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Where Can I Learn More? is powered by Less.js. The best place to discover the full power of {Less} is the official website: There are also some great tutorials floating around: Before you send me a bug report, make sure you've read the offical docs carefully. {Less} has been tested through and through and it's pretty rock solid. Also, be sure to check out the alternate dock icon by Dmitry Fadeyev (the guy who created the original icon and {Less} website.) Other Frequently Asked Questions I thought LESS.js compiles in the browser? It does. So, this doesn't use Ruby anymore? Correct. Do I need to install LESS.js or include it in my HTML? Nope. Does it support Growl? Yes. Why is it Intel only? Because the app uses Google's V8 javascript engine (the same one inside Chrome) to run Less.js. What if my LESS file has errors? You'll see the error message from the compiler in the app window (or growl note). Why do I have to add folders and not individual files? Springsteen.

LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language CodeKit — THE Mac App For Web Developers flot/flot
