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Hyperlocal news in 57,830 neighborhoods

Hyperlocal news in 57,830 neighborhoods
Enter your zip code to find your Patch: Patch reports on everything you need to know about your town, from local government to school news to what to do with your family this weekend. And your local Patch makes it easy for you and your neighbors to connect and post your news and events too. All of this, plus comprehensive listings of local restaurants and shops, home improvement services and businesses, events, and more – all in one place – in over 1,000 communities and counting.

100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education Yury Lifshits is working on algorithms and prototypes of new services at Yahoo! Research. Before that he was teaching university courses in the U.S., Germany, Russia and Estonia. He blogs at and publishes his teaching materials at Education technology has become a busy space in recent years. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates continue to push the envelope with enormous philanthropic gifts toward education reform; was traded at a $1 billion plus valuation; and Google is putting millions into education tech sites like KhanAcademy.

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The Founder Institute: Helping Founders to Build Great Companies Microsoft BizSpark - Microsoft BizSpark is a global program that helps software startups succeed by giving them access to Microsoft software development tools, connecting them with key industry players, including investors, and providing marketing visibility to help entrepreneurs starting a business. Microsoft BizSpark is a worldwide partner of the Founder Institute, providing software, support, facilities, and mentoring to many entrprenuers within the Fouder Insitute network. Learn more about our partnership here, and sign-up for BizSpark here. Créée en 1989, Brunswick Société d’Avocats accompagne ses clients - investisseurs financiers et PME françaises et internationales et leurs dirigeants - dans leur quotidien et dans leur développement. Cap Digital est le pôle de compétitivité de la filière des contenus et services numériques.

This We Know: Explore U.S. Government Data About Your Community SEO Egghead Inc. Blog » 3 WordPress Hacks For SE-Friendly Blog Archives Your default WordPress installation has a problem. Your posts slowly get pushed into "pagination death" as they age; your older trusty content gets buried deeper and deeper internally. Furthermore, duplicate content issues plague your category and main listing pages. Slowly, but surely, every old post in your WordPress blog gets buried under 50 pages of other posts. Slowly, but surely, all of the duplicate content adds up. I saw this post on today, and although it has merit, it doesn't dive into gory technical details like I will here.

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