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100-Year-Old Way to Filter Rainwater in a Barrel

100-Year-Old Way to Filter Rainwater in a Barrel
During our boiling, broiling, blistering summer of 2012 here in the Missouri Ozarks, water was a topic of conversation wherever we went. Creeks and ponds dried up (some never recovered) and the water table dropped, forcing a few neighbors to have their well pumps lowered or to even have deeper wells drilled. Many folks shared memories of rain barrels, cisterns, hand pumps and drawing water with a well bucket as a child, usually on grandpa and grandma’s farm. Some said they’d never want to rely again on those old-time methods of getting water. But, at least they knew how it was done. It seems we have lost much practical knowledge in the last 50 or so years because we thought we’d never need it again. A tattered, 4-inch thick, 1909 book I happily secured for $8 in a thrift store reveals, among umpteen-thousand other every-day skills, how to make homemade water filters. The “wholesome” observation applies to plants, too. 100-year-old instructions Free online reading Related:  WaterWater Isue

Best Ways To Water Your Garden | Reclaim, Grow, Sustain In summer, when there usually isn't enough rain to forgo watering all together and the heat is testing your plants, there is a temptation to inundate your soil with a constant flow of water. And it seems most give in to this instinct, abiding to daily waterings of their gardens without question. But with a lack of rain comes a need for water conservation. And oddly enough, less watering isn't actually counterintuitive to plant health. Just think about the vegetation outside your garden, most of it flourishes even with the reduced rainfall of summer. So in those peaceful moments when you've got your watering can in hand and you're lovingly showering your plants, the water gently pooling and sinking into the soil, perhaps you might consider whether you're making the best use of your water. How frequently should I water my garden? How much water do plants need? Where's the best spot to water a plant? When is the best time to water your garden? Water when it will do the most good, of course.

The 10 Laws of Food Storage | PreparednessMama Overwhelmed with your preps? Here's what you really need to be prepared... The Mega List of Preparedness: 512 items the Ultimate Prepared Family Should Consider Stocking & Storing. Get your copy today We do not share email addresses Simple Pine Branches Can Filter Out 99% of Bacteria Producing Clean Water If you’ve run out of drinking water during a lakeside camping trip, there’s a simple solution: Break off a branch from the nearest pine tree, peel away the bark, and slowly pour lake water through the stick. The improvised filter should trap any bacteria, producing fresh, uncontaminated water. In fact, an MIT team has discovered that this low-tech filtration system can produce up to four liters of drinking water a day — enough to quench the thirst of a typical person. In a paper published this week in the journal PLoS ONE, the researchers demonstrate that a small piece of sapwood (the youngest wood of a tree which serves to move water up from the roots) can filter out more than 99 percent of the bacteria E. coli from water. They say the size of the pores in sapwood — which contains xylem tissue evolved to transport sap up the length of a tree — also allows water through while blocking most types of bacteria. Tapping the flow of sap Sapwood may offer a low-cost, small-scale alternative.

Types of Water: Gray Water, Black Water and White Water" Sure, gray water sounds like something worth reusing, but what's in it exactly? First, let's draw the line between gray and black. The key difference between the two is that black water has come into contact with fecal matter. Gray water, on the other hand, has not come into contact with solid human waste. The line between white and gray, however, comes down to a number of possible additions made in the acts of washing, bathing, cooking and cleaning . ­If ­the household chemicals in gray water are kept to a minimum, most plants will be able to handle it. When everything you send down the drain winds up in your backyard, "environmentally friendly" certainly hits much closer to home.

Start your food storage on $10 a week by Alan T. Hagan If Old Mother Hubbard had had a food storage program before she went to her cupboard her poor dog would have gotten his bone. Given the fact that her cupboard was bare it was probably because she didn't have the wherewithal to fill it. Finding the resources to put food by against troubled times is a common problem, but it is solvable, even for those of us on tight budgets. In fact, over the long term, the food storage program you start now will save you money. Despite what many believe, you don't have to spend large amounts of money on specially packaged foods to put away a sizable food store. Depending on what you decide is important to you, everything you will need for a complete food storage program can be had from your local grocer and, perhaps, some other local businesses. Preparing for what? Before buying anything you should sit down at the kitchen table with paper and pencil because you have some decision making to do. How do I pay for it? The first week The second week

Placering av vattenmätare - Miva Fritt och lättåtkomligt För att Miva ska kunna komma åt vattenmätaren vid avläsning, byte eller service ansvarar fastighetsägaren för att mätaren är lättåtkomlig. Det innebär att det måste finnas ett fritt utrymme runt mätaren, se illustration nedan. Mätaren får heller inte byggas in eller placeras bakom tung utrustning eller inredning. Fast monterad i konsol För att platsen för vattenmätaren ska vara godkänd måste vattenmätaren vara fast monterad i en vattenmätarkonsol. Byt ut opålitlig avstängningsventil Har du en avstängningsventil kallad LK580 ska den bytas av våtrumsbehörig fackman innan Miva kan utföra byte av vattenmätare. Uppvärmd plats Tänk även på att utrymmet där vattenmätaren sitter måste var uppvärmt så att mätaren inte fryser sönder. Ny placering eller bruten plombering Förändring av mätarplacering eller brytning av mätarens plombering får inte ske utan Mivas kännedom. Mätare i mätbrunn För mätare som är placerad i mätbrunn finns speciella anvisningar när det gäller placering.

Sprinkler System, made two pots Hace un tiempo vimos un antiguo sistema riego, conocido como “ollas”, es un sistema muy simple, con miles de años de uso, y que como muchas cosas simples, baratas y útiles, quedo en el olvido, quien no lo vio o no lo recuerde mirar: Sistema de riego, sin energía, sin plástico, sin necesidad de sol. Nuestra amiga Caroline, de Connecticut es una apasionada de la agricultura orgánica y quiso utilizar “ollas” en su huerto, al no poder conseguir las “ollas” en su ciudad, decidió que no hacia falta traerlas desde un sitio lejano, se le ocurrió que podía construir sus propias “ollas” utilizando macetas de barro, que son baratas y se encuentran disponible en casi todo sitio. Así que hoy compartimos con ustedes los resultados de este excelente bricolaje, para obtener un sistema de riego, eficiente y que da unos resultados excelentes. Lo primero es fácil, conseguir macetas de barro, terracota o como se llamen en nuestra localidad, como mínimo dos del mismo tamaño.

10 Smart Ideas My Redneck Neighbor Taught Me - Online Survival Blog & Survival News I found this great story from a “non-prepper” and thought you guys and gals might get a kick out of this! Enjoy and let me know what you think. If these idea’s get you thinking about your own preparations you need to see this: Most neighborhoods have “those neighbors” that you can’t really avoid. Eddy is one of those guys that the other neighbors have categorized as “the doomsday guy.” 1. Any young boy most likely had that moment around the age of 7 when he wanted a pocket knife. At the end of the day, there is no reason anybody should not have a pocket knife on hand just like they would have a screwdriver in their tool box. -Kershaw Ken Onion Black Leek Folding Knife 2. Lucky for Eddy, he has a 1-acre lot that gives him plenty of space to do everything. 3. Eddy loves his garden. 4. When I think of doomsday preppers, I usually think of a guy in a bunker underground eating packages of MREs (meals ready to eat). 5. 6. 7. “Does water expire?” 8. 9. 1o.

Vakuumtoaletter — Wostman En EcoVac® vakuumtoalett är en riktig vakuumtoalett som fungerar ungefär som en blandning av en flygplanstoalett och en vattentoalett. Den har vatten i toalettskålen, men inget vatten i ledningarna. När toaletten spolas, transporteras avfallet hela vägen till tanken direkt. Extremt snålspolande 0,6 Liter per spolning (90% vattensparande som motsvarar 30 liter mindre per person / dag)Riktig vattentoalett - Komforten av en riktig vattentoalett av porslin går inte att slå.Riktigt vakuum - Sekundsnabb transport hela vägen ut till tanken. Läs mer om EcoVac! How to Dehydrate Vegetables, Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden How to Dry Vegetables Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables: Dehydrating vegetables (whether fresh from the garden, the farmer's market, or even just from the grocery store at in-season prices) for use in the off-season is one of the healthiest ways of preserving vegetables. Dehydrating vegetables preserves them with a nutritional content that far surpasses that of canned vegetables. Additionally, the process of dehydrating vegetables is often more cost-effective than freezing, as you don't use electricity in the long-term storage of your items. The process of dehydrating vegetables can be broken into a couple of simple steps: preparation, including pre-treating the vegetables (if necessary) drying or dehydrating the vegetables storing the finished dehydrated vegetables Below, you'll find a list of common vegetable types that dry well, along with easy to follow instructions. Dehydrating or Drying Vegetables: ARTICHOKES 1. See also: 1. See also: 1. 1.

Grow Sweet Potatoes — Even in the North - Organic Gardening Related Content Growing Calories Grow to fill yourself up from your garden. An ideal staple crop for those seeking to meet most of their food needs with homegrown produce would be nutrient-dense, offer high yields, and have excellent flavor and storage qualities. Sweet potatoes are more nutritious and store better than any other root crop — they’re easy for home gardeners to keep for a full year. Unforgettable Flavor I’ve been growing (in Canada!) I wondered whether Suzanne’s grower in South Carolina had a secret. I now know that the matter is a bit more complicated than one simple secret. Five Facts for Fabulous Sweet Potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. Providing proper curing conditions for five days may require some planning in advance. 5. Hot Potatoes! Sweet potato plants are, in most respects, undemanding. Growing temperature is the only environmental factor that can’t be ignored — sweet potatoes like it hot! Warm ’Em Up Some gardeners cite weeds as a reason for not using clear plastic mulch.
