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Anything but PowerPoint: five fresh presentation alternatives

Anything but PowerPoint: five fresh presentation alternatives
What application springs to mind when you think of creating visual aids to accompany your business presentation? For most people, it’s Microsoft’s PowerPoint. But that’s certainly not the only game in town. Plenty of other tools and services are cooler, faster, easier to use, and—in almost all cases—less expensive. We’ve rounded up five compelling alternatives to PowerPoint, including Web apps that let you dispense with installing software, and mobile apps that allow for presentation-building (and presenting) on the go. Our goal is to showcase presentation options that will help you get your point across a little differently, so your audience’s eyes don’t glaze over in the middle of your pitch. Haiku Deck (iPad) Haiku Deck for iPad is designed to turn your ideas into beautiful presentations in about the time it takes to ride the train to work. Indeed, half the battle in crafting attractive slides is finding appropriate artwork to go with the text. Kingsoft Presentation Free 2013 Prezi

100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown. These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. So we’ve revised our our original 2009 list to get you started or up to date. Whether you’re an academic or just interested in building your Twitter profile, keep reading to learn some tips and tricks that can help you take the first steps towards using Twitter for coursework, research, building a professional network, and beyond. The Basics Organize your Twitter. Etiquette Connecting

Why History No Longer Guides Us In 1992, Francis Fukuyama published his book, The End of History in which he argued that, with the cold war over and liberal democracy triumphant, the major historical narrative dialectic of history was over. He was, of course, somewhat mistaken. The world today looks much more like Samuel Huntington’s vision of The Clash of Civilizations than anything else. However, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that something has fundamentally changed, albeit the shift is technological rather than cultural (a fact which Fukuyama himself alluded to in a later book ). 1. For most of history, stasis was the rule. That’s changed in a resounding way. The difference lies in accelerating returns. And it’s not just computers either. 2. It used to be that innovation was centered around a certain time and place, like the Florence of the Medici in the 14th and 15th centuries or the Cambridge of the Bloomsbury Group at the beginning of the 20th. 3. 4. Alas, it never came to be. The Poverty of Historicism - Greg

Professionaliseer jezelf als docent via Twitter « Maatschappijleer, ict en meer Twitter? Is dat niet dat gedoe waar mijn leerlingen steeds mee bezig zijn? Ja, misschien wel. Maar dan mis je wel het grote geheel: Twitter is een uitstekend middel om jezelf als docent te professionaliseren. Maar hoe pak je dat dan aan? Waar te beginnen? Heel flauw misschien: begin met het maken van een account op Twitter. Volg je leerlingen Een goede docent weet wat er bij zijn leerlingen speelt. Volg collegae Het zal je verbazen hoeveel van je collega’s op Twitter zitten. #dtv Weet je het antwoord niet op een prangend vraagstuk? Externen Er zijn een heleboel mensen bezig op onderwijsgebied die niet meer direct voor de klas staan, maar wel een schat aan ervaring hebben. Organisaties e.d. Het loont de moeite om allerlei organisaties te volgen die je interesse hebben of op jouw vakgebied actief zijn. Inspiratie John Moravec (@moravec), Ken Robinson (@SirKenRobinson), TED, do I need to say more? Kortom: mis de boot niet en stap in.

iTeach with iPads | Innovating learning and literacy with iPads in kindergarten Businessballs free online learning for careers, work, management, business training and education: find materials, articles, ideas, people and providers for teaching, career training, self-help, ethical business education and leadership; for personal, car

Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid “If student satisfaction, engagement, and metacognitive awareness are all part of your definition of a successful course, then Twitter may be an option for you.” Integrating social media into academia is not a novel idea. And since you are reading this, chances are you probably have been utilizing some feature of social media in the classroom for years. What is more interesting is asking why academia should exploit social media and, more specifically, Twitter. Some learners are effective at self-regulation; that is, they guide their learning through metacognition – thinking about their own learning – and through strategic action and evaluation of their own progress. Research has shown that such learners will outperform inadequate self-regulators in nearly every aspect of learning. Increasing metacognitive awareness (knowing what you know, and what you don’t know) is critical for better self-regulation. What is a metacognitive support device? Four types of tweets What does this mean?

7 Ways You Can Use Texting to Your Advantage in the Classroom If you were to take a glance around a classroom in which no smartphone policy has been set, it would be easy to conclude that texting at school is nothing but a distraction. Just look at all of those bent heads and rapidly moving thumbs! Take a look at the caliber of those texts — “wat r u doing l8er” — and it would also be easy to assume texting will one day bring about the end of literacy and analytical thought, if it hasn’t already. This may be true — and it may also not be. Photo credit: Gordon Mei Why Texting May Not Be As Bad As You Think It Is 1. Formal writing may seem like the end all be all when it comes to fostering intellectual thought, but it emerged relatively late in human development — and it took even longer for writing to become an accessible skill beyond the most elite in society. Texting, just like conversational speech, is loose in structure and lacks any concern for the rules. Considered in this light, texting in itself is its own dialect. 2. What’s behind this? 3.

Who's Accountable? - iDIMENSIONS I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about what it means to be “accountable.” This was prompted in part by a LinkedIn group discussion (SIETAR Europa: Competence in intercultural professions) started by David Trickey about “Accountability vs. Responsibility across cultures.” And this reminded me of something I heard a couple of months ago. In March I was fortunate to attend a master class at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City with Stephanie Blythe for members of the Met’s Lindemann Young Artist Development Program. Though actually just a side comment, the point Ms. Regardless of what we do – whether as an entrepreneur, a small business owner, a CEO or top executive of a large organization, a salaried employee, an unemployed person, a parent or student or whatever – all of us have certain things for which we are accountable. It seems to me that it is becoming easier and easier to avoid accountability. This is a complex issue.

Chinese students abroad: why they choose the UK and how they see their future <a href=" students abroad: why they choose the UK and how they see their future.</a> Introduction Against the background of a recent and substantial rise in the number of Chinese coming to the UK for their higher education, this article reports the results of a survey of 188 Chinese students studying in the UK at Lancashire Business School, University of Central Lancashire in 2009. The respondents were either final year undergraduates or postgraduates and they responded to a self-report questionnaire consisting primarily of open-ended questions. This research adds to a somewhat limited number of studies that have attempted to develop an appreciation of why Chinese students decide to study abroad and in particular, the UK. The Literature UK Universities and Chinese Students: A Mutual Attraction The Attraction of Living and Working Abroad Career Optimism Research Method

25 Tips For Teaching With Apps 25 Tips For Teaching With Apps by Terry Heick We’ve done tips in the past for teaching with tablets. This one is similar, so there is some overlap, but this has more to do with apps specifically. Below are 25 tips for teaching with apps. Let us know in the comments what we missed. 1. If you’re going to use something important, interdependent, and new, you’re going to need some kind of model or framework to contextualize it. “Despite the rhetoric around m-learning virtually guaranteeing contextualised learning, very few of these scenarios rated highly in the scales for authenticity. It is mobility and access that underscores learning through apps, and using this technology without adjusting the design of learning experiences could yield underwhelming results. 2. There are a lot of apps, tools, and platforms out there. They call themselves a “discovery engine,” and that’s exactly how they function. 3. You can’t download everything at once. 4. Technology–like apps–should solve a problem. 5.

Illusion Sciences: why are we surprised by only some of the things that we see?: Rotating Reversals What to notice: You are looking at two spinning rings. When you look at the yellow dot in the center of the spinning ring on the right, the rings spin toward each other; when you look at the red dot in the center of the spinning ring on the left, the rings spin away from each other. What is happening? The rings are made up of two components: 1) Six ovals that rotate in one direction 2) Lines inside the ovals that rotate in the opposite direction When you look directly at the display, you perceive the rotation of the ovals.When you look toward the red dot or the yellow dot, you perceive the rotation of the internal lines in the ring that is further away from the dot. Comments: Many illusions “work” because they pit two sources of information against each other (look at the first illusion in this blog for an example). There are two sources of information. The global motion rotates counter-clockwise; the internal motion rotates clockwise. G. C. Two rings demonstration One ring demonstration
