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List of 9 free educational websites

List of 9 free educational websites
by: True Activist. With internet, access to free education is possible, but with increasingly restrictive copyright laws and incompatible technologies its potential is hindered. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials in any medium that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. It is vital to have access to free education so below we created a list of nine websites where you can access these free resources. When educational resources are digital and openly licensed under Creative Commons licenses, they can be shared with everyone for the marginal cost of $0. Many institutions have recorded on-campus lectures and published them as OER licensed with Creative Commons. 1. Open Yale Courses (OYC) provide lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses licensed using Creative Commons. 3. 4. Searching for open textbooks? 5. 6.Open Stax College 7. 9. Related:  nadinenoire

Free Online Psychology Courses | Best Place to Learn Psychology Online Psychology has become a popular course of study for many individuals. A wide range of fields are increasingly interested in the effects of psychology on their work; businessmen, doctors, and artists are desired to learn the way people think to be more successful in their fields. And, psychology is becoming a much bigger personal interest in recent years. Because of the burgeoning interest in psychology, a number of online psychology courses have begun to appear. There are several advantages to taking online courses in psychology.'s Free Psychology Course offers a great email course that covers a number of basic psychological concepts, such as memory, intelligence, personality, and development. You can sign up for their online psychology courses on their website. This is a great place to start for people who want to learn the basics of psychology. UC Berkeley's Free Psychology Course For a more personal psychology study, try Dacher Keltner’s “Human Happiness”.

Reflexology Charts - Interactive Reflexology Charts, Free Reflexology Charts and Reflexology Information Psychology Tutorials and Demonstrations Keep up-to-date on these tutorials. This is a page that will contain links to hypertext tutorials in psychology as they become available. Currently there are links to tutorials in: Index What's New What's New Artificial Intelligence Eliza. Biopsychology/Physiopsychology A collection of General Biopsychology Animations and Tutorials (This covers concepts as well as content.) by John H. Clinical Psychology Eliza. Cognitive Psychology Change/Inattentional Blindness Videos. Return to index Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Tutorials. by Margaret Anderson. General Collections e.psych. by Gary Bradshaw at Mississippi State University. Return to index. Learning Research Methods and Statistics Hypertext Tutorial on Social Science Experimental and Correlational Study Design Issues by Don R. Sensation and Perception Social Psychology NetLabs. Related Sites: Austria Information Switchboard's Big Information Value of the Week, 9/27/97 Cool Site Maintained by John H.

Mind Openerz The wealth of knowledge once reserved for the Ivy League Elite is now being released for free on the internet, power to the people! In the beginning information traveled slow, knowledge was confined to a few buildings around the globe that are guarded by high entry fees and standardized test scores. The number of individuals who could gain access to information was kept to a short acceptance list while many were given an Access Denied. But then like a swift kick in the face, the internet came along and changed everything! Here are just a few amazing online institutes that offer free college courses for the good people of planet earth, enjoy and never stop learning! Khan Academy Khan Academy wants to help you learn almost anything for free! EdX EdX is a non-profit created by founding partners Harvard and MIT. Coursera Coursera is an education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. MIT OpenCourseWare

The Missing Piece in our Educational System | Study Skills UAE and Online There is a missing piece in our educational system. We do not teach students HOW TO LEARN in the classroom ! ! Specifically, we do not teach them what to do INSIDE their mind. This missing piece is the number #1 reason I’ve found why some students struggle in school. The learning process To simplify things lets think of learning as a 3 step process. Step 1) The information to be learned is presented to the student. Step 2) While listening to the teacher or reading from the book the students are doing SOMETHING inside their thinking process in order to understand and memorize the information. Step 3) The school will then evaluate the student with an exam or test or some other way to determine how much of the information the student has understood and remembered. The Missing Piece – We are not considering the students ‘Mental Strategy’ But what about the part in between when the student is thinking, processing, memorizing the information !! What is a ‘Mental Strategy’ ? Author: Tony Barlow

How to Hypnotize Yourself Using the Best Me Technique: 13 steps Steps Method 1 of 5: Things to Keep in Mind 1Find a quiet time and place to practice the Best Me Technique. 4Practice regularly. Method 2 of 5: Pre-Experiencing the Rewards of a Future Goal 1Choose the goal. 2Take all the time you need in order to thoroughly pre-experience the attainment of your goal. Method 3 of 5: Returning to a Previous Mood 1You can also think of a time in your past when your confidence and motivation were at a level where you want them to be right now. 2Go through the steps of the Best Me Technique to allow yourself to experience this mood again. Method 4 of 5: Turning it Up Even Higher 1When you have created the mood you want, you can turn up the intensity by picturing a dial, and slowly moving the indicator up as you allow your confidence and motivation to increase along with it. Method 5 of 5: Preparing to End Your Hyperempiric Session Video Tips The potential applications of the Best Me Technique are quite large. Ad Warnings

23 THINGS WORLD CLASS ACHIEVERS DO Over the past twenty years, I’ve been lucky enough to travel to more than 85 countries, speak on stage with Sir Richard Branson and Seth Godin, do personal change work with thousands of people including Billionaires, Olympic Athletes and Celebrities. While helping them make the specific adjustments they needed in different areas of their life, I also got to learn a massive amount about what they do that separates them from everybody else. Indeed, as I applied what I learned from them to my own life, it made a huge difference to me too. World Class Achievers focus on what they want to achieve. Of course, these are just some of the things that I have found the most successful people I have ever met, tend to do.

Communicating with your Personal Guidance System: How to Muscle Test « The Dowsing Deva Truth can only be experienced.It cannot be described and it cannot be explained…Truth will dawn upon you of itself.from the Course in Miracles Thank you for reading this through before you view the video clip, as there’s much here you’ll need to know. The video is a demonstration only. I learned how to muscle test to get yes/no answers to questions in 1994 in an energy work class that was part of my massage therapy training at the Dove Star Institute in Hooksett, NH. Here’s the mechanics of learning how to muscle test and I’ll also demonstrate this for you in the video clip. Now relax your hands at your side, shake them out, form your test loop. Now, make your loop and pull outwards and hold and say this is my yes. It’s important to get the basic mechanics down. Play time. My name is ____________(fill in the blank with a bogus name). My name is ____________(fill in the blank with your full name). My birth year is _________(fill in the blank with a bogus year). You can do a blind test, too.

The Chopra Center “Making your doshas happy will make you happy. This is the secret to balancing the whole mind-body system.”~ Deepak Chopra Dosha is a Sanskrit word that translates as “mind-body constitution” or “mind-body personality.” According to ayurveda – the 5,000-year-old “science of life” – there are five master elements or mahabhutas that make up everything within our bodies and everything outside of our bodies: space, air, fire, water, and earth. Biological systems weave these five master elements into three primary patterns known as doshas. All three doshas are present in every cell, tissue, and organ – for movement, metabolism, and protection are essential components of life. Vata: Movement and Change If Vata dosha predominates, movement and change are characteristic of your nature. If excessive stress in your life leads to your Vata force becoming imbalanced, your activity will start to feel out of control. Pitta: Transformation and Metabolism Kapha: Structure and Fluidity
