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Felt Scrap Rug

Felt Scrap Rug

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Repeat - Mason Jars Yes, they are everywhere. Yes, I have posted on them before. And yes, I am still smitten! How could I not be? They are affordable. I should note...I'm a little obsessed with how the matte black came out and have more outside drying as I type this. Then, in my Pinterest crazed obsession, I found this little DIY image. This led me to trying my own version with a milk jar, fabric marker and glue gun.... She's not perfect, but I love that about her. For all you DIYers with questions on how to or the materials used for this project...I did a follow up post that can be found here.

Felt Flower Pillows The way these pillows are constructed is both simple and suprizing. I loved stuffing them and watching them "bloom" in the last steps. They are also pretty quick to make, and kind of addictive. I want to make a set in every color! Materials To make one 17-inch x 17-inch Pillow: For the background: two 18-inch x 18-inch pieces of wool felt in a neutral color, I used nutmeg.For the flower petals: two 18-inch x 18-inch pieces of wool felt in two bright colors, I used ecru and yellow.For the back: a 1/2-yard of muslin in whiteAn 18-inch square pillow formA water soluble fabric markerNeutral colored cotton threadA hand sewing needle Note- The photographs in following instructions show the middle pillow (as seen in the photograph of the pillows on the bed) being constructed. Far Left Pillow: Background- steel. Cutting and Marking Cut the muslin into an 18-inch square and set aside. Cut each piece of felt into four 9-inch squares. Mark four of the 9-inch background squares as follows: Sewing Squares

My Flour/Sugar Drawers | Pioneer Woman Home & Garden I posted this in the cooking section of my website, back before this Home and Garden section existed. It’s buried deep in the annals of PW Cooks, so I thought I’d bring it over here to its rightful place. This remains one of my favorite features in our kitchen. When Marlboro Man and I kicked his parents out of their house on the ranch so we could live there instead I didn’t want to do a thing to the house. We’ve always planned things well in advance. Not. And okay, we didn’t kick Marlboro Man’s parents to the curb. I asked my mother-in-law to help me figure out the design of the new kitchen because she’s good at that type of thing and she’d lived in the house for thirty years and knew all about the air and the light there. I’m happy with the way it turned out. One of my favorite things about my kitchen are these glass-front drawers: They’re in my baking center. I think I dreamed them up one night in my sleep…I’m not sure. But then again, I’m not concerned with perfection.

String Pendant Lamp AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords. Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. This information may be combined with data that AdWords has collected from you. LiveRamp We use LiveRamp to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by LiveRamp. Doubleclick We use Doubleclick to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Doubleclick. RocketFuel We use RocketFuel to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by RocketFuel. Twitter We use Twitter to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Twitter. Facebook We use Facebook to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Facebook. Sprinklr We use Sprinklr to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by Sprinklr. Dstllery Marin LinkedIn Demandbase Yandex AdForm Baidu Naver

30 Most Funny Advertisements July 20th, 2011 Neo Now a days Advertising Companies are making the most amazing advertising campaigns with interesting sculptures or paintings. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Paintstick Starburst My friends, if there ever was a bandwagon, this carefree DIYer is jumping right on it. For months, I’ve seen fabulous versions of the sunburst mirror pop up all over the blogosphere. And for weeks now, with every stop in the paint department, I couldn’t help but notice how those paint stir sticks might just make a very cool version of this decorative favorite. I couldn’t figure out how to stack them nicely enough around the center to make it worth my effort, but that little road bump didn’t stop me from snagging more than my fair share of free stir sticks at a time, like 8 or 10, over the course of a month. How to Make a (Paint Stir Stick) Sunburst Mirror What You’ll Need: 46-50 paint stir sticks; wood base, 7” embroidery hoop, 7” circle mirror, gorilla glue or hot glue, paintbrush, Xacto knife, plastic spray paint (optional, and not necessary if you use a wood hoop), craft paints in various colors; picture hanger (not shown) Tools: miter saw. Paint your embroidery hoop.

20 Crafty Ways To Use Up Fabric Scraps : Posted on | November 8, 2008 | 2 Comments My grandmother always had a mountain of fabric scraps. Leftovers from sewing projects, hems cut off pants, recycled out-of-style skirts, old pillowcases; everything was added to the pile. If you have your own fabric scraps, here are 20 crafty uses for your excessive of riches. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1/2 yard of stretchy fabric can be made into a beret. 10. 11 & 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Comments 30 Fabulous Reuses & Repurposes for Old or Recalled Cribs With new crib regulations, the resale of cribs is going to be pretty non-existent for a while. But don't you worry!! You don't have to use that crib for summer campfires! We've scoured the web for some cool tutorials and ideas for reusing old or recalled cribs! These repurposed crib projects are an awesome way to prevent your crib from going into a landfill, getting reused "inappropriately" or simply sitting in your basement collecting dust. NEW! Create a Cool Craft & Storage Center from your Recalled Crib Get Organized in the Laundry Room with Your Old Crib ** ConsignmentMommies "I Consign Too Much..." Turn Your Old Crib into a Bench or Chair A Repurposed Crib Becomes a Plate Rack Cool Message Centers, Chalkboards & Easels from Old Cribs Create a Photo Display from Crib Parts Organize Your Jewelry A Cool Magazine Rack Create a Cool Message Center for Your Office Create a Table Take it Outside to the Garden

40 Seriously Funny Print Ads Print adverts need to get a message across with a single image and without the recourse of interactivity that we find today on the Internet. As interactive media expands, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day. For any company trying to get their product or service out in print format, the task is ever more challenging and difficult. Humorous ads remain one of the few effective ways to engage an audience in a very saturated advertising market. This is an area where the audience is far more receptive and still willing to pay attention. In this post, we’ve gathered 40 hilarious and really creative ads for your enjoyment… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Which ones did you like best? By WebdesignerDepot Staff WDD staff are proud to be able to bring you this daily blog about web design and development.

Scrabble Coasters Is everyone ready for today's Pinterest challenge? I know I'm excited to share my project and can't wait to see what everybody else came up with. Pinterest in general just makes me tinkle in my pants with joy! So let's get to it! Lately I have been obssessed with games like Words With Friends, Wordosaur, Scrabble and any other word games that make me use my noggin. Online these babies go for $26, but with a little crafting and an old scrabble game, these can be yours for practically free! Here are the materials you need: 64 scrabble letters (check yard sales, thrift stores, or order some on Ebay or Amazon if you don't have any on hand)1 thin cork board (buy at any craft store)1 x-acto knifesuper gluehot glue gunmodpodge/sealer Step 1. Arrange 16 letters to make 4 words that you are happy with on your coasters (Ex. Step 2. Glue letters together using a thin layer of super glue leaving about 15 seconds to dry between each letter. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. What do you think?

Bookshelves + Staircase = Bookstairs I am so enthralled by these that I just might build some bookstairs that lead to nothing in my pad. This beauty belongs to London-based Veronika and Sebastian. My only addition would be a space to keep a pillow or two so I can sit and read on the stairs if I feel so inclined. P.S. {Images via Creative Cloud} Corkboard Journals Here's another DIY project from our sweet friend, Sasha - from the The Gilded Bee. Be sure to check out her awesome shop full of handmade packaging lovelies. Thanks for being here with us Sasha! I'm delighted to share my book tutorial with you today: Supplies you’ll need to make this project: • One—8.5 x 5.5 sheet of cardstock • One---1/2 x 3 inch piece of cardstock or paper • Two---2 5/8 x 3 1/8 inch pieces of cardboard, chipboard or matboard (not corrugated) • Hot glue gun and glue sticks • 25---3 x 5 inch ruled or blank index cards • Two---3 x 5 inch sheets cardstock • 2 rubber bands • Pencil • ¼ inch wide Ribbon: One-6 inch piece, plus two-1 inch pieces To make the page block: * 1. * 2. * 3. * 4. * 5. * 6. To make the cover: * 1. Make a little mark at the center of each side of your paper (4.25 inches on center). On each side of those center marks, draw three lines paralleling each other (6 lines total): 5/16”, 5/8”, 13/16” inch from the center mark. * 3. * 4. * 5. * 6. * 8. * 9. * 10.

Photos — Ana White The free content provicded by this website is made possible by the following current sponsors. Thank you! My Zipper Tee DIY tutorial...Tshirt Recycle Supplies: Zipper 22 inches or so... old tshirt or 1 yard fabric. I am all about casual style, but usually like something to separate my tee from everyone elses. Here is one I designed back then that I recreated for a tutorial. For this zipper: I know they have double zippers, but they go the other way so you will have to make it like i did. You can use an old tshirt, it doesn't matter what size. If you use fabric: I used a light jersey cotton with a nice drape. If the fabric is light, I would suggest ironing interfacing to the edges so it wont wave from the zipper. Sew the side seams if you used your own fabric.
