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Open Source Washing Machine Project » About beyond profit » social enterprise magazine The Prepaid Economy Blog | Exploring business models for irregular income streams Ta-Nehisi Coates - Authors On Monday, 66-year old Joan Tarshis accused Bill Cosby of raping her. Tarshis says the attack took place in 1969, when she was 19 and working as comedy writer: ... [H]e told me that he wanted to work on a monologue together, and I had an idea for something about an earthquake that had just happened. It was my first earthquake. Tarshis is the fifth woman to publicly accuse Bill Cosby of raping her. Perhaps it is not fair for a journalist to consider, or even publicize, anonymous allegations of criminal activity. Most of these allegations came after Constand sued Cosby in civil court. A defense of Cosby requires that one believe that several women have decided to publicly accuse one of the most powerful men in recent Hollywood history of a crime they have no hope of seeing prosecuted, and for which they are seeking no damages. I spent parts of 2006 and 2007 following Bill Cosby around the country. The author of this moment is Bill Cosby. It was not enough.

Bricolabs shared network — Bricolabs Chimica-online: risorse didattiche per lo studio online della Chimica. Developing Open Data for Informal Transit Systems Collecting data and putting it in the hands of the citizens will change the power dynamics of transport decisions in Nairobi. The implications of this project will go beyond Kenya as many developing cities have these types of semi-formal bus systems, we have already made connections in Dahka, Manila, and Mexico City. We believe Digital Matatus can become a platform for developing and disseminating transit data across the world where citizens depend on informal buses to move through the city. How do you know there is demand for this project and from whom? Citizens and governments everywhere want more information to make better decisions about how people move through cities. A 2007-2008 Gallup poll found that in sub-Saharan Africa a vast majority of citizens were dissatisfied with their transportation systems. Our team has been working in the transport sector both in Nairobi and globally for years. How is your project different from what already exists? Who is working on the project?

The Economy and the Economics of Everyday Life - Economix Blog - The Rise in the Informal Economy (The Engaging Brand ) The informal economy is growing and that is why The Engaging Brand podcast is looking wider than traditional business models, such as crowdfunding and 3D printing - the future will see many of these informal economies replace or enhance the traditional business model. Makeshift point to an estimated informal economy of $10 trillion, employing 80% of people in emerging markets and fastest growing economy in the world! In fact if a country then it would have the 2nd highest GDP in the world. The informal economy is like a sandbox for the future...think of iTunes looking at how people were file sharing their digital informal economy...and then turned it into a formal economy. The informal economy is intriguing because it a networked economy based on values not value to specific shareholders. The informal economy is often ignored by companies because "it will never take off" - no doubt Encyclopedia Britannica thought that on the launch of Wikipedia.... Still don't think so?

The Everywhereist | travel advice, tips, and stories
