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Teachthought: 3 Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student

Teachthought: 3 Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student
Thinking in the 21st century is just different. That doesn’t mean we’re all suddenly omnipotent cyborgs, nor does it mean we’ve all become mindless social media addicts that spend our cognitive might tapping, swiping, and drooling on our smartphone and tablet screens. But just as the 19th century presented unique challenges to information processing than the 18th or 20th, the 21st century is different than the one before, or that the one that will come after. recently released the following graphic that I thought was interesting, mainly in that it identified knowledge types for modern learning, settling on Foundational, Humanistic, and Meta Knowledge. 3 Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student 1. Digital/ICT Literacy, Core Content Knowledge, Cross-disciplinary Knowledge 2. Life/Job Skills, Ethical/Emotional Awareness, Cultural Competence 3. Creativity and Innovation, Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration Using This Model In Your Classroom Related:  - New literacies

educatorstechnology: The 7 Important Literacies of The 21st Century Education I have been studying literacy for more than a year in my Literacy Education MAEd program and have also written a 12 pages research paper on it but each time I sit down to write about it I discover a lot of new insights. Literacy is a deceptively broad topic that can be approached from various lenses. Schoolars from Plato to James Paul Gee have extensively written on the topic, each arguing for the validity of the theoretical lens through which they see it. Going through these theories I find myself inclining more to the progressivist camp or the " New Literacies" camp. Obviously,we are not in front of a single literacy but rather multiple literacies. The momentum of this multiplicity of literacies has tremendously increased with the introduction of technology. Media literacy Media literacy is the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and use the codes and conventions of a wide variety of media forms and genres appropriately, effectively and ethically. Visual Literacy

educatorstechnology: Digital Literacy Simply Explained Common Craft has recently rolled out a new video in which leefever explained what digital literacy is all about. I love Leefevr video explanations and I think students will find them much easier to follow and comprehend. Literacy is the first human invention that has transformed the human life forever. It is thanks to literacy that human thinking developed to include more abstract and syllogistic concepts which constituted the foundational pillars of science. Literacy also enabled humans to build a civilization through the encoding and sharing of collective wisdom. Digital literacy is an offshoot of Literacy ( with capital L) and is just as important in our life as was basic literacy to ancient societies. "It's not just gadgets and websites, digital literacy means using technology thoughtfully and responsibly. Share this video with your students and help them learn more about digital literacy. Courtesy of Richard Byrne from whom I learned about this video.

educatorstechnology: Two Awesome Presentations on Digital Literacy for Teachers Literacy is a concept that is really hard to define or contain within a single semiotic field. There are also divisive views over the meaning of literacy. The traditional camp views it as the basic ability to read and write; encoding and decoding meaning from chunks of text or verbal output. On the other hand, the progressivists look at it from a different angle. Lankshear and Knobel referred to it as " multiple literacies". Saying that there are multiple literacies means that the concept of literacy is not static and that new literacies appear as a response to the new emerging learning needs of each generation.

edshelf: The Best Literacy Apps Collection by Andrew Earnshaw edshelf Best Literacy Apps Curated by Andrew Earnshaw Useful apps to support literacy Share: 6 followers 22 tools View as Grid List Compact Evernote Note-Taking iMovie Video Creators Skitch Screen Captures Pages Text Editors iPhoto Image Editors iBooks Author Publishing Book Creator Publishing StoryKit Digital Storytelling Creators Toontastic Digital Storytelling Creators Puppet Pals HD Video Creators Popplet Note Taking SonicPics Digital Storytelling Creators Comic Life Digital Storytelling Creators iBooks Digital Textbooks Creative Book Builder Publishing Paper by FiftyThree Image Editors SparkleFish Game-Based Learning Notability Note Taking Explain Everything Interactive Project Creators Strip Designer Animation Creators Sock Puppets Video Creators Puffin Web Browser Web Browsers Followed by Print with URLs with QR codes Widget To embed this collection, copy the code below and paste it into a code editor for your website. Want to customize your widget? Format: Preview example: Share via email Close Sign in

Edudemic: The 8 Skills Students Must Have For The Future Editor’s note: This is a revised version of an article written by Katie Lepi that originally appeared on June 7th, 2014. We believe this information is still highly relevant, but we wanted to update it with the latest thinking. To do that, we invited writer Michael Sledd to take the reins. Education has traditionally focused on the basic “3Rs” of reading, writing and arithmetic. This naturally leads to the question of what those skills are or will be, and while there are other excellent suggestions out there, Pearson’s 2014 edition of “The Learning Curve” report lists the 8 skills below as those most necessary to succeed in the 21st century. Understanding and Teaching These Skills In order to incorporate these skills into their lessons and to develop student ability in each area, teachers must first understand what these things truly mean. Leadership People have discussed leadership for centuries, and generated a wide array of different definitions and theories about what it means. Takeaway

How Do We Teach Digital Literacy to Digital Natives? Is it possible for our students to be both digital natives and digitally unaware? Young people today are instant messengers, gamers, photo sharers and supreme multitaskers. But while they use the technology tools available to them 24/7, they are struggling to sort fact from fiction, think critically, decipher cultural inferences, detect commercial intent and analyze social implications. All of which makes them extremely vulnerable to the overwhelming amount of information they have access to through the digital tools they use—and love! In fact, teachers surveyed in a recent Pew Study say they worry about “students’ overdependence on search engines; the difficulty many students have judging the quality of online information; and the general level of literacy of today’s students.” Use The News One way to combat this ironic epidemic? Be Authentic There’s no limit to the ways educators can incorporate authentic learning into their daily lesson plans.

IS UNIT WEB SITE - IPTS - JRC - EC Objectives: Main Outcomes: A mapping framework of ICT-enabled innovation for learning: To read more, please click here The Creative Classrooms concept and reference parameters: A set of policy recommendations for mainstreaming of systemic, ICT-enabled innovations in Education and Training (E&T) Contact Project Leader Yves Punie - Project team Panagiotis Kampylis - Barbara Brečko - (with initial contributions from Stefania Bocconi, now at the Italian Institute for Educational Technology, The Definition Of Digital Literacy The Definition Of Digital Literacy by Terry Heick When we think of digital literacy, we usually think of research–finding, evaluating, and properly crediting digital sources. The “research” connotation makes sense, as it is the sheer volume of sources and media forms on the “internet” that stand out. But we are living in a world where the internet is disappearing, replaced by sheer connectivity. Are you “on the internet” when you tweet? As the internet dissolves into something more seamless–that no longer requires a clunky web browser to make itself visible–we might adjust our perspectives in parallel. Take the idea of “literacy,” for example. Technology improves literacy only insofar as it improves a learner’s ability to identify, analyze, evaluate and create media. Literacy implies a fuller understanding and a rounder knowledge. This isn’t wrong so much as it focuses too much on technology and “the internet.”

A Comprehensive Checklist of The 21st Century Learning and Work Skills July 16, 2014 While searching for some resources on a paper and writing on the 21st century learning skills I came across this skills checklist created by the university of UToledo. This checklist is meant to help students build powerful resumes outlining all the skills they master. I spent some time going through the components of this sheet and found it really sharing with you here. You can use this sheet with your students as an explanatory guide of some of the important skills ( I said some because some other important skills particularly those related to digital citizenship and digital literacy are missing) they need to work. Below is a round-up of the 9 most important skills which I selected from the entire list. 1- Research skills

Curation as Digital Literacy Practice | Ibrar's space I have been writing my PhD so haven’t updated this blog for a while. Thesis writing is taking up a lot of my mental space as I get the ideas, storyline and contentions to ‘coalesce’ and cohere in a manner suitable for such a piece of work. I’ve been mulling over a series of ideas in my analysis of digital literacies, and one of them is the concept and practice of ‘curation’ as a digital literacy, and what the implications are for curation practices to be better understood, theorised, and subsequently harnessed for educational purposes. Back to the topic: The word ‘curation’ comes from the Latin root curare, meaning ‘to cure’ or ‘to take care of’ and historically relates to any processes of organisation, collation, judicious selection (usually for presentation), and even curing and preserving. Everyday examples of such practices include retweeting, ‘liking’ on Facebook, collating tweets and other updates into thematic collections (e.g. References: Bhatt, I. Tufte, E. Like this:

Study Proves Why We Need Digital Literacy Education A few months ago, the Internet buzzed with the results of a study comparing students' note-taking on computers versus note-taking with paper and pen. In the article, authors Pam A. Mueller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer shared the results of three experiments comparing these two note-taking conditions, and their conclusion was signaled in the title: "The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard." Following the authors' lead, most media reports treated these results as proof that using laptops for note-taking — or, some argued, any classroom use — was detrimental to learning. The Study To understand how the conclusions of this research have been misrepresented, we first have to understand the studies themselves. Mueller and Oppenheimer discovered something else: students who took notes with laptops took a lot more notes. Thinking this verbatim note-taking might have skewed their results, the authors attempted to control for it in a second experiment. What Does it Mean? Not So Fast This is nonsense.

Teaching Adolescents How to Evaluate the Quality of Online Information An essential part of online research is the ability to critically evaluate information. This includes the ability to assess its level of accuracy, reliability, and bias. In 2012, my colleagues and I assessed 770 seventh graders in two states to study these areas, and the results definitely got our attention. Middle school students are more concerned with content relevance than with credibility They rarely attend to source features such as author, venue, or publication type to evaluate reliability and author perspective When they do refer to source features in their explanations, their judgments are often vague, superficial, and lacking in reasoned justification Other studies highlight similar shortcomings of high school and college students in these areas (see, for example, a 2016 study from Stanford). Start of newsletter promotion. Dig into the science of learning, as our editors unpack the latest research and data from the field. Subscribe now End of newsletter promotion. Prompting

Infographic As we venture into the 21st century, we as a society, are faced with more innovation and challenge than ever before. We now live in an interconnected world, where the Internet and global communications are simultaneously uniting and isolating us as a society. How do we raise critical thinkers to best face the challenges that face our modern society? What changes in education methods should be implemented to create a better learning environment for these budding minds? Check out this great infographic by Mentoring Minds to find out! Click here to download an 11X17 version of the "Developing 21st-Century Critical Thinkers" infographic. Embed This Image On Your Site (copy code below):

MIL as Composite Concept Empowerment of people through Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is an important prerequisite for fostering equitable access to information and knowledge and promoting free, independent and pluralistic media and information systems. Media and Information Literacy recognizes the primary role of information and media in our everyday lives. It lies at the core of freedom of expression and information - since it empowers citizens to understand the functions of media and other information providers, to critically evaluate their content, and to make informed decisions as users and producer of information and media content. Information Literacy and Media Literacy are traditionally seen as separate and distinct fields. UNESCO’s strategy brings together these two fields as a combined set of competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude) necessary for life and work today.
