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Let’s Play! 20+ Sites for Young Learners

Let’s Play! 20+ Sites for Young Learners
Part of the Cool Sites series Sometimes, the teachers of young learners get a bad reputation for playing all day in their classes. Let me tell you a secret. Any great teacher of young learners is definitely playing a lot in and out of the classroom! Play is an important part of development. Children are motivated by learning through play and learn a lot through playing such as: problem solvingcompleting a small task before a larger taskpacingfollowing instructionscollaboratingdeveloping skills to accomplish tasks Play and Video Games Many more lessons are learned by today’s digital games which have the social component to them. 9 Digital Sites that Make English Fun for YLs Kindersite- The Kindersite spearheaded by Joel Josephson (@acerview54) has 1000s of educational and fun content specifically designed for preschool, kindergartens, elementary, primary schools and special needs students. ELT Digital Play- This blog lists reviews various games, describes their value and how to play them. Related:  Classroom Hacks

Room Escape Maker - Create Escape The Room Games For Free Basic information ROOM ESCAPE MAKER is a free online application to create Escape The Room games. Build challenging casual point and click games with puzzles, hidden objects, safes with combination locks, and much more. YOU are game designer. The community You are more than welcome to be a part of the project. Fan of Room Escape Games in general? Help creating games If you need to know more about how to create your games, we recommend you to watch this amazing tutorial created by PhantomDarkness135. Do you still have questions? Publishing conditions When you send a game to review, be sure you don't have anything else to change about it. While on review, these are the reasons that may prevent us from validating your game: Irrelevant title, keywords or description. Also, avoid having items to be added to the inventory during your game if these items are not going to be really useful. Application compatibility ROOM ESCAPE MAKER was tested on Bug report

10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps If you've ever wanted to build an app for your business, blog, product or service, but the heavy investment of both time and money put you off, you're not alone. The good news is that entering the mobile market no longer necessarily requires thousands of dollars and months of work. There are many mobile platforms available to help you build an app on a budget — quickly, and with no coding knowledge required. With a small investment, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the platforms listed below, and start reaping the advantages of offering your customers a dedicated mobile experience, including increased awareness, engagement and revenue. Show As Gallery Have something to add to this story? Image: Mashable composite. iStock, pressureUA

Language Arts Games - Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, Vocabulary Sheppard Software's Language Arts page features a variety of games for different grade levels. Elementary students (and anyone who needs a refresher) can play the animated grammar and punctuation games, which review basic punctuation and grammar concepts. This section is continually being refined and expanded, so check back often! Middle school, high school, and adult learners can review their SAT and advanced vocabulary through the SAT Words and Vocabulary in Context games. Memorizing a wide variety of important vocabulary words will really help you succeed in the verbal sections of the SATs and GREs. In addition, reading challenging books, using the vocabulary you learn in daily life, and writing will help cement the words in your mind.

Exploratorium: the museum of science Play to Learn Course Challenge Back to Play to Learn course Try out Samorost with a class! Deadline: 21 September 2012 Try out the online game Samarost with a class, and win a free place on the new Consultants-E course Play to Learn: Digital Games in ELT (1 – 30 October 2012). What is Samarost? What is the Digital Games Challenge? How do I take part? 1. 2. Did you enjoy playing Samarost? While students are discussing the questions, listen and take notes on their opinions. 3. Introduce yourself with your name and the city and country where you teach Tell us how old your learners are, and how many were in the class Summarise what your students said in reply to the questions they discussed in step 2 above* Show samples of the written work students produced during the lesson Tell us what you think worked best in the lesson and how the students reacted Tell us about anything you would do differently if you did the lesson again 4. 5. How will the winner be chosen? online course.

3D GameLab | Heroic learning, come play! Comic Master The Minecraft Teacher Back to school. Long time no post. So one day I had this idea to use Minecraft in my class. It worked really, really well. And I couldn’t figure out why no one else was doing the same thing. But one thing led to another and I ended up leaving a perfectly respectable teaching career to play a lot more Minecraft. I got to interact with amazingly talented people from all over the world. All that plus getting to work with some wonderfully Finnish geniuses who I now consider family. But I am leaving TeacherGaming and sailing away from Minecraft’s blocky shores for a while. I am going back to the classroom. It’s been an absolute honor to work with Minecraft. I feel quite lucky to have been involved during this unbelievably cool time period in Minecraft’s development. There are SOOOOOOO many amazing people doing inspiring work with Minecraft, both in and out of schools. I think I will be playing Minecraft forever. What would you like to hear/see from me? Peace out, kids. ~JoelP.S. minecraftedu:

KIDO'Z - Fun & Safe Play Mode for Kids
