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Oxford Journals | Arts & Humanities | ELT Journal Learn English online This site contains a wide range of materials to help you learn English. Pick up some basic phrases, expand your vocabulary, or find a language partner to practise with. Phrases English phrases sorted into useful everyday topics. Vocabulary English vocabulary divided into themed lists. About these resources Our aim is to provide a high quality resource for those who wish to learn English online. Access to the site is completely free. Sound is available for all the phrases and vocabulary on this site. The words and phrases on this site are in British English. If you have any comments or suggestions, or spot any mistakes however small, please contact us — we appreciate your feedback. About the English language Over 350 million people speak English as their first language, including 55 million in the UK and more than 200 million in the USA. The total number of people who can speak English, including those who speak it as a second language, is well over a billion. So why learn English?

Interactive ESL | Email Endings There are also other ways to end an email but this depends on the purpose and context of your email. Make sure to use something that will be appropriate for your situation. Don’t use TTYL (Talk to you later) or TGIF (Thank God it's Friday) to your boss or teacher unless you are very very close to them. But sometimes it's nice to end with Happy Holidays if it's around Christmas or New Years time. Good Job! Have a good one! Végig a sárga köves úton Auto Mechanics Hilariously Recreate Renaissance Paintings US-based photographer Freddy Fabris had always wanted to pay homage to the Renaissance masters with his photos in some way, but he wasn’t sure how until he stumbled upon an auto-mechanic shop in the Midwest. This led to a brilliant series of portraits with auto mechanics reenacting famous Renaissance paintings. Show Full Text “Translating painting into photography was a challenge I looked forward to,” Fabris wrote on Huffpost. Fabris is a professional photographer, so the rest of his work is definitely worth checking out too! More info: (h/t: huffpost) The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo The Anatomy Lesson by Rembrandt A series of Rembrandt-inspired portraits

snapshots Marci menni Barcelona Hála szuper indiai programszervezőnknek, Shaznak, aki főállásban szervezi halomra az erasmus-programokat itt Barcelonában, a múlt pénteken lehetőség volt pofátlanul olcsó áron átruccanni Valenciába egy egyéjszakás kalandra, ugyanis odaát pont most zajlott a közmegítélés szerint és szerintem is egyaránt kihagyhatatlan Las fallas. Ez a József-napi buli elég egyedi módon hozza meg a meleget, az elhivatott tűzoltók és megélhetési piromániások nagy örömére. A várost ilyenkor cirka egy hétre teletömik faalapra ácsolt, hatalmas, kartonból gyártott groteszk, szarkasztik-szürreál stílusban készült bábukkal, amik a lehető legkülönfélébb módon gúnyolják ki a társadalmat, a közszereplőket vagy a globalizációt. A skála elég széles: Chaplintől a terhes Hófehérkén át megjelenik Sárközy, a Supermannek öltöztetett Obama, Cristiano Ronaldo és Zapatero is (nyilván én pont nem a legérdekesebbeket találtam meg, de nézzétek el, a rendelkezésre álló órák kevesen voltak, a bábuk meg 700-nál is többen).

Think.Make.Share. – A Blog from the Creative Studios at Hallmark Summer Squash, Bacon, and Mozzarella Quiche Recipe 1. To prepare crust, weigh or lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a food processor, and pulse 2 times or until combined. Add butter and shortening; pulse 4 times or until mixture resembles coarse meal. With food processor on, add ice water through food chute, processing just until the mixture is combined (do not form a ball). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wine Match: Loaded throughout with refreshing minerality and just enough of a sweet, smoky-heat flavor, the 2006 Hugel et Fils Pinot Blanc "Cuvée les Amours" (Alsace, France, $18) is an incredible match with this fresh and light Summer Squash, Bacon, and Mozzarella Quiche.

Classics - Because what you read matters. October 3, 10:30am and October 5, 6:00pm — New York Public Library for the Performing Arts @ 40 Lincoln Center Plaza This October you'll have two opportunities to show your love for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland if you're already an aficionado, or want to learn what all the fuss is about if you're not. Charlie Lovett, former president of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America (and author of The Bookman's Tale, First Impressions and The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge), headlines "On A Golden Afternoon" on October 3. Two days later, a panel of artists and scholars will host "Who's Alice," an evening dedicated to examining the curious allure of Lewis Carroll's heroine, who—despite her eternal youth—turns 150 this year. See more » It's been notoriously difficult to make a good Moby-Dick film, but we fully expect to be thrilled by In the Heart of the Sea, starring Chris Hemsworth and opening December 11th. See more » Read more » Sign Up Submit

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