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PageData - Facebook page metrics from Inside Network

PageData - Facebook page metrics from Inside Network

untitled What is the Facebook Marketing Bible? The Facebook Marketing Bible is the comprehensive guide to marketing your brand, company, product, or service on Facebook. In the Facebook Marketing Bible, you will find detailed summaries about the inner workings of Facebook, the best strategies to mobilize your business, specific how-tos, successful case studies, and insights from social media experts across the board. Our Mission Our goal with the Facebook Marketing Bible is to consistently bring you the best content and strategies that will help to elevate your business to the next level. Where do I start?

Facebook FBX Facebook 2011's Most-Popular Status Trends Facebook status updates played a starring role in the evolution of the world's largest social network in 2011. As several major changes to status updates (increased character limits, for example) rolled out throughout the year, Facebook data scientists kept their eyes focused on tracking the trends among those status updates. Facebook unleashed that research late Tuesday night in their end-of-year Memology list, which each December since 2009 has helped users understand the most-popular topics, cultural trends and acronyms on the site. Similar to what was popular on Twitter in 2011, high-profile deaths triggered (see image above) plenty of discussions among you and your friends. On Facebook, the death's of Osama bin Laden, Steve Jobs and Amy Winehouse incited heavy activity in status updates. SEE ALSO: Beyonce’s Baby Bump Inspired More Tweets Per Second Than Steve Jobs’ Passing This year's list also highlights the fastest-growing topic areas in news, entertainment and sports. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Facebook : son nouvel algorithme, son ciblage, et notre ligne éditoriale Le aime Facebook : nous y postons tous les jours une sélection d'informations que nous estimons importantes, essentielles, immanquables (sous formes de liens, d’images ou de vidéos). Nos lecteurs aiment Facebook : ils sont plus de 400 000 à y suivre notre page, pour "aimer" et surtout commenter nos informations. Et ils sont environ 26 millions en France, selon les derniers chiffres Nielsen, et un milliard dans le monde, selon les derniers chiffres de Mark Zuckerberg, à avoir un profil. Sur Facebook, ils publient des statuts ou des liens, partagent coups de cœur et coups de gueule, discutent avec leurs amis ou des inconnus des petits et grands événements de la vie. Mais Facebook, c’est également une plateforme retravaillée en permanence par des équipes soucieuses de faire évoluer la formule et l’expérience des utilisateurs. Pour les professionnels, toutes ces évolutions ne sont pas forcément faciles à appréhender. Las. Michaël Szadkowski et Flavien Hamon

All text symbols Beautify your statuses, comments, messages and your general texting life with symbols. Make your concepts stand out from the crowd by just one more way - looking charming. Symbols will empower your meaningful, mindful and tasteful ideas by further inspiring your audience with adorable forms of the world's most known and refined signs. Read my corresponding article if you'll want to put some symbols into Facebook name and you'll have trouble with that. Copied. Click a symbol on white background to auto-copy it.

How Videogames Are Changing Disney | Game|Life ANAHEIM, California — Mickey Mouse. Donald Duck. Swampy Alligator? There’s a funny thing happening at Disneyland. The California theme park’s familiar landscape is still dominated by attractions based on the company’s evergreen stable of world-famous film characters. But walking around the two theme parks, one begins to notice some interlopers from outside the established Disney canon. Disney first licensed its characters for use in games beginning in the early 1980’s with titles like Sorceror’s Apprentice for Atari 2600, or The Black Cauldron for personal computers. “This is maybe the first time in Disney’s history where we have a character that was created solely for a videogame product that is now branching in other directions,” says Disney Interactive Media Group vice president Bill Roper. In fact, Swampy is just one of the ways that Disney’s stable of popular and lucrative characters is being shaped and changed by videogames. “I realize I’m immersed in the Kool-Aid,” he says.

How to Quit Facebook: 10 steps Edit Article Reflect on Your Facebook UseTake Action Edited by Nathaniel Wingfield, Tom Viren, Krystle, Jack Herrick and 99 others Maybe you got on Facebook just to stay in touch with old friends -- or to remember the birthdays of your new friends. Maybe you were just bored. Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: Reflect on Your Facebook Use 1Track your usage for a day (or a week). 4Think of how you can get the benefits of Facebook without it. Method 2 of 2: Take Action 1Turn off all of your email and phone Facebook notifications. 7Find alternatives to using Facebook. Video Tips If you are looking for a way to actively decrease the frequency of your Facebook visits, change your password to a long string of numbers. Warnings You might think that your friends will hate you for this.

[datajournalisme] 7 idées de projets pour la presse locale Je suis toujours frappé du potentiel inexploité du datajournalisme par la presse locale en France. Mises à part quelques rares expériences (au Dauphiné Libéré par exemple ou à Marsactu pour les pure players locaux), l’utilisation et la mise en scène des données sont quasi absentes des sites d’informations régionaux. On en reste malheureusement encore au stade de la Google Map comme sommet d’innovation data-journalistique ! Justice, fiscalité, fait divers, sport, économie, culture, citoyenneté… A l’échelle d’une région, d’un département, d’une ville, d’un quartier, d’un village, ce ne sont pourtant pas les statistiques et les sources pertinentes qui manquent. L’argent, mon bon monsieur ? L’argent est à mon avis un (presque) faux problème. Mais quand même : il y aurait des choses à faire. Prenons par exemple le Los Angeles Times, le grand régional de la côte Ouest des États-Unis (800 000 exemplaires, l’équivalent d’un Ouest-France). CARTE 1. CARTE 2. Le mode d’emploi.

Blog Archive » Facebook versus OpenSocial Het was wel een bewogen weekje in de wereld van Social Networks. Vorige week werd aangekondigd dat Microsoft tegen een belachelijke waardering een uitermate klein belang nam in Facebook, dat daarmee een fictieve beurswaarde van 10 miljard Euro (15 miljard dollar) kreeg. Microsoft moest wel, wilde het in de race blijven. Kapers zoals Google zouden op de kust zijn, was het verhaal. Afgelopen week ontving ik achter elkaar e-mails van kennissen en vrienden die me graag wilden toevoegen als contact aan Plaxo Pulse. Met Plaxo Pulse kan ik in een handomdraai al deze afzonderlijke toepassingen snel en eenvoudig op een site bij elkaar krijgen. widgets/gadgets vanaf andere sites, zoals ook Apple haar Widgets introduceerde op de desktop, Microsoft de Vista Gadgets en Adobe het platform-onafhankelijke AIR.

Mais pourquoi contribue-t-on ? La question des motivations revient dès que l’on évoque les mécanismes de contribution dans l’open data ou les données collaboratives. On a parfois du mal à comprendre pourquoi des individus a priori sains de corps et d’esprit consacrent une partie de leur temps libre à ce type d’activité, qu’il s’agisse de développer une application mobile sans grand espoir de gain, ou de cartographier son quartier pour Open Street Map… Les processus contributifs et participatifs sont au coeur de l’open data. Dans le concours organisé par Rennes Métropole en 2010, deux tiers des participants étaient des particuliers. 1 – Une approche par les motivations : mais pourquoi contribuez-vous ? Une recherche sur le sujet à partir de la littérature scientifique (références des travaux universitaires utilisés à la fin de ce billet) m’a permis de recenser quelques ressorts de la motivations des contributeurs. En résumé, les grandes catégories de motivations sont : 3 – Ne pas sous estimer le facteur d’opposition

NYU Students Aim to Invent Facebook (Again). We’ve Got Your Back Remember when Facebook really was a private club? In the days before we called anything a “social network?” When “sharing” and “connecting” wasn’t bait for the switch of “monetizing” the stuff and nonsense of our lives? Well, four NYU students do, and they are so nostalgic for those halcyon days way back in 2004 that they have set out to re-invent that wheel — for the good of mankind. The New York Times reports Wednesday that Ilya Zhitomirskiy, 20; Dan Grippi, 21; Max Salzberg, 22; and Raphael Sofaer, 19, decided that Facebook had become so … Facebook that the world needed a safe online haven, one that could fulfill what had once been the fact and promise of Facebook. A place secure from the Big Bad Wolves who walk right though an open door to cull, scrape, decipher and analyze our timelines, and who see a commercial opportunity every time we go for coffee, buy a movie ticket or change partners. “We were shocked,” Grippi told the Times. Boys, live long and prosper. See Also:

How Apple Really Lost Its Lead In The 80s Steve Jobs gives the finger to rival IBM When Android surged past Apple in smartphone market share, a lot of people squawked that computer history was repeating itself. The story of the 80s, according to these people, was that Apple pioneered the personal computing industry with the Apple computer. It then stumbled because of its closed approach while Microsoft flourished, spraying its software everywhere through low-cost personal computers. Apple went from being the wealthy market leader to an also-ran in the blink of an eye. It's going to happen again, too, warn these people, if Apple doesn't learn anything. You see, the iPhone was the innovative market leader, but a cheaper alternative from Google, Android, is being sprayed all over the place. It's an entertaining story, but it turns out it's not exactly accurate. Goldman Sachs released a massive report on the warring tech giants this week. First off all, Apple was never really a market leader in the 80s. Goldman Sachs Screenshot

Court Indicates Facebook May Be Violating Your Publicity Rights With Sponsored Stories Because Facebook does so many things that aren't in users' interests, their "Sponsored Stories" program barely registers. Nevertheless, Sponsored Stories demonstrates why many people are burned out on Facebook. Facebook collects user preferences through its semantically ambiguous "like" button and then uses that data to show ads to the users' friends with a seeming endorsement. My response to Facebook's roll out of Sponsored Stories was swift and decisive: I don't "like" any businesses on Facebook or do any other activities on Facebook that I believe can trigger a Sponsored Story. To me, this marketplace response is adequate. This is a rich and interesting opinion by Judge Koh (embedded below) that has something for everyone to "like" (or dislike). Article III Standing In a ruling that bucks a mini-trend, Judge Koh upholds the case from an Article III standing challenge. She says later: In another tricky intellectual move, Judge Koh distinguishes Cohen v. Newsworthiness. Consent.
