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How to Build a Content Marketing Machine

How to Build a Content Marketing Machine
Content Marketing is hot. White hot. SEO and digital marketing thought leaders are declaring that Content Marketing is the next big thing. Even Rand is touting its importance. The strategy of Content Marketing makes sense: instead of pushing messages about your product at prospects, pull prospects towards you by publishing content about your prospects’ interests. Search rank, traffic, leads and all sort of goodness flow from this approach. So the conversation is no longer about if or why an organization should practice Content Marketing. So if you’re wondering “How?” The Machine First, let’s take a look at the machine, all of its pistons, cogs, smokestacks and miscellaneous parts. Now we’ll go over the machine, part by part. Goals & Plan What is the goal, the end output for your Content Marketing Machine? Your plan then becomes to create a content-powered path that takes your prospect from where they are today to the end goal. Team So you’ve got a plan. Ideas Production Audience Development Related:  Strategy and Management

curator's ǝpoɔ Inside Marketing Rivista - Italia The Future Of Content: Content Is The Future Editor’s note: Contributor Ashkan Karbasfrooshan is the founder and CEO of WatchMojo, he hosts a show on business and has published books on success. Follow him @ashkan. “I thought the analysis of content vs other video companies very convincing. But I’m curious: the content game hasn’t worked out so well for AOL and Yahoo. Infrastructure, Platforms & Content Today, the Web’s infrastructure is built, and we’re filling the pipes with content — mainly free, ad-supported content. It might seem like the real opportunities are in user-generated content and aggregation, but anyone who’s worked in those fields recognize their limitations: Simply put, marketers want to advertise alongside professional content. Content is marketing; Marketing as content Content – video in particular – may be promotional or commercial, in either case it’s a means to an end. Content isn’t only increasingly free, it’s also short. The Economics of Content My company does it for $100/minute. “But content doesn’t scale!”

Principe de Peter: la promotion attire l'incompétence Le principe de Peter fait le postulat suivant : le fait qu’un travailleur mérite une promotion ne signifie pas pour autant qu’il soit préparé à la recevoir ou que la promotion soit l’option la plus bénéfique pour l’individu ou l’entreprise. Selon cette théorie, de nombreuses promotions sont en réalité synonyme de retour en arrière. Parfois, le travailleur ne dispose pas des ressources nécessaires pour surmonter les défis avec succès. Il associe également souvent la gestion du challenge à de hauts niveaux d’angoisse. Ce principe a été énoncé il y a déjà plus de 60 ans et il est encore d’actualité. Eux-mêmes ne pouvaient certainement pas deviner l’impact qu’allait avoir leur travail. Le message que les docteurs Peter et Hull ont souhaité transmettre était plus sérieux que le ton qu’ils ont employé pour le diffuser. « Avec le temps, chaque poste est généralement occupé par un employé incompétent dans ses fonctions. En quoi consiste le principe de Peter ? Mieux attribuer les promotions.

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata The Creation of Metadata: Professionals, Content Creators, Users Metadata is often characterized as “data about data.” Metadata is information, often highly structured, about documents, books, articles, photographs, or other items that is designed to support specific functions. These functions are usually to facilitate some organization and access of information. Traditionally metadata is created by dedicated professionals. While professionally created metadata are often considered of high quality, it is costly in terms of time and effort to produce. User created metadata is a third approach, and this paper focuses on grassroots community classification of digital assets. One form of explicit user created metadata was popularized in the late 1990’s with link-‍focused websites called weblogs (Blood 2000). Tagging Content in and Flickr ( henceforth referred to as “Delicious”) is a tool to organize web pages. “a social bookmarks manager. Ambiguity

Loi de Parkinson: Plus on a le temps, plus on en prend Lorsque l’on se penche de plus près sur le monde du travail, on remarque que différentes lois peuvent s’appliquer, en particulier lorsque l’on parle d’organisation et de gestion du temps. Parmi elles, on retrouve la loi de Parkinson qui se caractérise parfaitement par le phrase « Plus on a le temps pour réaliser une tâche, plus cette tâche prend du temps ». Afin de vous aider à comprendre ce phénomène, nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus à ce sujet. La loi de Parkinson, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Ce concept est particulièrement connu dans le monde de l’entreprise et vient poser quelques questions sur les principes de base de l’efficacité. Concrètement, cela se traduit par le fait suivant : si vous avez prévu une heure pour réaliser une tâche, cette dernière vous en prendra une ; si vous avez prévu deux heures pour la réaliser, elle vous en prendra deux. Comment faire pour pallier efficacement à ce problème ? A lire également : La gestion du stress de l'Office Manager

Tags & Folksonomies - What are they, and why should you care? Tags, or folksonomies are actually a lot simpler than much of the acedemic debate surrounding them. Put simply, they are a user defined method for organizing data. Im going to try to explain what they are, why they are important to marketers and web devs and suggest some ways you might use them. Follow the title link above for the full post. First, Some Examples of Tags in Action There are only a few good, working examples of tagging in operation right now. - a social bookmarking systemFlickr - a photo publishing / sharing siteTechnorati Tags - a recent feature added to the popular blog search engineMetaFilter Tags - another recently added feature to the original group blog.TagSurf - an experimental forum based on tags rather than the standard way of organizing topics and flickr were the first systems to use tagging as far as im aware, at least to become popular because of it. So How does it Work? So What Makes Tags Important? Oh boy, starting to get the picture?

Qu’est-ce que le Bore-Out ? Traiter de l’ennui au travail peut paraître absurde au vu de la conjoncture actuelle et du nombre de personnes souffrant d’épuisement professionnel. Or, ce syndrome tout aussi grave toucherait 10% des salariés en Suisse. Le syndrome du bore-out a été décrit pour la première fois en 2007 par deux auteurs suisses, Peter Werder et Philippe Rothlin, dans leur étude « Diagnose Bore-out ». Il désigne un épuisement professionnel induit non pas par le stress, mais par l’absence de tâches signifiantes et caractérisé par l’ennui, l’absence de défis et le désintérêt. Il leur manque simplement l’environnement de travail adéquat pour y parvenir, que ce soit en raison d’un choix professionnel inadapté ou des conditions de travail inappropriées (par exemple, un supérieur hiérarchique qui ne confie que des tâches ennuyeuses). Que faire en tant qu’employeur pour prévenir le bore-out ? En tant qu’employeur, vous pouvez agir à différents niveaux pour prévenir le bore-out dans votre entreprise :

Folksonomy :: This page is a static permanent web document. It has been written to provide a place to cite the coinage of folksonomy. This is response the request from many in the academic community to document the circumstances and date of the creation of the term folksonomy. The definition at creation is also part of this document. This document pulls together bits of conversations and ideas I wrote regarding folksonomy on listserves, e-mail, in my blogs and in blog comments on other's sites in 2004. Background I have been a fan of ad hoc labeling and tagging systems since at least the late 1980s after watching a co-worker work his magic with Lotus Magellan (he would add his own ad hoc keywords or tags to the documents on his hard drive, paying particular attention to add these tags to documents others created so to add his context). In 2003 was started by Joshua Schacter and it included identity in its social bookmarking. Creation of Folksonomy Term Definition of Folksonomy

11 Skills That Will Make You Successful In A Content Marketing Career “What are you ever going to do with that?” That’s the usual response I’d get when people would ask what my college degree was in (it was art and art history). There would be a prolonged moment of silence and then that question. I don’t know if that prolonged moment of silence was in honor of the memory of what they thought was now-gone employability. I can promise you that as I got older and there was more distance from my college graduation, I fretted less. Because in the ensuing years, I learned that the answer to that question was: quite a lot. Sometimes a skill is not just a skill. Want to use Click to Tweet on your blog? Free Download! Get Your Free Content Marketing Career Poster Now! Your Content Marketing Skills Add Up To A Lot Getting your art degree, it turns out, doesn’t only make you a prime candidate for being a professional artist, but it also spawns the ability to defend your work in front of a room of critics. 1. This skill is huge. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Folksonomy An empirical analysis of the complex dynamics of tagging systems, published in 2007,[8] has shown that consensus around stable distributions and shared vocabularies does emerge, even in the absence of a central controlled vocabulary. For content to be searchable, it should be categorized and grouped. While this was believed to require commonly agreed on sets of content describing tags (much like keywords of a journal article), recent research has found that, in large folksonomies, common structures also emerge on the level of categorizations.[9] Accordingly, it is possible to devise mathematical models of collaborative tagging that allow for translating from personal tag vocabularies (personomies) to the vocabulary shared by most users.[10] Origin[edit] Folksonomy is a type of collaborative tagging system in which the classification of data is done by users. There are two different groups of folksonomies. Semantic Web[edit] Library Catalogs[edit] Folksontology[edit] See also[edit]

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Creating Marketing Personas Over my career I have been fortunate to work for a number of different organizations, all of which have been in completely different stages of their marketing maturity. Regardless of what stage they are in, one of my first priorities is creating in-depth marketing personas. Marketing personas are like the foundation for building your marketing house. Without personas, how do you know which message will appeal to your target market’s needs? Or where to reach your audience to build awareness and drive them to your website? Or what to write about in your content marketing efforts? Or how to talk to your audience on social media? The problem is, most of the literature on marketing personas takes you down the path toward: “John has a wife, 3 kids and a dog’ … which has never proved all that helpful for me. That’s why I wanted to write this article to share my experiences and learnings from creating marketing personas at several companies over the years. What are marketing personas? 1. 2. 3.

Intute: Encouraging Critical Thinking Online Encouraging Critical Thinking Online is a set of free teaching resources designed to develop students' analytic abilities, using the Web as source material. Two units are currently available, each consisting of a series of exercises for classroom or seminar use. Students are invited to explore the Web and find a number of sites which address the selected topic, and then, in a teacher-led group discussion, to share and discuss their findings. The exercises are designed so that they may be used either consecutively to form a short course, or individually. The resources encourage students to think carefully and critically about the information sources they use. A comprehensive Teacher's Guide provides an overview of the course, lesson/seminar outlines, suggestions of illustrative websites, and points for discussion. Teacher's Guide (Units 1 and 2) Printable version (PDF) Resources for Unit 1: Checking Facts and Gathering Opinions Resources for Unit 1 Resources for Unit 2

3 bias cognitivi usati dagli esperti per creare contenuti persuasivi Creare dei contenuti persuasivi non è semplice come si crede. Oltre ad adottare delle astuzie tecniche, bisogna conoscere alcune nozioni basilari di psicologia. In caso contrario, il destinatario dei tuoi messaggi non si comporterà come ti aspetti. E il 90% del tuo lavoro sarà stato inutile. Ti sei mai chiesto perché alcuni messaggi pubblicitari e promozionali hanno presa su di te, mentre altri ti passano davanti agli occhi e quasi non li noti? inserisci i tuoi contatti in un form ti iscrivi a una newsletteracquisti in un e-commercerichiedi un preventivo o una consulenzachiami a un numero verdescegli sullo scaffale un prodotto invece di un altropreferisci un Brand a un suo concorrentelasci un commento su un social, sappi che hai deciso di farlo e che la tua decisione non avviene per caso. Devi elaborare una strategia comunicativa? Stimolando le risposte del target attraverso l’uso di input e segnali. Bias cognitivi ed euristiche: gli inganni della mente Perché li usiamo? Quando li usiamo?
