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Pause Google: 8 Alternative Search Engines To Find What Google Can't

Pause Google: 8 Alternative Search Engines To Find What Google Can't
On the information superhighway, we are at the helm of piloting a browser through the lanes and alleys of the web. To be a good driver, you need to be a master at the wheel. Would it be an apt metaphor to describe Google Search as that wheel which steers us from one lode of information to the next? With the power of advanced search operators at our command, we can navigate the strands of the web with a bit of Boolean logic. We probably know all the Google search tricks, but there are still things that Google can’t tell us at first glance. Google’s a Hercules, but we shouldn’t be shortsighted not to spot the midgets. Yes, if you really want to go into those little hidden lanes of the web you need to keep a roster of alternative search engines close by. Attrakt Curate your favorite links and search through them. Attrakt works on two levels – it helps you search the web and collect your favorite links in one centralized location. CompletePlanet A search engine for the Deep Web. Quixey Shodan

10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web Not everything on the web will show up in a list of search results on Google or Bing; there are lots of places that their web crawlers cannot access. To explore the invisible web, you need to use specialist search engines. Here are our top 12 services to perform a deep internet search. What Is the Invisible Web? Before we begin, let's establish what does the term "invisible web" refer to? Simply, it's a catch-all term for online content that will not appear in search results or web directories. There are no official data available, but most experts agree that the invisible web is several times larger than the visible web. The content on the invisible web can be roughly divided into the deep web and the dark web. The Deep Web The deep web made up of content that typically needs some form of accreditation to access. If you have the correct details, you can access the content through a regular web browser. The Dark Web The dark web is a sub-section of the deep web. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Lawrence Lessig on the increasing regulation of cyberspace | Harvard Magazine Jan-Feb 2000 Every age has its potential regulator, its threat to liberty. Our founders feared a newly empowered federal government; the Constitution is written against that fear. John Stuart Mill worried about the regulation by social norms in nineteenth-century England; his book On Liberty is written against that regulation. Many of the progressives in the twentieth century worried about the injustices of the market. The reforms of the market, and the safety nets that surround it, were erected in response. Ours is the age of cyberspace. This regulator is code—the software and hardware that make cyberspace as it is. This regulation is changing. My aim in this short essay is to give a sense of this regulation, and a sense of how it is changing. The basic code of the Internet implements a set of protocols called TCP/IP. These features of TCP/IP have consequences for the "regulability" of behavior on the Internet. In some contexts, for some, this unregulability is a virtue. So what can be done?

Testování softwaru 100 Useful Tips and Tools to Research the Deep Web By Alisa Miller Experts say that typical search engines like Yahoo! and Google only pick up about 1% of the information available on the Internet. Meta-Search Engines Meta-search engines use the resources of many different search engines to gather the most results possible. SurfWax. Semantic Search Tools and Databases Semantic search tools depend on replicating the way the human brain thinks and categorizes information to ensure more relevant searches. Hakia. General Search Engines and Databases These databases and search engines for databases will provide information from places on the Internet most typical search engines cannot. DeepDyve. Academic Search Engines and Databases The world of academia has many databases not accessible by Google and Yahoo! Google Scholar. Scientific Search Engines and Databases The scientific community keeps many databases that can provide a huge amount of information but may not show up in searches through an ordinary search engine.

Comment Bruxelles se prépare à enterrer la neutralité du Web Décidément, l’année 2013 n’aura pas été faste pour l’Internet tel qu’il avait été pensé par ses géniteurs : libre, anonyme et égalitaire. Le quotidien économique allemand Handelsblatt affirme être en possession d’un document prouvant la volonté de la Commission Européenne d’enterrer la neutralité du Web. La proposition, téléguidée par la commissaire européenne chargée de la société numérique, Neelie Kroes, vise à laisser libres les opérateurs Télécom de décider de la bande passante qu’ils désirent allouer aux sites internet. Jérémie Zimmerman, cofondateur de l’organisation de défense des droits etlibertés des internautes La Quadrature du Net, réagit vivement : « C’est un habillage très subtil, qui n’en détruit pas moins la neutralité du Net. Un principe indissociable de l’Internet Le Conseil de l’Europe l’avait définie ainsi en septembre 2010 : Vers un Internet à deux vitesses La neutralité est confrontée à un obstacle inattendu : la Toile est saturée – on parle de « congestion du réseau ».

Top 10 Open Source Web-Based Project Management Software This is an user contributed article. Project management software is not just for managing software based project. It can be used for variety of other tasks too. The web-based software must provide tools for planning, organizing and managing resources to achieve project goals and objectives. A web-based project management software can be accessed through an intranet or WAN / LAN using a web browser. You don’t have to install any other software on the system. Obviously I’m not the only user, the following open source software is used by some of the biggest research organizations and companies world wild. #1: Codendi Codendi is an open-source collaborative development platform offered by Xerox. Download Codendi #2: Redmine Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Download redmine #3: ProjectPier ProjectPier is a Free, Open-Source, self-hosted PHP application for managing tasks, projects and teams through an intuitive web interface. Download ProjectPier #4: Trac Download Trac | your entry to the Deep Web, Darknet, Onionland, Tor, Hidden Wiki, Deepweb ITU et CMTI-12 : les nouveaux sigles de la censure d'internet Lors de la Conférence mondiale des télécommunications internationales qui débute aujourd’hui à Dubaï, l’ITU (International Telecommunication Union), organisme dépendant de l’ONU, va tenter de faire valider une extension de son domaine de compétences pour imposer des obligations sur le fonctionnement d’Internet et sa réglementation.Par Aster. Il est difficile de passer quelques mois à peu près informé sans voir un nouveau sigle imprononçable venir agir de manière innommable contre Internet. Mise en bouche Posons les choses simplement. Bien sûr, officiellement, seuls quelques pays affichent une position ouverte de censure, les pays occidentaux remercient les terroristes et les pédophiles. ITU et CMTI-12 ! Passons donc à notre sigle du jour : ITU. 2012, cette organisation se réunit à partir d’aujourd’hui à Dubaï pour une conférence CMTI-12 (12 étant le millésime). Internet n’a pas besoin d’une autorité centrale, il a été conçu pour cela Un peu de contenu concret —-Sur le web.

Enterprise architect By Dana Gardner, Interarbor Solutions Listen to the recorded podcast here: Complexity from Big Data and Cloud Trends Makes Architecture Tools like ArchiMate and TOGAF More Powerful, Says Expert Panel, or read the transcript here. We recently assembled a panel of Enterprise Architecture (EA) experts to explain how such simultaneous and complex trends as big data, Cloud Computing, security, and overall IT transformation can be helped by the combined strengths of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF®) and the ArchiMate® modeling language. This special BriefingsDirect thought leadership interview series comes to you in conjunction with The Open Group Conference recently held in Newport Beach, California. Here are some excerpts: Gardner: Is there something about the role of the enterprise architect that is shifting? At the same time, we’ve got to be mindful of the disruptive external technology forces coming in as well. Not standalone Gardner: Let’s get a quick update. Minor upgrade

Deep Web Search Engines Where to start a deep web search is easy. You hit and when you brick wall it, you go to which is the academic database of Google. After you brick wall there, your true deep web search begins. You need to know something about your topic in order to choose the next tool. To all the 35F and 35G’s out there at Fort Huachuca and elsewhere, you will find some useful links here to hone in on your AO. If you find a bad link, Comment the link below. Last updated July 12, 2016 – updated reverse image lookup. Multi Search engines – (broken as of Sept 2016, hopefully not dead) This is my favorite search engine. Surfwax – They have a 2011 interface for rss and a 2009 interface I think is better. – You can filter the search by domain extension, or by topic which is quite neat. Cluster Analysis Engine TouchGraph – A brilliant clustering tool that shows you relationships in your search results using a damn spiffy visualization. General Videos

Copie privée : Les 10 bidouilles qui coûtent très cher au consommateur Les consommateurs que nous sommes payons, chaque année, 200 millions d’euros aux organismes de collecte, SACEM et autres, au lieu de simplement laisser faire les mécanismes de marché. La copie privée, vous connaissez ? Sinon, c’est par ici ! Pour les autres, sachez que les industriels, prisonniers d’une Commission sourde à leurs revendications légitimes, ont décidé d’en claquer la porte. Ce qui ne semble pas gêner le moins du monde la « Ministre Oréllifilipetti », qui a tout simplement laissé comprendre que la Commission ferait sans. Quel est le principe de la rémunération pour copie privée ? Alors, commençons par le commencement… Pour calculer les « revenus perdus », il faut connaître le nombre de copies réalisées par le consommateur. 1 ère bidouille Les questionnaires utilisés s 2ème bidouille Une autre astuce pour que les études d’usages maximisent le nombre de copies privées supposées faites par les consommateurs consiste à faire peur à l’interviewé. La première étape s’achève.

Make your meetings memorable 99 Resources to Research & Mine the Invisible Web College researchers often need more than Google and Wikipedia to get the job done. To find what you're looking for, it may be necessary to tap into the invisible web, the sites that don't get indexed by broad search engines. The following resources were designed to help you do just that, offering specialized search engines, directories, and more places to find the complex and obscure. Search Engines Whether you're looking for specific science research or business data, these search engines will point you in the right direction. Turbo10: On Turbo10, you'll be able to search more than 800 deep web search engines at a time. Databases Tap into these databases to access government information, business data, demographics, and beyond. GPOAccess: If you're looking for US government information, tap into this tool that searches multiple databases at a time. Catalogs If you're looking for something specific, but just don't know where to find it, these catalogs will offer some assistance. Directories

Wikileaks : l’État, le réseau et le territoire Politique Published on décembre 12th, 2010 | by Anthony “ Infowar”, “cyber warfare”, “opération riposte”, “guerre de l’information”, … les titres couvrant l’affaire Wikileaks ont largement puisé dans le vocabulaire militaire pour décrire les événements qui ont suivi la publication des “cables” diplomatique par le site de Julian Assange. J’aimerais proposer ici l’idée que l’affaire Wikileaks relève bel et bien d’un conflit qui serait de nature territorial entre d’un côté l’État qui s’appuie sur un territoire physique délimité par des frontières au sein duquel est déployée une domination via la mise en scène d’une violence symbolique légitime et de l’autre le réseau en tant que territoire “virtuel” étranger sur lequel l’État n’aurait pas prise : tant physiquement que symboliquement. L’Internet, un territoire étranger Cela dit, la menace terroriste ou les questions de droits d’auteurs que soulèvent les usages de l’Internet attirent l’attention de l’État sur le réseau. About the Author
