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Revolutionary "Superman" Memory Crystals Can Store Data Virtually Forever

Revolutionary "Superman" Memory Crystals Can Store Data Virtually Forever
Quartz Crystal photo from Shutterstock While most of us are just getting used to the idea of 3D printing, scientists are already working on technological marvels that operate two dimensions deeper. Researchers at the University of Southampton have succeeded in recording and retrieving five dimensional digital data using a quartz crystal. The ‘Superman’ memory crystal is a futuristic storage technique with unprecedented features – including a 360 terabyte per disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1000°C and a practically unlimited lifetime. We’ve all seen those sci-fi movies where a gorgeous alien shoves a pointy crystal into some mega computer and the world is saved. So how does it work? “The self-assembled nanostructures change the way light travels through glass, modifying polarization of light that can then be read by combination of optical microscope and a polarizer, similar to that found in Polaroid sunglasses,” states the release. Via Eureakalert and DVice Related:  FUTURE TECH

Perfect Faults: A Self-Correcting Crystal May Unleash the Next Generation of Advanced Communications Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have joined with an international team to engineer and measure a potentially important new class of nanostructured materials for microwave and advanced communication devices. Based on NIST's measurements, the new materials—a family of multilayered crystalline sandwiches—might enable a whole new class of compact, high-performance, high-efficiency components for devices such as cellular phones.* "These materials are an excellent example of what the Materials Genome Initiative refers to as 'materials-by-design'," says NIST physicist James Booth, one of the lead researchers. "Materials science is getting better and better at engineering complex structures at an atomic scale to create materials with previously unheard-of properties." The new material has layers of strontium oxide, believed to be responsible for the self-correcting feature, separating a variable number of layers of strontium titanate. *C-H Lee, N.D.

What Is Orgonite? A Brief History of Orgone Research, The Advancements of Orgonite, Cloudbusting: Then and Now, The Orgonite Gifting Movement A Brief History of Orgone Research In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg, Germany published the results of a blind study1 which showed that 30-minute orgone accumulator treatments caused consistent, positive psycho-physiological effects not seen with the all-fiberglass box used for a control, stating "the results received in our investigation furnish evidence for the assumption that the physical properties of the orgone accumulator and its psychophysiological efficacy on human organisms, postulated by Reich and his associates, factually exist." Reich's work was continued in earnest in the 1960's by more open-minded Russian scientists such as Dr. Following in their footsteps, thousands of Ph.D. The Advancements of Orgonite Reich built his research lab, dubbed Orgonon, in rural Maine, USA, as this location was at the time very isolated from sources of "deadly orgone," which his accumulators would collect indiscriminantly. Cloudbusting: Then and Now The Orgonite Gifting Movement

4 Ways to Heal your Body using Crystals Now that we’ve made a post about all of the different types of crystals there are available, I thought it might be a good opportunity to talk about what we can use them for. Obviously, Crystals have many practical applications in the mainstream world. Did you know that all of our Computer Technology is based off of the core Element that Crystals are? Fyi – It’s Silicon, and that’s just the tip of the iceburg. So besides massive amount of Data Storage and Computing Technology, Crystals also can have an effect on your body too. Consider Crystals like Materia from FF7…. Here are 4 ways that you can use Crystals to facilitate healing in your body. Before we begin, let me share with you this prerequisite to using any and all of your crystals: Let them sit in the sun for several hours before you use them, this will charge them with the life-bearing energy of the sun, and it can be fuelled through the crystals into you. Now that your crystals are all charged, we can do the following 1. 2. 3. 4.

Stop Hyping Big Data and Start Paying Attention to 'Long Data' | Wired Opinion Our species can’t seem to escape big data. We have more data inputs, storage, and computing resources than ever, so Homo sapiens naturally does what it has always done when given new tools: It goes even bigger, higher, and bolder. We did it in buildings and now we’re doing it in data. Sure, big data is a powerful lens — some would even argue a liberating one — for looking at our world. Despite its limitations and requirements, crunching big numbers can help us learn a lot about ourselves. But no matter how big that data is or what insights we glean from it, it is still just a snapshot: a moment in time. Samuel Arbesman is an applied mathematician and network scientist. By “long” data, I mean datasets that have massive historical sweep — taking you from the dawn of civilization to the present day. Because as beautiful as a snapshot is, how much richer is a moving picture, one that allows us to see how processes and interactions unfold over time? We also need to build better tools.

Hempcrete Could Change The Way We Build Everything When it comes to new and sustainable housing ideas, it seems to always be about creating a more efficient home in terms of insulation, lighting, electricity, etc. Mainstream belief on the subject would have you believe that top corporations and government projects are working with the best possible technology to bring forth solutions that work and are going to be great for the environment. If that was truly the case, I can guarantee you that the whole world would be using Hempcrete right now. Haven’t heard of it? I’m not too surprised. First off, what is Hempcrete? Since lime is the binding material, builders do not have to heat up the lime as much as a supplier would need to in the industrial creation of concrete. conservation when producing Hempcrete vs. concrete. Hempcrete is a much more superior building material due to the fact that it is a very strong, lightweight and breathable material. petrify but is still incredibly strong.

Perendev Power Developments Pty (Ltd) From PESWiki Full Disclosure: The CEO of PES Network, Inc, Sterling D. Allan has been in negotiations with Perendev off and on from 2002 to 2006 for a license to manufacture and market the Perendev magnetic/EMM technology. In that time, validation hurdle has never been achieved. Shortcut url: No Validation As of April, 2010, no one from the New Energy Congress has yet been able to validate the magnetic or EMM technologies -- that there really exists such a thing -- despite rigorous efforts, with Brady's invitation, to get in and do so since July, 2006. "I will not give you any references as it is against our policy and for security reasons." -- Mike Brady (Sept. 15, 2007; email to an interested party) Mike Brady was arrested on March 29, 2010 for embezzling 61 German customers' money in the amount of around 1 million Euros. Official Websites - still up as of April 23, 2010, despite Brady's arrest. Latest

(1) Water Not For Sale March on Jasper Avenue in Edmonton. Oh, those crazy Frenchies: Facebook faces family photo tax in France High performance access to file storage Facebook should pay the French government for hosting the holiday photos and status updates of the French people, a new report commissioned by the French government has suggested. The new 200-page report* on taxing the digital economy - commissioned by four French Cabinet Ministers - proposes that France should tax data collection. The touted idea would see new tax bills from the French government landing on Google, Facebook, Amazon and any other web companies that store data about their French users. The report was commissioned in July by Fleur Pellerin, France's Minister for Small and Medium Enterprise, Innovation and the Digital Economy, backed by three colleagues amid government frustration about the low tax American web giants were paying in France. Web companies pay under 1 per cent of what a standard French company would pay in tax, according to figures from Le Monde. French wonks: Let's tax data like we tax pollution

The future according to Google's Larry Page Note: On Jan 3, as Fortune published this article, the Federal Trade Commission ended its investigation of Google's search practices saying it found no evidence that the company manipulated search results in violation of antitrust laws. The European Commission and other regulators continue to investigate the issue. FORTUNE -- When Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP Group, the giant advertising agency, visited Google this past fall, CEO Larry Page sent a car to pick him up at the Rosewood Hotel about 20 miles away. Only this was no ordinary car. The Lexus SUV drove itself thanks to a slew of high-tech tools, including radars, sensors, and a laser scanner that takes more than 1.5 million measurements every second. For about 20 minutes, while navigating I-280 and the area's busy State Route 85, the car cruised on autopilot, making quick course corrections, slowing down here when traffic loomed ahead, speeding up there to get out of the blind spot of a neighboring vehicle. MORE: Meet the L-Team

Make Black Powder Edit Article Edited by Tipsy, Mel, Maluniu, Anonymous6862 and 2 others Black powder is a simple mixture of powdered potassium nitrate or saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur. But simply mixing the ingredients together is not going to give you the results you are looking for. Follow these instructions on making black powder--just be careful as you are working with explosives. Ad Steps 1Purchase the items you can. 14Store your black powder in a cool, dry place in cans. Tips Complete as many of these steps as possible outdoors and away from any flame or spark. Warnings Black Powder is explosive and hazardous.

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