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Architecture - Famous Buildings, Floor Plans & More

Architecture - Famous Buildings, Floor Plans & More

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International Listings Blog Posted in Features on October 17, 2007 If Modernism was the twentieth-century architectural trend that developed a new way of thinking, then Urbanism appears to be the twenty-first century architectural mindset. This trend is breeding urban explorers (urbex), the greening of major metropolitan areas, and a focus on merging habitats and commercial structures with politics, culture, history and the arts. Johnny Lists — 12 Websites Where You Can Create Interactive Art by Johnny Webber 1. – Create something soothing. Colorado architecture students design rugged micro cabins Architecture students from the University of Colorado Denver have built a series of rustic dwellings for an outdoor education school in the Rocky Mountains (+ slideshow). Participating in a design-build programme, the students designed the cabins for the Colorado Outward Bound School – one of 40 schools around the globe run by Outward Bound, the nonprofit outdoor education organisation that focuses on expeditionary learning. The Colorado Outward Bound Micro Cabins – each measuring between 140 and 200 square feet (13 to 18 square metres) – were created to serve as "micro dormitories". There are 14 dwellings in total, and they were constructed on-site in three weeks. Made of metal and wood, the cabins are situated on a steep hillside in a lodgepole pine forest near Leadville, a small town in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.

Fiches détaillées des plus grands architectes Page Navigation Architectes ACTU Insolite MyConfluence® #Lyon : une appli pour découvrir les projets en réalité augmentée Vivre dans une maison sans fenêtre ? C’est possible ! Eight Great Interactive Sites that let you Paint like a Famous Artist Apr 06 Here are some neat interactive websites that will allow your students to create pictures that simulate the works of famous artists. These activities would work nicely on an interactive whiteboard to demonstrate characteristics of these artists or could be done by students on a classroom or lab computer.

untitled Jun MITANI License Anyone can use the crease patterns on this page freely without any permissions under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. See details: Please feel free to contact me if you want to use the crease patterns in commercial purpose. Crease Pattern Art in Action Testo originale Contribuisci a una traduzione migliore Login - Create Account Cool Art Websites A fun interactive painting program on the Internet. Amazing Seattle Fractals - Fractal Art, Screen Savers, Tutorials, Free Programs Fractal Art Galleries There are now over 50 fractal art galleries on this website with several thousand fractals, including over 260 visitor contributions to the Guest galleries. The visitor contributions will also give you insight into the differences between the type of fractals that can be created using different fractal generators, as well as highlight individual artist styles. Fractal Tutorials

IIPImage » Demos Here are a set of demos featuring the various viewers available for the IIPImage server. IIPZoom is flash based. IIPMooViewer uses HTML5 and javascript. JIIP is java based. IIPZoom – Flash Viewer A Fiber Artist on Lopez Island: December 2013 It's going to be one of those random days today. I woke up thinking about Babylon (I watched a documentary on it last night before going to bed) and the amazing influence it's great thinkers have had on us today. The Babylonian mathematical system was sexagesimal, or base 60. From brief to book: A guide to book illustration for beginners The publishing industry can be a daunting one for any illustrator. From the initial conversation to the final touches, there are more steps to book illustration success than you might think. 01. Initial conversation Once the art director has a project confirmed, they will think about who the best illustrator might be. Both parties will then get in touch for a loose conversation and an exchange of ideas.
