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HTML5/CSS3 Cheatsheet

HTML5/CSS3 Cheatsheet
Here are some simple cut-and-paste examples of HTML5/CSS3 features that are currently (early 2011) usable across a number of web browsers, chief among them Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and the upcoming IE9. For many of the CSS3 examples, older versions of Internet Explorer are the lone holdout with a limited number of workarounds, however these features degrade gracefully and may still be useful on new projects as long as this limitation is kept in mind. Please note: With the exception of SVGWeb, no Internet Explorer workarounds have been included on this page - most of the examples will therefore not work in IE6, IE7 or IE8. And if you want to discuss any of the code below or leave a correction or suggestion, you can leave comments below. Thanks! Updates Rounded Corners Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Rounded Corners Redux: Circles Box Shadows Gradients Linear Gradient Angled Linear Gradient Angled Linear Gradient with Color Stops Text Shadows Border Images Column Layout

HTML5 et CSS3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque justo tortor, posuere ac gravida id, rutrum at diam. Aliquam eu tortor sit amet magna ultrices porta non sed purus. Browser support for CSS3 and HTML5, We've tested all the A- Last week we launched, a simple What's My IP Address App which reveals your browsers' support for CSS3 and HTML5 features in an easy to read format using Modernizr. We've had a great response and we're going to be implementing some of your feedback in the near future. For now though I thought people mind find it useful to know the state of support in the current browser market. I've taken all the A-Grade browsers and tested them one-by-one for their feature support . Needless to say it's produced some interesting results. Safari 4 (Win) Safari (on Windows) has by far the best feature set in the current market, outdoing competitors like Firefox 3.5 and even Google Chrome. Particularly interesting is the excellent support for CSS3 animation properties such as CSS Transforms & CSS Animations, which enable the developer to define javascript-like rotation, movement and easing via CSS (advanced demos). HTML5 features are well supported with Canvas, Video and Audio all implemented.
