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Why Curation Will Transform Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons There is a growing number of key trends that are both rapidly revolutionizing the world of education as we know it and opening up opportunities to review and upgrade the role and scope of many of its existing institutions, (as the likeliness that they are going to soon become obsolete and unsustainable, is right in front of anyone's eyes). George Siemens, in his recent Open Letter to Canadian Universities, sums them up well: 1) An Overwhelming Abundance of Information Which Begs To Be OrganizedThe goal is not (and probably it never was) to learn or memorize all of the information available out there. From the New York Times: "...Mr. Curation fits in as a more appropriate approach to learning and to prepare for real-world work challenges, by allowing learners to construct meaning by having to research and to understand and to create new relationships between different information-elements. It's the method that doesn't work anymore.

Work & Turn | Creative Workshops & Sessions 10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education Smartphones and tablet computers are radically transforming how we access our shared knowledge sources by keeping us constantly connected to near-infinite volumes of raw data and information. We enjoy unprecedented instant access to expertise, from informal cooking lessons on YouTube to online university courses. Every day people around the globe are absorbed in exciting new forms of learning, and yet traditional schools and university systems are still struggling to leverage the many opportunities for innovation in this area. Recently frog has been researching how learning models are evolving—and how they can be improved—via the influence of mobile technologies. We have been focusing on the concept of mLearning—where "m" usually stands for "mobile" but also just as easily for "me." 1. Up until now, most people relegated "education" to a finite time in their lives: entering school at around five years old and attending school institutions all the way to university. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Maple Veneer kitchen table with Solid Maple by alramwoodworking Asia-Pacific Social Media Statistics  Internet usage is sky-rocketing throughout the Asia-Pacific region, obviously making the growth of social media the fastest in the world, as you’ll see, it’s not all about Facebook, but it still leads the way across the region, at least for now. This is a nice collective Infographic from Burson-Marsteller. The social media statistics cover the most popular social networks in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam at a top level, but also lists a few basic internet statistics per country, like the total number of people connected to the internet and the top 5 visited websites… Make sure you save this post for later, I’m sure you’ll need to reference these stats at some stage in the future! (Thanks Alex/Carly) Be Sociable, Share!

Future of Education: Breaking The Connection Between Learning and Assessment - Epic 2020 It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. Let's find out. Sal Khan The road to 2020 began in 2009. In response, Google buys two non-profits, the Khan Academy and Udacity. If you want more information on the topics presented in Epic 2020, look at this complementary video entitled "The Breaking Point": Duration: 24':20" QUOjs - Micro JavaScript Library The Role of Tech vs The Purpose of Education Working in the field of digital media and learning, where the important role of new technologies in learning seems self-evident, the slow pace of change in mainstream education can feel frustrating. Responding to this challenge, we give a lot of attention to thinking about ways to support and encourage teachers to make greater use of the opportunities presented by digital media, but perhaps we should spend more time considering how and why technologies come to be used, or not used, in the first place. Ambitious Goals for the Transformative Potential of Digital Media Enthusiasm for the use of digital media in education stems from a number of very different places. Whatever the reasons behind enthusiasm for using digital media in education, it can quickly turn to frustration at what can seem to be a distinct lack of progress in mainstream classrooms. A Bolder Sociological Imagination is Needed Rewriting the Narratives of Technology and Education

Online Event Registration and Event Management Software - ActiveEvents [sns] 페이스북 급부상...″네이버, 다음도 위기 대응 필요″ [sns] 페이스북 급부상..."네이버, 다음도 위기 대응 필요" 공영일 박사 , SNS 성장에 따른 포털업계 영향 분석 기사승인 [2011-01-11 06:49:50], 기사수정 [2011-01-11 06:49] [아시아투데이=김종훈 기자] 소셜네트워크서비스(Social Network Service)의 급속한 확산으로 전통적 인터넷검색시장의 강자인 구글(ceo 에릭 슈밋), 네이버(사장 김상헌) 등 포털사업자가 위협받고 있다는 주장이 제기됐다. 11일 정보통신연구원(KISDI) '페이스북의 부상(浮上)과 시사점' 자료에 따르면, SNS는 글로벌 인터넷시장의 하나의 트렌드를 급부상하고 있다. 페이스북 사이트에서 이용자들은 사람들과 친구관계를 맺고 자신의 개인 프로파일이나 활동들을 공유한다. 페이스북의 이용자는 2004년 12월 100만명을 출발으로 2008년 8월 1억명을 돌파했으며, 12월 마이스페이스(Myspace)를 제치고 세계 제1위의 SNS사업자로 올라섰다. 공영일 정보통신정책연구원 박사는 “전통적인 검색시장의 주도권이 방문자 기준으로 봤을 때 급격히 소셜네트워크 시장으로 변화하고 있다”며 “구글 등 해외는 물론 국내포털도 소셜서비스 런칭을 강화하고 있지만 주도권이 페이스북 등에 쏠려있는 상황이고 후발자에 위치해있어 시장변화에 대응한 연구가 필요하다”고 지적했다. 공 박사는 “페이스북도 시작초기 게임업체 징가를 통해 콘텐츠 도움을 받아 많은 수익기반을 마련햇다”며 “예전에는 내가 가지고 있는 경쟁력만 가지고 경쟁했다면 지금은 타사와 경쟁력 있는 서비스를 연계해 경쟁하는 구조로 재편되고 있다”고 분석했다. 이어 공 박사는 “네이버도 카페나 지식검색, 게임 등이 도움은 될 것인데 SNS시장에서 주도권을 뒤 짚기 위해선 이를 캐치해서 시장에 변화를 가져야한다”며 “네이버는 키워드 검색광고와 검색 후 여백에 배너광고 등 메인수입원이 광고인데 그 시장이 구글도 위협을 느껴 공격적 투자를 하고 있지만 주도권을 바꾸기가 쉽지 않은 측면이 있다”고 설명했다.

Framework for 21st Century Learning The Framework presents a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes (a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century and beyond. The key elements of 21st century learning are represented in the graphic and descriptions below. The graphic represents both 21st century student outcomes (as represented by the arches of the rainbow) and 21st century learning support systems (as represented by the pools at the bottom). While the graphic represents each element distinctly for descriptive purposes, P21 views all the components as fully interconnected in the process of 21st century teaching and learning. 21st Century Student Outcomes and Support Systems 21st Century Student Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 21st Century Support Systems 1. 21st Century Standards 2.

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