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Latest News on Content Marketing - CMA - SEVEN STEPS TO THE PERFECT STORY

Latest News on Content Marketing - CMA - SEVEN STEPS TO THE PERFECT STORY
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How to Write a News Article (with Downloadable Sample Articles) Edit Article Four Parts:Sample ArticlesPlanning Your ArticleWriting Your News ArticleProofing Your ArticleCommunity Q&A Writing a news article is different from writing other articles or informational pieces, because news articles present information in a specific way. It's important to be able to convey all the important information in a limited word count and giving the best information to your targeted audience. Steps Part 1 Planning Your Article <img alt="Image titled Write a News Article Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Research your topic. <img alt="Image titled Write a News Article Step 6" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">6Interview people. Part 2 Part 3 Community Q&A

Values-Based Storytelling - Ariel Group Values-Based Storytelling By: Kate Nugent Kate Nugent is a director, consultant, and coach. She has conducted leadership development programs for organizations such as American Express, General Electric, Deloitte Consulting, and Merrill Lynch. She has taught acting... Learn more about the author › How do you align your personal values with your company’s values? Recently there has been much literature and discussion around we as individuals living our personal values (see practically any episode of Oprah) and about values-based Leadership (see Warren Bennis or Bill George on authentic leadership), but how do we identify our personal values and then communicate them to our people while connecting with their hearts and minds? The answer to both questions is the same: storytelling. A 5-point plan to crafting a values-based story: Find the story. Do you have a great values-based story?

the side of the angels Riddle Interactive Download the plug-in tools you need to use our games and tools, or check to see if you've got the latest version. Learn more Looking for ways to engage your students in online literacy learning? Find more interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals-from organizing their thoughts to learning about language. More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Classroom Resources › Student Interactives Student Interactive Riddles are an excellent vehicle for introducing students to poetry and poetry writing. Related Classroom & Professional Development Resources back to top 8 Classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations A good public speaker takes their audience on a journey, leaving them feeling inspired and motivated. But structuring your speech to get your ideas across and keep your audience engaged all the way through is tricky. Try these eight storytelling techniques for a presentation that wows. You’re doing a presentation, so you start with the facts you want to get across. Wrong! Humans are hardwired for stories. Deliver a presentation that captures the hearts and heads of your audience by stealing one of these classic storytelling techniques. 1. The monomyth (also called the hero’s journey), is a story structure that is found in many folk tales, myths and religious writings from around the world. In a monomyth, the hero is called to leave their home and sets out on a difficult journey. After overcoming a great trial, they return home with a reward or newfound wisdom – something which will help their community. Good for: See also: The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

On Jogging, Bees, and Wordless. It's good to be on your own, sometimes. I'm spending the first few days on my own just looking after myself: juicing and jogging and getting back into shape after the OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE tour which went on for several exhausting months and became the FORTUNATELY, THE MILK tour at the end. Months of hotel and restaurant food, and exercising as and when it was convenient, which often it wasn't. I'm using my iPod Nano to track the running. I hated sports as a kid, hated running, hated anything that wound up with me covered in mud and shivering with cold while teachers in track suits told me that I was a bit rubbish and was not being sufficiently enthusiastic and where was my school spirit anyway? In truth, I have not changed that much. I like how running makes me feel afterwards. I like the way it clears and unclutters my mind, and, sometimes, leaves room for new things to come in, like stories. In the long run, various studies have found, jogging adds years to life.

How to Write a Short Story: 15 Steps Steps Part 1 Brainstorming Ideas 1Come up with a plot or scenario. Part 2 Creating a First Draft 1Make a plot outline. Part 3 Polishing the Draft 1Read the short story out loud. Community Q&A Add New Question How do I create a good title? Ask a Question If this question (or a similar one) is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Article Info Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Fiction In other languages: Español: escribir un cuento corto, Deutsch: Kurzgeschichte schreiben, Português: Escrever um Conto, Nederlands: Een kort verhaal schrijven, Français: écrire une nouvelle, Italiano: Scrivere un Racconto, Русский: написать короткий рассказ, 中文: 写一个小故事, Bahasa Indonesia: Menulis Cerita Pendek, Čeština: Jak napsat povídku, العربية: كتابة قصة قصيرة, ไทย: เขียนเรื่องสั้น, Tiếng Việt: Viết truyện ngắn

The Narrative Fallacy and What You Can Do About It “These types of stories strike a deep chord: They give us deep, affecting reasons on which to hang our understanding of reality. They help us make sense of our own lives. And, most importantly, they frequently cause us to believe we can predict the future. The problem is, most of them are a sham.” The Narrative Fallacy A typical biography starts by describing the subject’s young life, trying to show how the ultimate painting began as just a sketch. Nassim Taleb describes a memorable experience of a similar type in his book The Black Swan. …had you grown up in a Protestant society where people are told that efforts are linked to rewards and individual responsibility is emphasized, you would never have seen the world in such a manner. These types of stories strike a deep chord: They give us deep, affecting reasons on which to hang our understanding of reality. How do I know that this attribution to the background is bogus? This necessary mental function serves us well, in general.

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