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The Gold Jellybean

The Gold Jellybean
Yesterday Sydney and I had a major art and craft day, and also experimented with making glow jars. They have been floating around Pinterest for awhile now and look like so much fun! However, there is one tutorial that frustrates me. The image is clearly Photoshopped, and I think it’s very misleading. So, I decided to make a couple of our own jars so we can share our experience and method with you. You will need a glass jar, glow sticks (I picked some up from the dollar store), rubber gloves to protect your hands, scissors, I recommend protective eyewear, and a piece of tulle (optional). If you are using the tulle, cut a piece slightly larger than the jar, and place inside. Now, put on those rubber gloves. Next, stir and shake the cut glow stick around inside your jar. Once you have the desired amount of glow material in your jar, replace the lid and shake it up. Here are all three jars we made. Now turn off the lights and watch them glow! And here is the jar with the white tulle. Related:  Crafts

DIY Natural Room Scents Don't miss my follow-up post to this one withNATURAL ROOM SCENTS FOR DIY GIFTS & CENTERPIECESCLICK HERE This post was featured in the April 2013 issue of Woman's Day magazine. Here's the thing. Turns out that King-Man may just be ahead of his time. But, the air in my house gets stale sometimes. There is a simple, all natural, truly lovely solution. Keeping the supply list simple. How to Make Natural Room Scents Fragrant items for naturally scenting your home: citrus -- I've tried other fruits. view whole spices on Amazon: cinnamon sticks, anise stars, allspice, cloves, vanilla beans Five Natural Room Scent RecipesThese are all scents that my nose likes. General procedure: Combine the ingredients in a 2 cup (pint) jar or container, or in a pan on the stove top. view on Amazon: ♦pint jars ♦plastic lids for jars Scent #1: Oranges, cinnamon & cloves (allspice and anise are optional). Scent #2: Lemon, rosemary, & vanilla. Scent #3: Lime, thyme, mint & vanilla extract. view on Amazon: Microplane

Meet Hairy! A Spring Gardening Craft for Kids Meet Hairy #1 and Hairy #2 A Spring Gardening Craft for Kids! We’ve never been much for creativity with names in our family and there are more than a few doubles, so it shouldn’t matter that these little guys have the same name! lol Not looking so hairy???? This is a great activity for Earth Week, the environment, science, art….it’s an all arounder! Start with an empty, but clean baby food jar, any size Let the kids choose craft items to make a face- we used googly eyes, sparkle glue and a pompom nose for one, a bead for the other. Anything flat and light will be able to stick with regular white glue, but heavier or hard things like that bead nose needed the help of the glue gun. I stick the jars on a blob of playdough to hold them on their backs without rolling around until the glue has a chance to dry Head to the garden and fill the jars up with dirt Add a little grass seed to the top and water Care for the little Hairy men with water and sunlight and watch their hair grow!!! So much fun!!!

* Maria's Self *: DIY Toilet Bombs - Deodorize & Kill Bacteria! Just Drop One in the Bowl;-))) Remember I told you in my previous post that the next product in my store will be an "outside the box" one? Well, you've been warned;-))) I came up with the idea of Toilet Bombs a few months ago. At first I thought it would be embarrassing to make a post about them but I fell so much in love with these toilet bombs that I just HAD to share the idea with you - I'm seriously addicted! When I drop them in the toilet bowl they start fizzing (= exploding;-) and not only do they smell amazing they also deodorize, kill the bacteria (including the odor-causing ones!) WHAT I USE: (for approx. 24 bombs) --1 1/3 cup Baking Soda - amazing for all-natural cleaning AND deodorizing! --1/2 cup Citric Acid - (low-strength acid that exists naturally in fruits like lemons & oranges) - used in many kitchen & bathroom cleaners for its cleaning, whitening & deodorizing properties *** All three oils I use have great antimicrobial properties and kill odor-causing bacteria PLUS this combo smells heavenly!!!

Floral Acrylic Monogram - The Scrap Shoppe This DIY floral acrylic monogram perfect for brightening up any home decor space. I have a SUPER fun new piece of decor for my living room. And I was able to make it in just 10 minutes! Have you seen the fabulous acrylic letters at Michaels stores? I know you probably don’t really need a tutorial for this but, just in case, I’m sharing one anyway. The hardest part of this project? Start by tracing the edge of the monogram on the scrapbook paper. Wipe the back of the monogram really well to remove any debris and/or fingerprints. Immediately place the paper monogram face down on the decoupage. Odds are not everything is going to line up exactly right. If this were true paper crafting you would probably sand off that excess paper for a nice, smooth finish. The acrylic monogram is pretty thick so it does amazing things to trick the eye once the paper is behind it. This is going to look fabulous paired with all the flower stems I purchased over the weekend!

DIY Naturally Scented All-Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaners I've been on a quest to rid our home of toxic chemicals for both health and environmental reasons. Did you know? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be 10 times to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. One of the culprits is common household cleaners emitting toxic fumes. UGH! After my recent post about using fruit, herbs, and spices for making natural home fragrances, it occurred to me that I could use some of those same scent combinations for making natural cleaners with vinegar. These scented cleaners don't completely eliminate the vinegar scent when first sprayed. THESE MAKE COOL, INEXPENSIVE GIFTS. HOW TO MAKE NATURAL CLEANERSwith vinegar, citrus, herbs, and spices Assemble these ingredients: view on Amazon: essential oils, bulk pricing on cinnamon sticks, whole cloves Assemble these supplies: Jars or other sealable containers. view on Amazon:half gallon mason jars, quart mason jars, spray bottles,jar funnel, mason jar lid strainer, wire mesh strainer 1.

Modern House Number DIY Have you ever gone to a party at a house you haven't been to before and driven slowly up and down the street squinting at all the front porches trying to spot the right house numbers? I always appreciate visible house numbers in situations like that, but I figured there must be a better way to display your address than the standard format. I came up with this house address DIY and tried it out on our studio space. Now we have the cutest address on the block (at least in my opinion...)! Supplies:-house numbers (I used these)-faux grass (I bought mine at Michael's but this is similar)-3/4" wood* (you can also use a shadow box display case of the right size instead of making your own box)-2 1/2" wood screws-wood glue-exterior paint-multi-surface glue *Like I mention in the supply list, you don't have to make your own box from scratch for this project. If you are also into making the box yourself (yay!) Once your box is put together, fill the nail holes with wood filler.

Homemade Vanilla Extract I love the scent of vanilla in anything from candles to soap and the flavor of vanilla in baked goods and desserts is second to none. If a recipe calls for one teaspoon vanilla extract, I use at least two; but likely more and use a slow, heavy hand when pouring. All that pouring makes my food taste amazing but my wallet doesn’t like it. Storebought real vanilla extract is pricey and I can make extremely fast work of a two- or four-ounce bottle that sells for $8.99 to $10.99, and up. Homemade vanilla extract saves money and even if it didn’t, when it comes to taste and flavor, there is just no comparison. The only thing special that’s required when making vanilla extract is patience. To make vanilla extract you need vanilla beans. When selecting beans, they should be soft, pliable, tender, and flexible. Next, you need alcohol (at least 35% by volume) in order to extract the vanilla from the vanilla beans, thus the name, vanilla extract. Ingredients: 5 vanilla beans, split lengthwise Notes

Simply Charming Easy Bracelets To Make There are currently no images from other crafters. close Terms & Conditions You must enter into this Agreement if you want to submit digital images or other content to Prime Publishing through Sharing Customer Images (the "Service"). As used in this Agreement, "we" or "Prime Publishing" means Prime Publishing, LLC. and "you" means the individual or entity submitting materials to Prime Publishing. 1) Eligibility. 2) Definitions. 3) License Grant for Materials. 4) Removal of Materials. 5) License for Name, Trademarks and Likenesses. 6) Specifications and Guidelines. 7) Representations, Warranties and Indemnities. 8) Restrictions. 9) No Obligation. 10) Changes to Agreement. 11) Prime Publishing Intellectual Property. 12) Communications. 13) Waiver. 14) Disclaimer. 15) Miscellaneous. Sharing Your Own Images Who can share images? You! What should I share? Please share images that will help other visitors. Do include captions for your images. What shouldn't I share? Where will my image appear?

How to Make Homemade Peppermint Extract Part of the reason that I decided to grow mint this year was so that I could try making my own peppermint extract. Jesse and I are pretty much obsessed with mint (especially mint plus chocolate) so we go through a lot of mint extract. Even though I buy my extracts through Azure Standard, they’re not exactly cheap, so making my own seemed like a great way to save some money. I finally got down to it last weekend. The extract has only been sitting for a few days so far so I can’t tell you how it came out, but I wanted to share the method now in case anyone else has an abundance of mint just begging to be used for something. How to Make Peppermint Extract I did a quick Google search and found a multitude of recipes, all of which followed the same basic outline. Harvest a bunch of mint leaves from your mint plant. Harvested mint leaves Remove mint leaves from stalks (if applicable) and pack leaves into a measuring cup to determine how much mint you have. Mint leaves ready to be rinsed

Teinté verre les lumières de Noël Clear par BlueFishStudios 26 Tips and Tricks To Simplify Life I have been collecting all kinds of clever tips to make life just a little bit more simple. Here are some of my favs! 1. 10. 19. Simple Lemon water. Want to be eco-friendly but not have to mess with cloth diapers? More From New Nostalgia:
