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Ellen Rogers

Ellen Rogers

Ruud van Empel People - Nazanin Andalibi's Photography -- The Story of Stories OLIVIA BEE The Russian Photos Blog Winners: Daniel Morel with attorney Joseph Baio, photographer Phyllis Galembo and attorney Emma James. Photo © Jeremy Nicholl The first thing one sees upon entering the New York Southern District Federal Court in Manhattan is a large circular plaque of the man who gives the courthouse its name. Just before 2pm last Friday another hero walked down the courthouse steps. It’s hard to overstate the calamity that has befallen AFP and Getty. But — really — it’s not all about the money. AFP and Getty lost for three reasons. Which leads to the second reason: the agencies had invested heavily in legal firepower, but not wisely. Losers: AFP lawyers including lead attorney Joshua Kaufman [right] outside court after the Morel trial verdict. But quantity can’t replace quality, and in the latter respect the defence was simply woeful. And then there was the third reason: that jury. Daily reports from the court revealed much of the defence testimony as pure comedy gold. UPDATE 30/11/2103.

Un ordre qui, loin de lutter contre le désordre, ne fait qu'un avec lui (Pontalis) fotâmbulo | 2. adj of or relating to the photography of one Hugo Teixeira Half-Drag « Leland Bobbé Interview And Images In Gadzuna © Leland Bobbé An interview and images from many of my projects just came out in Gadzuna, an Italian publication that covers design, art, communication and digital culture. The article feature images from Half-Drag, Neo-Burlesque, Women of 5th Ave and street photography March 25th, 2014 Half-Drag on Image Source Blog/Trends 2013 Half-Drag was mentioned in a great article in the Image Source Blog by John O’Reilly to illustrate one of the five emerging photography trends from 2013 . . . the double take trend, comparing and contrasting of one kind or another. Half-Drag in The Blot An article about my Half-Drag seres is currently running in The Blot, a digital magazine focused “telling the truth” covering business, politics, culture and lifestyle. Half-Drag in STILE arte, Italy Half-Drag is now appearing in STILE arte, an Italian art and culture magazine. Half-Drag in Alfemminile, Italy All Images © Leland Bobbé Half-Drag in Beautiful Decay Heidi Glüm G Leland Bobbé

Erwin Olaf Photography Beaver Brook English Russia " B-413 Submarine. Interiors. The B-413 submarine belonged to the Soviet Northern Fleet for almost 20 years — from 1969 to 1990. Next eight years it was a unit of the Baltic Fleet, and soon after its decommissioning, in July 2000, the B-413 became an item of the Museum of the World Ocean. Now it’s exhibited in Kaliningrad, and in 2000 after the tragedy of the Kursk submarine the museum organized a fundraising campaign for the families of crewmembers who died in the catastrophe. The interiors haven’t changed a bit since 1969 when it was constructed. see all images on one page

8 astuces simples mais impressionnantes pour débutants dans Trucs & astuces dans le Magazine Quiconque connait Lomography depuis quelques temps aura une petite idée des astuces les plus populaires que les photographes utilisent pour obtenir des résultats magnifiques ! Voici donc quelques astuces pour tous les Lomo-débutants! (je ne dis pas que je suis un expert en la matière! Je sais ce que c’est que d’expérimenter avec des pellicules et des photos, et de me retrouver avec d’horribles résultats. 1# Doubler son sujet : Merci d’activer JavaScript pour voir cette galerie Photos de nadinadu Je ne suis pas très bon avec les expositions multiples, car elles sont difficiles à régler et à réussir! 2# Souterrain: Allez sous terre! 3# Main dans le ciel: Un de mes trucs favoris! 4# Rêver d’un ciel: Simple, mignon, naturel. 5# Net vs. flou: Vous avez remarqué le flou en arrière-plan? 6# Miroir / ascenseur Celle-ci est un classique. 7# Approchez-vous: Approchez-vous. 8# “Light Painting” / Graffiti Je ne l’ai fait qu’une fois, sur une seule photo. 9# Pensez-vous qu’il y a une neuvième astuce?

Photogram A colour photogram of lemons and tomato stems. The background texture is enlarged paper grain. A photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. The usual result is a negative shadow image that shows variations in tone that depends upon the transparency of the objects used. Areas of the paper that have received no light appear white; those exposed through transparent or semi-transparent objects appear grey.[1] The technique is sometimes called cameraless photography. History[edit] Some of the first photographic images made were photograms. From 1843, Anna Atkins produced a book titled British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions in installments; it was the first book to be illustrated with photographs. Man Ray's rayographs[edit] A photogram of a number of photography-related objects. Procedure[edit] The figure on the right shows how the image is formed.

Astuce Rapide : Des Silhouettes pour vos Doubles Expositions! dans Trucs & astuces dans le Magazine Cette astuce est simple et a probablement déjà été écrite, mais je souhaiterais la partager avec ceux qui m'ont laissé des message concernant la manière dont je m'y prends pour utiliser les silhouettes dans mes doubles expositions. Merci d’activer JavaScript pour voir cette galerie 1. J’ai utilisé un LC-A+. 2. 3. 4. 5. Et voilà!

Mirrors and Windows | gabriele galimberti Girl’s Bedrooms: Mirrors and Windows Getting to see girls’ bedrooms must have been a teenage obsession for the members of the all-male photographic collective Riverboom. Now that they have more or less grown up, they have decided to transform that dream into a reality. Riverboom’s Gabriele Galimberti and Edoardo Delille are traveling the five continents to see where girls, between the ages of 18 and 30, sleep. In a world that is increasingly shaped by global standardization and IKEA aesthetics, this work explores the rooms of the conventional and the eccentric, the rich and the poor, the mother and the single, the pious and the unbelieving, the sports-obsessed and the shopping-addicted, the tomboy and the girly-girl, the tidy and the shambolic. The selection of the subjects photographed is not based on their looks or on the decor of their rooms, but on a desire to show how diverse these can be, as well as on the strength of the story behind them.
