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What Is TRIZ?The Triz Journal By Katie Barry, Ellen Domb and Michael S. Slocum Projects of all kinds frequently reach a point where all the analysis is done, and the next step is unclear. TRIZ is a problem solving method based on logic and data, not intuition, which accelerates the project team’s ability to solve these problems creatively. TRIZ is spreading into corporate use across several parallel paths – it is increasingly common in Six Sigma processes, in project management and risk management systems, and in organizational innovation initiatives. TRIZ research began with the hypothesis that there are universal principles of creativity that are the basis for creative innovations that advance technology. Somebody someplace has already solved this problem (or one very similar to it.) The research has proceeded in several stages during the last sixty years. Problems and solutions are repeated across industries and sciences. For example, a powerful demonstration of this method comes from the pharmaceutical industry.

Horse ebooks Ipsum | A spamtastic lorem ipsum generator TRIZ For Dummies Cheat Sheet TRIZ is helpful when uncovering contradictions. A contradiction is when you have conflicts in what you want: either you want opposites of the same thing (a Physical Contradiction), or as you improve something, something else gets worse (a Technical Contradiction). When uncovering and solving contradictions, follow these simple steps: Write down your contradiction in your own words.Identify whether you have a Technical Contradiction or a Physical Contradiction.Follow the steps below. Whatever type of contradiction you have, you will be directed to a short list of Inventive Principles: these are suggested conceptual solutions that need to be put into practice as specific ideas. For Technical Contradictions For Physical Contradictions

Apple Mac sneltoetsen van programma's en rare leestekens Sneltoetsen voor een Apple-computer zijn erg handig. Voor een snelle werkwijze op een mac kun je met behulpt van een sneltoets handelingen en leestekens sneller uitvoeren. Hieronder de meest gebruikte sneltoesen of shortcuts voor Apple's mac. De command-toets (ofwel 'Cmd') heeft soms een Apple logo. Free Online OCR - convert scanned PDF and images to Word, JPEG to Word • Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies

The Kipling method Creative tools > The Kipling method (5W1H) When to use it | How to use it | Example | How it works | See also When to use it Use the Kipling questions at any time or when you need to get an extra stimulus. They are good for unsticking creative session, when people dry up and run out of ideas. They are also useful to help take different views when defining the problem. You can also use it to ask questions when selecting an idea to carry forward for further development. How to use it Rudyard Kipling used a set of questions to help trigger ideas and solve problems and immortalized them in the poem: I have six honest serving men They taught me all I knew I call them What and Where and When And How and Why and Who These questions can be used as stimuli to get thinking going in many situations. Ask a question The simple approach is to take one of the questions, either at random or with a more particular purpose in mind and ask it of the situation. Extend the questions How much? What is the problem? Example

Home » Hay Kranen GroupZap, un outil de brainstorming collaboratif en temps réel J’aime beaucoup les outils collaboratifs Web qui ne demandent aucune explication ou formation pour être utilisés. GroupZap entre dans cette catégorie d’outils web. Il s’agit d’un tableau blanc collaboratif sur lequel vous pouvez ajouter des post-its virtuels. GroupZap peut être utilisé comme espace où vous brainstormez et structurez vos idées au cours d’une téléconférence ou d’une réunion. Une nouvelle version du document est créée à chaque fois qu’il est modifié. Groupzap:
