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untitled If you're talking about the short list of the most well-known appellate judges in the federal court system today, Judges Alex Kozinski and Richard Posner are likely on that list, potentially near the top. We've discussed both plenty of times in the past, sometimes agreeing strongly with rulings from both -- and sometimes finding their rulings maddeningly troublesome. However, lately we've been especially troubled by Kozinski's ruling in the Cindy Lee Garcia case, in which he appeared to make up his own rules about what copyright law says, and how an actress in someone else's film can magically claim a copyright over her performance. A new ruling by Posner in a case that is... well... positively bananas, provides a nice quick lesson in just how wrong Kozinski was. The performance itself was not copyrighted or even copyrightable, not being “fixed in any tangible medium of expression.” 17 U.S.C. § 102(a); see, e.g., Kelley v.

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Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters How to use BitTorrent to send files | Poromenos' Stuff Note: If you are new to uTorrent and don’t know how to download files, see this tutorial. Another note: It appears that some users (probably only Azureus) are being asked for a username/password for authentication when opening the torrent. Just clicking “Cancel” on that window seems to work fine. Yet another note: Please don’t post support issues here, this is not the official troubleshooting forum. Being a computer engineer, I have a lot of files to transfer. Seeing how everyone these days has a BitTorrent client, I thought “why not use it to send files to people? The tutorial is focused on uTorrent, a popular BitTorrent client, but it’s about the same with other clients. By the way, if you’re going to send something to many people, you could enable “Super seeding” in the torrent creation dialog. Here is the tutorial (you need to have Flash installed to watch it, if the window appears cut off, visit the standalone version

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