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BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2020 Speeches & Presentations Listed in order of program schedule Registration It is free to join the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2020. Please click here to register. Instructions for online access will follow. Psycarticles Leading scientific journal articles to inform meaningful research Delve into the science of psychology and behavior with PsycARTICLES®, the database of full text peer-reviewed articles published by APA and affiliated journals. With current journal coverage and historical content dating back more than a century, this esteemed collection provides access to the full spectrum of research in the field and is an indispensable resource for researchers, practitioners, students, and educators. Key benefits of PsycARTICLES Download a printable information sheet (PDF, 63KB) about PsycARTICLES to learn more.

Ennakointi ja tulevaisuustyö kirjastoissa Tulevaisuus ei sijaitse nykyhetkessä, mutta ennakoinnin avulla sinne voidaan luoda silmäyksiä. Ennakointi on keskeinen toimintatapa sekä johtamisessa että palvelujen tuottamisessa. Ennakoinnin tarkoitus ei ole tehdä tulevaisuudesta täsmällisiä ennusteita, vaan tuottaa erilaisia käsityksiä ja käydä niistä keskustelua.

:. La Cyberdépendance, cyberaddiction, Net addiction: une addiction aux effets néfastes? .: EBSCO FOLIO Services Available to Libraries Implementing the FOLIO Library Services Platform IPSWICH, Mass. — August 26, 2020 — Libraries of all sizes looking for an open source Library Services Platform (LSP) using FOLIO can now rely on EBSCO FOLIO Services from EBSCO Information Services for implementation, hosting and service support. EBSCO has been involved in FOLIO since its inception, and EBSCO FOLIO Services offers libraries options when considering a new LSP. EBSCO FOLIO Services provides a suite of services for libraries looking to implement FOLIO. By working with EBSCO, libraries of all sizes can take advantage of FOLIO's cutting-edge approach to library automation. In some cases, libraries do not have the resources needed to host or the staff to support implementing an open source solution on their own while others may not want their technical services staff tied up with implementing and maintaining their Integrated Library System (ILS). EBSCO has been involved in building FOLIO from the ground up and maximizing the FOLIO architecture for a cloud environment. – Quand l'utilisation d'Internet et des technolologies devient un problème joins National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Tuesday 15th September 2020 OpenAthens joins as member of National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Founded in 1939, NISO is a non-profit membership organisation, accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), whose mission is to build knowledge, foster discussion, and advance authoritative standards development through collaboration among the cultural, scholarly, scientific, and professional communities.

Are Canadian Libraries Ready to Transition from MARC to BIBFRAME? Alexandre Fortier, Heather Pretty, Daniel B Scott, Olivier Spéciel Abstract This project seeks to assess the Canadian library community’s understanding of and readiness for the transition from the MARC format to the BIBFRAME model. Data were collected using a survey distributed in English and French to a stratified random sample of 1,200 Canadian libraries. Results indicate that knowledge of BIBFRAME is low among respondents and that most of the libraries surveyed do not know enough about BIBFRAME to consider planning a transition at this point. Date

Lähteekö Facebook Euroopasta? "Se ei ole relevantti skenaario", sanoo yhtiön suomalaisjohtaja EU-tuomioistuin näyttää linjanneen, että Yhdysvallat ei ole luotettava kumppani. Facebook 23.9.2020 klo 16.18päivitetty 23.9.2020 klo 16.58 Facebook uhkaa lähteä Euroopasta, koska EU kiristää yksityisyyden suojaa! Näin kertoivat suomalaiset (siirryt toiseen palveluun)ja kansainväliset (siirryt toiseen palveluun)lehdet eilen. Onko meidän suomalaisten siis palattava aikaan ennen Facebookia – paperisiin perhealbumeihin ja IRC Galleriaan?

Ex Libris first in industry to attain ISO 27701:2019 Certification for Privacy Information Management Systems Jerusalem, Israel—September 24, 2020. Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, is pleased to announce that the company has achieved certification for ISO 27701:2019, an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the only organization in the library software industry to do so. ISO 27701:2019 provides a code of practice for maintaining the privacy of data in a privacy information management system (PIMS). This standard establishes privacy requirements, helps organizations manage risks related to personally identifiable information (PII), and outlines a comprehensive set of operational controls that can be mapped to various regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data privacy laws such as the Brazilian General Data Protection Law are just some of the many privacy regulations which are becoming more relevant for organizations around the world. About Ex Libris

FOLIO Beta Partner The Five Colleges Consortium Adopts FOLIO ERM On Its Way to Implementing FOLIO - News IPSWICH, Mass. — October 1, 2020 — The Five Colleges Consortium, as part of its FOLIO beta partnership with EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), has become the first consortium to implement FOLIO Electronic Resources Management (ERM). This is the first step in a full FOLIO implementation in 2021. The consortium includes Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In 2018, Five Colleges Consortium announced a FOLIO beta partnership with EBSCO, which allowed the institutions to contribute to the development of the library services platform and test FOLIO in large, real-world environments and multiple institutional scenarios. The beta partnership allowed EBSCO and The Five Colleges to contribute to the FOLIO Community and the development of the innovative, reimagined library services platform and demonstrate its viability for consortia.

First customer in Sweden of IMMS, the Intelligent Material Management System from Lyngsoe Systems [AARS, DENMARK] – Lyngsoe Systems is pleased to announce that the (Public) Libraries of Malmö have become the first institution in Sweden to select Lyngsoe Systems' Intelligent Material Management System (IMMS). The Libraries will integrate IMMS with their Sierra Library Management System from Innovative Interfaces Inc., a ProQuest Company. With new libraries on the horizon, there is a well-worked out plan for expansion – in Malmö City the libraries are invested in, prioritized and cherished.

Theseuksen saavutettavuus- ja PDF/A-ohjeet avattu - Kreodi Miten opiskelija voi tehdä vähällä vaivalla saavutettavan opinnäytetyön? Miten PDF/A-konversio voidaan tehdä Wordillä? Näitä kysymyksiä on pyöritelty tänä syksynä kuumeisesti korkeakouluissa. Theseus-toimisto kokosi elokuussa tiedot ammattikorkeakoulujen opinnäytetöiden ja julkaisujen saavutettavuudesta ja niiden pohjalta valmisteltiin yhteistyössä Kansalliskirjaston kanssa saavutettavuusseloste. Theseuksen tallennussivulle on avattu saavutettavuusohjeet sekä PDF/A-tallennusohje. Theseuksen saavutettavuusohjeissa motivoidaan saavutettavan opinnäytetyön tekemistä toisaalta lainsäädännön vaatimusten mutta myös yhdenvertaisuuden näkökulmasta.

ostaa amerikkalaisen CultureConnectin - Axiell Finland Axiell ostaa CultureConnectin ja laajentaa tuotevalikoimaansa ratkaisuilla, joilla voidaan tarjota museo- ja näyttelykävijöille kiinnostavia digitaalisia elämyksiä. Yrityskauppa on nyt erittäin ajankohtainen, kun covid-19-tilanteeseen sopeutuminen edellyttää myös kulttuurisektorilta digitaalisten vierailujen mahdollistamista. CultureConnect on innovatiivinen amerikkalainen yritys, joka tuo suuren yleisön ja kävijöiden saataville erilaiset osallistavat digitaaliset näyttelyt, AI:n sekä vuorovaikutuksen kulttuurisektorilla.

2000+ owned e-books available to view online or download. Previews available for all non-owned volumes from the extensive Dawsonera catalogue. by raviii Jul 31

There are many thousands of ebooks in the dawsonera catalogue, produced by academic publishers around the world. Your institution may purchase a selection of these to create a tailored collection of ebooks for you to read. If ebooks have been purchased, you can find and read them by using the Reader Portal. by feillet Oct 12
