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Leaf-Imprinted Clay Necklace - Happy Hour Projects

Leaf-Imprinted Clay Necklace - Happy Hour Projects
Related:  design

heju – studio créatif » a propos Hélène Pinaud et Julien Schwartzmann se rencontrent sur les bancs de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg. Très curieux du monde qui les entoure, ils voulaient apporter des solutions concrètes pour faciliter la vie de tous les jours. C’est avec cette même idée qu’ils créent un blog à quatre mains, nommé heju, où ils partagent leur univers né d’un mélange d’influences nordiques et japonaises. Avec leur blog qu’ils considèrent comme leur carnet d’essais créatifs, ils s’essaient à de nouveaux domaines comme la photographie, le graphisme, la rédaction, la vidéo ou le DIY. Avant de passer leur diplôme, ils font un voyage initiatique au Japon sur lequel ils vont s’appuyer pour imaginer leur projet de fin d’études. En 2014, ils obtiennent leur Diplôme d’Etat d’Architecte et sont majors de promotion. Depuis, ils sont installés à Paris pour multiplier les collaborations et créer leur propre studio de création dans la continuité de leur blog.

Créer de jolis glaçons décoratifs Ça y est les beaux jours reviennent, on va enfin pouvoir profiter du soleil, des terrasses et des glaçons… Matériel nécessaire : de l’eauun bac à glaçons ouvertdes fleurs comestibles, des herbes aromatiques ou de petits fruits Menthe, framboise, géranium ou œillet, de bien jolies idées pour parfumer les glaçons et perfectionner la décoration de table! A découvrir aussi, la version sucette pour les enfants : Difficulté : Temps : Coût : Quand le papier devient objet d'art... On le froisse, on le découpe, on le façonne… Nous n’imaginons pas tout ce qu’on peut faire avec le papier. Adeline Fonknechten, scénographe plasticienne et Solenne Charriot, issue du monde du cinéma, se sont très largement penchées sur la question. Bouquets, pergolas, cartes, cadres… Ces deux créatrices Nantaises manient l’art du papier comme un boulanger travaillerait son pain : avec finesse et précision. « Ce qu’on aime le plus, c’est de ne pas se fixer de limites dans nos créations – mis à part budgétaire bien sûr ! », rigolent Adeline et Solenne. Entre art et artisanat, les deux associées créent à la fois des décors de vitrines, d’agences de communication, mais aussi des objets dits d’exception, comme des bouquets de mariage, ou des décors de table. « Il n’y a pas de limite autre que l’imagination pour créer » expliquent-elles. 4 mains seulement et un travail d’exception Deux petits bouts de femmes mais une force de caractère incroyable. Contact : 36 rue George Sand 44000 Nantes

Ampoules nues et fils colorés | Moltodeco J’aime les ampoules nues suspendues avec des les fils électriques colorés… Avec les produits NUD, on personnalise sa suspension, on choisit la couleur , le motif et la longueur du fils, puis la forme et le matériau de la douille, et enfin l’ampoule… Nud propose également des rallonges dans de très jolis coloris…. Photos:NUD E26/E27 Retro Vintage Aluminium Lamp Holder Screw Thread Light Socket Keyless d h m s day hour hours Free P&P See item description + See item description for postage Approximately: (Enter ##1## or more) (Enter more than ##1##) Your maximum bid: You've been outbid. You've been outbid by an automatic bid placed earlier by another bidder. You're the highest bidder on this item. You're the first bidder on this item. Although you're the highest bidder on this item, you're close to being outbid. This auction is almost over and you're currently the high bidder. Although you're the high bidder on this item, the reserve price hasn't been met yet. You've been outbid by someone else. You can still win! You've been outbid by someone else's max. bid. You can still win. Your bid wasn't accepted because it's the same as someone else's bid. Try raising your max. bid. You're the highest bidder. To increase your chances of winning, try raising your bid. You're the first bidder. You're still the highest bidder. You increased your max. bid to Please enter your bid again. Enter a valid amount for your bid.

Wow! fabulous contemporary woven textiles by Angie Parker • Colourful Beautiful Things Wow! indeed. That was my first reaction when I saw these pictures of the work of Bristol-based textile designer and weaver Angie Parker. I have to really like all the things I choose to put on this website, but some colourful beautiful things get me doing my extra special, extra excited, EXTRA happy dance. And this was definitely one of those occasions. So look we will; in fact we’ll feast our eyes. Angie continued using traditional Scandinavian weaving patterns such as Krokbragd, (pronounced crow-brod) – ” the possibilities of which she can’t imagine exhausting in this lifetime” – but swapped the thick wool used in rugs for fine cottons and silks. And what’s behind these exciting colour combinations? “Each piece I create is a one-off and much of my designing is done at the loom. A lot of Angie’s work to date has involved matching her contemporary woven textiles with old, unwanted and unloved furniture to produce striking modern pieces, as her website explains:

Top 10 contemporary home desks for stylish, comfortable working More and more people work from home these days, either part or full time, but even if we don’t we can still spend an awful lot of time at home on the computer – emailing, shopping, facebooking, blogging, pinning … the list is endless. The home PC is now redundant for many, with more portable devices travelling with us wherever we go. That said, having a practical space at home where we can use our computer that’s comfortable, organised and feel truly inspired, is of real value. Slouched on the sofa with an i-pad, or crouched over the laptop on the coffee table is a surefire route to aches and pains, plus if our body is cramped and uncomfortable it’s pretty certain that our brain isn’t functioning at its best either. If we don’t have the luxury of a dedicated room that’s the “home office”, we have to fit our workspace into our living areas – so chunky, utilitarian office-type furniture isn’t really what we’re looking for. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Des idées plein la tête origami – Flextiles After a somewhat uncreative week, it was a delight to spend Sunday back at Morley on a short course with Bridget Bailey called Introduction to pleating. Bridget’s work featured on the cover of the first book I ever took out of Morley Library, a volume called The New Textiles (left). I was enthralled by the movement and colour she created in fabric, so the chance to do a course with her was too good to miss. We started by dyeing a couple of pieces of cotton of different weights, because Bridget hates working with white. It was the first time I’d used Procion dyes on fabric, and it made me realise how quick and easy indigo dyeing is by comparison – no waiting around for an hour for the mordant and fixer to work. After dyeing it, we coated the cloth with diluted PVA and left it to dry. Then the fun part – making the paper moulds. This is a bit tricky to explain if you’re not very familiar with origami, but the photo below shows one of the final bits of scored cartridge paper lying flat.

Berkeley Rep Blog: Fabric origami with Chris Palmer Previous entry: That person sitting next to you at the Theatre? They may have programmed your smart phone Next entry: Mike Daisey's big news Fabric origami with Chris Palmer posted by Karen McKevitt on Tue, Jan 24, 2012 in Costume shop , Prop shop , Scene shop Berkeley Rep's shops are filled with pretty awesome, talented artisans who are always curious and ready to learn new things (and build some awesome things too). Kitty Muntzel, the costume shop's draper, instigated this post -- and pointed me to a terrific blog post by our Scenic Charge Artist Lisa Lazar, who allowed me to repost it (with some slight changes) here. I could a tale unfold... On Friday I had the great fortune to participate in a workshop with artist Chris Palmer. If you've ever seen the origami documentary Between the Folds (and you really should), he's the one who makes the incredible rotating "flower tower" and who has the wild squirrel wandering into his Chicago apartment. A room full of artists says "whoa..." in unison
