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22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's Taxonomy

22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's Taxonomy
Last year we created a “twitter spectrum,” an image that clarified different ways that twitter could be used in the classroom in (hopefully) authentic ways. TeachBytes has followed that up with an excellent graphic of their own that uses a pure Bloom’s Taxonomy approach. The specific ideas range from “remix trending tweets with video and music” to creating concept maps showing the relationship between tweets. We must admit to going back and forth over the exact fit of a social media platform like twitter in a formal (or informal) learning environment. Clearly it’s a great way to skim and monitor information streams, but just like we wouldn’t use sing Shakespearean sonnets to toddlers at birthday parties, using twitter as an in-depth critical thinking tool requires a bit of squinting, even as an Avante-garde 21st century learning tool. Unless you’re using it as a cultural survey of sorts. As with all things, sweet spot matters.

L'École numérique » Twitter dans l’enseignement  Une autre façon de communiquer Enseignante de lettres et d’histoire-géographie en lycée professionnel, Laurence Juin a lancé avec une classe un projet de micro-blogging, TWITTER, depuis la rentrée de septembre 2009. Cette expérience est née au sein d’une classe d’élèves de bac professionnel commerce sur deux ans. L’année dernière a été très riche : c’est un vrai groupe classe avec un niveau de connaissances mais surtout de réflexion et de motivation très encourageant. Twitter permet aussi des discussions, échanges et débats sur des sujets culturels : les élèves, les enseignants tweetent sur leurs sorties cinéma, leurs musiques, leurs lectures etc. Je leur tweete aussi leurs notes d’évaluation (avec leur autorisation)ce qui me permet de faire un bilan simultané à la correction ;ils ont ainsi une trace écrite de mes commentaires. Twitter permet aussi de garder un lien lors des périodes longues de stage en entreprise. Twitter est support de productions d’écrit en français.

Leadership Basics: What to Do When You Don't Have All the Answers Leaders are supposed to be all knowing -- at least when it comes to their own company -- aren't they? That's why the three most hated words in leadership are simply: "I don't know." After all, if the leader doesn't know, who does? Of course no one is expected to have all the answers. There are benefits to admitting you don't have the answers asked of you. But that doesn't make admitting you don't know what to do any easier. 1. 2. When you think "who," focus on three things: understanding, experience and expertise. Two cautions: First, beware of the faux expert who has lots of ideas but is short on real-world experience. 3. 4. Leading your team into the future is never risk free, but there is consolation in knowing there are some smart things you can do, even when you don't know what to do. The author is an Entrepreneur contributor. Mark Sanborn is an author, speaker and president of Sanborn & Associates Inc., a leadership development firm based in Lonetree, Colo.

De twitter à l’intelligence collective | Antoine Taly Pourquoi j’utilise twitter? C’est une question qui revient parfois, certains se demandent pourquoi quelqu’un de plutôt sérieux peut utiliser Twitter. Je décomposerait ma réponse en trois parties: quel est le lien entre twitter et l’intelligence collective, puispourquoi je l’utilise pour le boulot, mais pas pour le reste. Twitter a des propriétés qui le rendent propice à l’intelligence collective (voir une définition ici): le réseau twitter est anisotrope: c’est à dire que les liens ne sont pas également répartis. Non seulement certains ont plus de contacts que d’autres mais en plus les liens sont asymétriques: on peut suivre des comptes qui ne nous suivent pas et réciproquement. Pour aborder le problème de l’intelligence collective dans un réseau comme twitter j’aime bien l’analogie possible avec le fonctionnement du cerveau: il existe plusieurs profils d’utilisateurs sur les réseaux sociaux (1) de même qu’il existe plusieurs types de cellules nerveuses dans le cerveau.

How To Effectively Use The Top 4 Social Networks Have you ever wondered why you need to be a member of the top 4 social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the whole host of other social networking sites that your friend invite you to be a part of? Maybe you should only join Facebook. Or maybe Google+ would be the better option. Doesn’t everyone end up connected in all of the same places anyway? Well, the short version of the answer is no. Guide d'utilisation pédagogique des médias sociaux Leadership, not Process, is the Keystone of Innovation To think differently, act differently. For most, easier said than done. I’ve stressed this over and over again. And will keep on stressing it because I know we’ll never get over it. Simply put, there are those that seek new thoughts before taking action. So, everyone seeks new thoughts about innovation thinking. Again, that means not just thinking differently, but also acting differently. Last week I wrote about how there is a lot of focus on innovation methodologies, but not so much on the leadership part. This is because methodologies spread easily. Mindset precedes methodology The sad thing is that when a company is considering hiring service providers that provide innovation capability their criteria is based on specialization on a specific methodology. Wishful thinking, I know. Although I think methodologies like design thinking are great because it is about putting the customer at the center of what you do, a methodology doesn’t equal mindset. Scale leadership, not process Wait!

How (And Why) To Flip Your Classroom It’s no secret that interacting with students on an individual level can drastically improve the learning process. Having the capacity to reach all of your students one-on-one is certainly ideal, but large class sizes can understandably make this challenging. Moreover, the traditional teaching method — students sitting in class, taking notes, fighting to stay awake — is not conducive to an interactive style. So, how can you use your class time more efficiently? Keep the Breakthroughs Going In order to reach the students who are used to treating class time as nap time, flip your classroom the information intake routine. See Also: The Teacher’s Guide To Flipped Classrooms Let’s flip your basic Tuesday morning math class. The conventional method of homework involves students struggling to figure it out by themselves. Teacher Benefits Not only does the flipped method make learning more accessible to students, it helps teachers do their job as well. Brought to You by Technology Now, Flip It

27 Presentation Tips For Students And Teachers We all have to get up in front of a group of our peers and deliver a presentation at some point. Whether it’s a TED talk or a book report in your elementary school classroom, there’s a pressure and sense of nervousness that strikes us all. And that’s just the mere thought of giving a presentation. Personally, I like the ‘visualize’ tip as it gets you a bit looser and thinking about something other than your own presentation. Source: Mia MacMeekin

A Printable Guide To Creative Commons Something you probably see a lot of these days as you browse the internet is Creative Commons licensing. You’ll see many graphics that say something like ‘shared under a Creative Commons license’, or you’ll see a little rectangular graphic with some signs in them. Since we live in an age where most of our information comes from the internet in some way or another, its useful to know when and how it is ok to use something that you’ve found. We’ve already taken a look at some fair use guidelines (which comes along with a brief mention of Creative Commons licensing), but we thought that this handy infographic below gave a great, easy to read and understand version of the different types of CC licenses available. These licenses allow you to easily give others the opportunity to share your work.

9 Ways to Get Things Done When Everything Is Going Wrong Ever have one of those days where nothing goes right? From the first thing you do, everything seems to go sideways. How do you stay productive when nothing is going your way? Some Days Nothing Goes Your Way Some days just don’t cooperate. Everything seems to be out-of-order. From your first step out of bed things go wrong. Your clothes aren’t clean. Makes you ready to turn around and head back-to-bed, right? Turning It Around How do you get things back on track when nothing seems to be going your way? You can fold and surrender to the day. “When things aren’t going your way, it’s your choice to give up or turn things around.” Sometimes it is that choice that makes the difference between a bad day and one that is productive. Here are 9 Ways to Be Productive When Everything is Going Wrong: Bring a Positive Attitude – A positive attitude can make all the difference. Turn Your Day From Wrong to Right We all have days when we want to just to give up until tomorrow. The key is to keep going.

How Science Supercharges Creativity When a creative idea takes root, it’s a highly empowering (Eureka!) experience. And if you’re in an industry that’s known for being powered by creative ideas--advertising, marketing and media for instance--it can be the life and death of your success. But in today’s content-driven industries, being creative on its own isn’t a sufficient skill anymore. Creative teams have always had to be artistic. It may seem like a stretch of skills at first, but actually it’s a natural extension. So if you’re a creative type in your company, and you’ve been tasked to warm up to these disciplines, do not fear. Before: Target the right people (Computer Science) Much of the beauty of art is that it speaks to people in very different ways. That’s easier said than done. During: Ask the right questions (Psychology) In order to target the correct audience, creative developers also must put on the hat of a mind reader--but better yet, make statistically sound predictions.

Kindness and Leadership Today I’m thrilled to share a guest post written by Jon Mertz of Thin Difference. Jon is passionate about dispelling the myth of a generation gap and uniting leaders across generations to share experiences and learn from one another. In reading Susan Mazza’s Leading Made Simple Report, there are certain “rubber ball” ideas, meaning they keep bouncing around in my thoughts. The simplicity of the thoughts turn into a complexity of discernment. What to do with these ideas in terms of the next generation of leaders? Purpose is at the center. In the middle of self-absorbed and purpose-driven is learning, growing, and doing. Self and purpose are tightly bound, and we need to keep these ties in place. Within this enters a key bouncing idea from Leading Made Simple. “Could committing an act of leadership be as simple as committing an act of kindness?” In its simplicity is its power. Kindness equals leadership, and leadership equals kindness. Being kind does not mean weakness.
