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Association of Science-Technology Centers

Association of Science-Technology Centers

Book-A-Minute Classics Got another book report to do? English teachers have the inconsiderate habit of assigning mammoth-sized works of literature to read and then actually expecting you to do it. This wouldn't be so bad except that invariably the requisite reading is as boring as fly fishing in an empty lake. "That's nice," you say, "but I don't believe you." Latest additions: 4/6/12 Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. And, on Book-A-Minute SF/F... If you liked Book-A-Minute Classics, try our other Book-A-Minute pages: And try our companion site: RinkWorks Book-A-Minute Classics is a RinkWorks production. Talk Back Talk to us! Legalese Titles and trademarks are the property of their owners.

SID - Society For Information Display Essential Personal Hygiene Tips for Men Editor’s note: This is a guest post from a fellow Tulsan and friend, Nathan Fifield. Do you remember when you were a teen and your parents or teachers complained about your terrible breath and body odor?If you were like me, you didn’t care and you probably didn’t do anything about it. After all, you couldn’t smell it, and of course as a teenager you are not supposed to care about anything other people tell you. Unfortunately, I know far too many grown men who still smell like reeking teens, and whether they know it or not, their odor problem is wreaking havoc on their personal relationships, their business prospects, and the respect people give them. Dealing with Bad Breath The first step is to recognize the problem. The best way to test your breath is to ask your spouse or a friend for their feedback. If the above remedies don’t cure your bad breath, try a tongue scraper. If your bad breath persists no matter what you throw at it, pay a visit to your doctor. Dealing with B.O.

Guest Edition :: Satellite Today Language Creation Society Welcome to the Memphis & Shelby County Film and Television Commission When did potatoes become unpopular? 20 October 2011Last updated at 11:17 By Kate Dailey BBC News Magazine US senators easily approved a measure to forbid restrictions on potatoes served at school Potatoes have gone from nation-building superfoods to national pariahs. Why? This week, the US Congress foiled plans to limit the amount of potatoes served in school lunches. A Senate amendment passed on Tuesday, however, forbade the USDA from imposing such restrictions. It was a small victory in an era when the potato is often under attack. "Carbohydrate-rich foods in general have been vilified unfairly, and potatoes are the latest target," says dietician Elisa Zied, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips. In 2007, Americans ate 20% fewer potatoes than they did in 1997, according to a report from the United States Potato Board. It was not always this way. Fertile food "Birth rates rose, infant mortality improved, women became more fecund and all of that can be absolutely attributed to the potato." Defamed by diets The amazing potato

