarks', that perform actions or enhance the website you're visiting with a single click. Read more about how to use bookmarklets. How do I make a bookmarklet? Bookmarklets are written in JavaScript and can be as simple as one line of code. Below are a few links to tutorials we thought were useful to get you started. How to Create a jQuery Bookmarklet Bookmarklet Crunchinator How To Make a Bookmarklet For Your Web Application Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery <a href=" Will bookmarklets work on my computer/smart phone/device? Probably. How do I use bookmarklets? Bookmarklets are just like bookmarks. Read more about how to add bookmarklets to your browser. How do I keep track of my bookmarklets? With so many bookmarklets available, how do you keep track of all of them? Check out the Bookmarklet. Ok, maybe you don't want to search for bookmarklets every time you're looking for your favorite bookmarklets.

Setup Bookmarklets on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch — iOS Bookmarklets CloudOn javascript:(function()' The 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Deception Suspects and witnesses often reveal more than they intend through their choices of words. Here are ways to detect possible deception in written and oral statements. The manager of a fast food restaurant calls the police late at night to report that an armed robber had entered the restaurant while the manager was alone in the office finishing some paperwork. The manager said the gunman had stolen the entire day's cash receipts — a little more than $4,000. Linguistic text analysis involves studying the language, grammar and syntax a subject uses to describe an event to detect any anomalies. Text analysis is based on research originating in the 1970s. The following section describes deviations that suggest a subject may be withholding, altering or fabricating information. 1. Deceptive people often use language that minimizes references to themselves. "The safe was left unlocked" rather than "I left the safe unlocked." Question: "Can you tell me about reconciling the bank statement?" 2. 3.

Boîte à outils du travailleur du Web 2012 : plus de 50 services en ligne gratuits et utiles Les actes de la vie et les changements de situation imposent souvent d’en avertir les administrations. S’il était auparavant obligatoire de se déplacer, l’arrivée d’Internet a révolutionné notre façon d’interagir avec les institutions. Pourtant, certaines démarches, alors qu’elles devraient être simplifiées, peuvent être difficiles à appréhender par certaines personnes. Mariage, PACS, naissance, ces évènements heureux ne peuvent pas rester dans le cadre privé. Apprendre à conduire et gagner en autonomie peut se faire désormais sans passer par le biais d’une auto-école. L’achat ou la vente d’un véhicule, mais aussi un déménagement sont autant de changements qui nécessitent, là encore de mettre des documents à jour, dont la fameuse carte grise. Netpublic sait que les démarches à effectuer pèsent sur les français.

Custom Single Key Shortcuts in Firefox using KeyConfig - Sridhar Katakam Keyconfig is a fantastic add-on for Firefox that lets you set custom keyboard shortcuts for every possible action/task in Firefox incl. launching bookmarklets. In this article I share how I set single key shortcuts like ‘z’ for going back ‘x’ for going forward ‘a’ to switch to left tab ‘s’ to switch to right tab ‘t’ to open a new tab ‘c’ for closing the current tab ‘r’ to refresh ‘i’ to start inspecting webpage elements with Firebug ‘u’ to copy URL of the current tab ‘l’ to focus address bar ‘d’ to bookmark in Delicious ‘v’ to view source ‘p’ to open Page Info window With these and a few other add-ons like Search Keys I fly in Firefox with keyboard, not point and click. Most of these shortcuts were what Opera used to come with (I guess, it still does – but then do you know anyone that still use Opera?). Step 1 Download and install Keyconfig from here (xpi file). Step 2 Download ‘Functions for Keyconfig’ add-on from here and install it by going to Add-ons Manager > Install Add-on From File…

WordPress 3.3, les évolutions à découvrir dans notre dossier ! Après l’immense succès rencontré par la précédente version, WordPress 3.3 dévoilera elle aussi son lots de nouveautés. Elle dispose maintenant d’un doctype HTML5 ainsi que d’un gestionnaire d’envoie plus avancée grâce à la bonne utilisation du glisser-déposer et inaugure les pointeurs. Parfait pour aider vos clients et les guider sur la bonne utilisation de l’administration ou encore guider les utilisateurs venant d’activer votre extension et thèmes WordPress. On en reparle dans ce dossier ! Télécharger WordPress 3.3 WordPress 3.3 et maintenant disponible au téléchargement. Télécharger WordPress 3.3 Démonstration en ligne L’ergonomie du menu « Aide » WordPress 3.3 intègre avec lui une meilleure gestion du menu « Aide ». Accessibilité, CSS3 et HTML5 WordPress 3.3 est désormais en HTML5 et supporte les requêtes de médias « media queries » CSS3. Vidéo de présentation Nouvelle ergonomie WordPress 3.3 intègre quelques changements en terme d’ergonomie et de styles graphiques. Les pointeurs
