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HeartMath: A change of heart changes everything

HeartMath: A change of heart changes everything

The Ontology of Language: What is a CONCEPT? Some people have a tough time understanding what a concept is and what constitutes its underlying ontology. Atheists and Mathematicians are particularly known to attribute mysticism, magic and supernatural powers to concepts. They believe that concepts such as ENERGY, MASS, TIME, FIELD and FORCE are some type of mystical incorporeal entities in the Universe; akin to invisible souls or spirits. They specifically ascribe motion to concepts and have them perform phenomena in the Universe, like coming in contact with stars, planets and people, or even swallowing astronauts and clocks. These folks CANNOT tell you what these alleged entities are; they can’t visualize them or even describe them for you. Fortunately, most people do understand that concepts are nothing but thought processes which are mediated by the atoms of our brain. Thought is ultimately rooted in the atomic activity of our brain. Concepts lighten the load on memory and enhance our ability to communicate. A: MEANING! 1. 2.

Heart Coherence Almost a decade ago, I worked with an inventive genius whose creative gifts were way beyond what most people believe exists. Wayne made his transition recently, and I'd like to honor his memory by sharing a little of his extraordinary contribution to the understanding of heart coherence, a technology of frequency healing that is so advanced, it is barely distinguishable from magic. During the Depression, Wayne was raised by a shaman on a poor Northwest Indian Reservation. His Mother took sick with a prolonged illness, and his father had to work, so "grandfather" and his Indian wife raised Wayne in a primitive hut adjacent to his parent's house from the time he was about a year old. At age three, grandfather taught Wayne how to go directly to the 'Great Spirit' or 'Akashic Records', aka "Hall of Records", collective unconscious, universal mind, whatever. Wayne just called it "Source", and going there naturally changed him profoundly. Most lightworkers are aware of Dr.

Cardiac coherence: a new, noninvasive m - PubMed Mobile Methods | Futugene Oy - Love to Grow NeuroLeadership – Transforming thinking & performance The methodology brings hard science to the art of improving human performance. NeuroLeadership®Group is a global human performance consultancy, drawing from the latest findings in neuroscience. In Futugene coaching this methodology is the core in coaching assignments. HeartMath – Building coherence and resilience The Institute of HeartMath® has created a medically and scientifically validated system for enhanced coherence and resilience. Measuring the Success of Coaching High Impact coaching can significantly contribute to success journey of individuals and organizations. Play and applied improvisation Applied improvisation is a toolbox of various exercises, which can be adapted as energizers or excercises to demonstrate some real life situation.

A More Intelligent Educational Paradigm. - Intrinsic Health And Wellness There are basically two things a person can learn in this world : Positions and movements. Physically, positions are static postures. Shapes the body can take. We adopt these shapes for a myriad of reasons, much of it natural and intuitive. We sleep in a laying position, type in a sitting position, and wait for coffee in a standing position. It is immediately apparent that most of these activities require something other than just stances or positions. At any particular time, our body is under a myriad of forces, both internally and externally. We learn positions and movements in more subtle ways as well. Consider ‘mental positions.’ Just like physical stances, our skill at any activity usually depends on our ability to move between appropriate mental stances just as much as it does our ability to hold them. A human will have a hard time functioning in this world attempting to only hold the position that the world is ruled by economics, attempting to place monetary value on everything.

Wilhelm Reich Da Wikiquote, aforismi e citazioni in libertà. Targa in memoria di Wilhelm Reich, Schlangenbader Straße 87, Berlino Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957), psicologo austriaco. Citazioni di Wilhelm Reich[modifica] Forse il mio senso morale rifiuta questi discorsi: eppure, in base alla mia esperienza e all'osservazione di me stesso e degli altri, sono arrivato alla persuasione che la sessualità è il centro di gravitazione intorno al quale ruota non solo la vita intima dell'individuo, ma anche tutta la vita sociale. (dal diario nel 1919; citato in Lodovico De Cesare, Lo psicanalista senza divano, Historia, luglio 1978, n. 245, Cino del Duca)Freud mi parlò come se fosse una persona normale. Senza fonte[modifica] I pochi brutti poemi che sono stati creati occasionalmente sotto l'effetto che procura l'astinenza non sono di grande interesse.Il fascismo, nella sua forma più pura, è la somma di tutte le reazioni irrazionali del carattere umano medio.Ogni specie di moralismo è negazione della vita.

Impact of a workplace stress reduction - PubMed Mobile Google NGram Experiments With Google’s new tool Ngram Viewer, you can visualise the rise and fall of particular keywords across 5 million books and 500 years! See how big cocaine was in Victorian times. The spirit of inquiry over the ages. The spirit of inquiry over the ages II (NGram is case-sensitive). The Battle Of The Brains What happened around 1700??? Age-old debates (by Andy, James Rooney, Nick, Bidzubido, Jacqui,Gary,Stefan Lasiewski,Mark) Got any more? Unschooling Resources Unschooling for Social Change Introduction The Freechild Project defines unschooling as the process of learning through life, without formalized or institutionalized classrooms or schoolwork. Unschooling relies on interpersonal relationships and natural learning progression to have effect on learners, instead of textbooks and classroom teachers. Freechild believes that deschooling is also anti-formalized and anti-institutionalized education of any sorts. Point to Ponder "Your life, time, and brain should belong to you, not to an institution." - Grace Lwellyn in The Teenage Liberation Handbook. Resources The following list of organizations, websites and publications identified by Freechild that provide a variety of information for young people and their adult allies to learn about unschooling and deschooling. Websites Sponsored by the Home Education Network, this site provides support for unschooling, homeschooling, and self-directed learning. Learn in Freedom! Publications

Wilhelm Reich Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Wilhelm Reich Alla diagnosi delle disfunzioni sessuali individuali e sociali pervenne fin dagli studi sul carattere nevrotico del 1924 (Der Triebhafte Charakter) essendo stato allievo prediletto di Sigmund Freud ed esperto psicoanalista, direttore dei seminari per gli psicoanalisti in formazione, scopritore delle difese caratteriali e autore del classico della letteratura psicoanalitica "Analisi del carattere" (prima edizione, Berlino 1933), tuttora parte integrante della formazione dello psicoanalista. Creò tra il 1925 e il 1930 i primi consultori per giovani. Reich tentò la sintesi tra psicoanalisi e marxismo. L'influenza sociale di Reich fu notevole. Le sue ricerche spaziarono anche in ambiti diversi dalla psichiatria, suo campo di studi. Nell'ultima parte della sua vita alcune sue ricerche lo portarono ad affermare di avere scoperto una nuova forma di energia, il cosiddetto "orgone". Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Effect of slow abdominal breathing comb - PubMed Mobile Google New Platform Lets Professors Set Prices for Their Online Courses - Technology By Jeffrey R. Young Professors typically don't worry about what price point a course will sell at, or what amenities might attract a student to pick one course over another. But a new online platform, Professor Direct, lets instructors determine not only how much to charge for such courses, but also how much time they want to devote to services like office hours, online tutorials, and responding to students' e-mails. The new service is run by StraighterLine, a company that offers online, self-paced introductory courses. Unlike massive open online courses, or MOOC's, StraighterLine's courses aren't free. Instructors who offer courses on Professor Direct will be able to essentially set their own sticker prices, as long as they are higher than the company's base price. It's also up to each professor using Professor Direct to decide what services to offer students in addition to a core set of materials prepared by the company. Valuing Their Own Work Mr. All Kinds of Instructors
