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How to Build a Content Marketing Machine

How to Build a Content Marketing Machine
Content Marketing is hot. White hot. SEO and digital marketing thought leaders are declaring that Content Marketing is the next big thing. Even Rand is touting its importance. The strategy of Content Marketing makes sense: instead of pushing messages about your product at prospects, pull prospects towards you by publishing content about your prospects’ interests. Search rank, traffic, leads and all sort of goodness flow from this approach. So the conversation is no longer about if or why an organization should practice Content Marketing. So if you’re wondering “How?” The Machine First, let’s take a look at the machine, all of its pistons, cogs, smokestacks and miscellaneous parts. Now we’ll go over the machine, part by part. Goals & Plan What is the goal, the end output for your Content Marketing Machine? Your plan then becomes to create a content-powered path that takes your prospect from where they are today to the end goal. Team So you’ve got a plan. Ideas Production Audience Development Related:  Strategy and Management

Inside Marketing Rivista - Italia Home - Flavourful Tuscany Principe de Peter: la promotion attire l'incompétence Le principe de Peter fait le postulat suivant : le fait qu’un travailleur mérite une promotion ne signifie pas pour autant qu’il soit préparé à la recevoir ou que la promotion soit l’option la plus bénéfique pour l’individu ou l’entreprise. Selon cette théorie, de nombreuses promotions sont en réalité synonyme de retour en arrière. Parfois, le travailleur ne dispose pas des ressources nécessaires pour surmonter les défis avec succès. Il associe également souvent la gestion du challenge à de hauts niveaux d’angoisse. Ce principe a été énoncé il y a déjà plus de 60 ans et il est encore d’actualité. Eux-mêmes ne pouvaient certainement pas deviner l’impact qu’allait avoir leur travail. Le message que les docteurs Peter et Hull ont souhaité transmettre était plus sérieux que le ton qu’ils ont employé pour le diffuser. « Avec le temps, chaque poste est généralement occupé par un employé incompétent dans ses fonctions. En quoi consiste le principe de Peter ? Mieux attribuer les promotions.

Biological computer created at Stanford Posted: 03/29/2013 07:42:14 AM PDT0 Comments A team of Stanford engineers has made a simple computer inside a living cell, where it could detect disease, warn of toxic threats and, where danger lurked, even self-destruct cells gone rogue. The startling achievement, unveiled in Friday's issue of the journal Science, takes us to a new frontier -- where nature's instruction manual is being programmed to deliver information long-concealed within our bodies. "We're going to be able to put computers inside any living cell you want," said lead researcher Drew Endy of Stanford's School of Engineering. "Any place you want a little bit of logic, a little bit of computation, a little bit of memory -- we're going to be able to do that." The creation completes 10 years of work and represents the final chapter of Stanford researchers' quest to build the biological computer. These tiny computers could deliver true-false answers to virtually any biological question that might be posed within a cell.

Loi de Parkinson: Plus on a le temps, plus on en prend Lorsque l’on se penche de plus près sur le monde du travail, on remarque que différentes lois peuvent s’appliquer, en particulier lorsque l’on parle d’organisation et de gestion du temps. Parmi elles, on retrouve la loi de Parkinson qui se caractérise parfaitement par le phrase « Plus on a le temps pour réaliser une tâche, plus cette tâche prend du temps ». Afin de vous aider à comprendre ce phénomène, nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus à ce sujet. La loi de Parkinson, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Ce concept est particulièrement connu dans le monde de l’entreprise et vient poser quelques questions sur les principes de base de l’efficacité. Concrètement, cela se traduit par le fait suivant : si vous avez prévu une heure pour réaliser une tâche, cette dernière vous en prendra une ; si vous avez prévu deux heures pour la réaliser, elle vous en prendra deux. Comment faire pour pallier efficacement à ce problème ? A lire également : La gestion du stress de l'Office Manager

Editing Tutorials For Amazing HDR Effects You either love or hate HDR pictures – that is a fact. Some people say that these pictures look too unreal and opt for more realistic photos. However I think that some HDR pictures are just perfect. What also needs to be taken into consideration is the type of photo that one has decided to turn into an HDR. What is good about HDR is that it can make even the ugliest photo look good, but once again – without exaggerations. If your camera doesn’t have this property, or you didn’t have time to make and HDR or it was simply not the right moment – then you can easily process your photos in one of the editing softwares out there. Gritty HDR Photo Effects Exposure Blending Tutorial Creating An HDR Photo Effect In 3 Simple Steps How to create HDR Photos – HDR/Photomatix tutorial HDR Tutorial with Photomatix HDR Photoshop Effect Tutorial Post Processing HDR Tutorial

Qu’est-ce que le Bore-Out ? Traiter de l’ennui au travail peut paraître absurde au vu de la conjoncture actuelle et du nombre de personnes souffrant d’épuisement professionnel. Or, ce syndrome tout aussi grave toucherait 10% des salariés en Suisse. Le syndrome du bore-out a été décrit pour la première fois en 2007 par deux auteurs suisses, Peter Werder et Philippe Rothlin, dans leur étude « Diagnose Bore-out ». Il désigne un épuisement professionnel induit non pas par le stress, mais par l’absence de tâches signifiantes et caractérisé par l’ennui, l’absence de défis et le désintérêt. Il leur manque simplement l’environnement de travail adéquat pour y parvenir, que ce soit en raison d’un choix professionnel inadapté ou des conditions de travail inappropriées (par exemple, un supérieur hiérarchique qui ne confie que des tâches ennuyeuses). Que faire en tant qu’employeur pour prévenir le bore-out ? En tant qu’employeur, vous pouvez agir à différents niveaux pour prévenir le bore-out dans votre entreprise :

Stockage dans les nuages : comparatif Le stockage de données dans les nuages (Cloud) est une tendance tellement lourde que j’ai du mal à la porter. Mais comment choisir entre les différents acteurs ? GoogleDrive, SkyDrive, DropBox, iCloud ? Les critères à prendre en compte gratuité ou nontaille maximale d’un fichierexistence d’appli bureau et/ou mobiletarifs des offres payantesspécificités de chaque service Bref, voici une infographie utile pour choisir l’offre la plus adaptée à vos besoins Auteur : Chob Passionné par le digital sous toutes ses formes : médias sociaux, web design, emarketing, outils utiles, blogging, open data, dataviz... 558 articles, certains bons, d'autres moins ;-) Profil Google+

11 Skills That Will Make You Successful In A Content Marketing Career “What are you ever going to do with that?” That’s the usual response I’d get when people would ask what my college degree was in (it was art and art history). There would be a prolonged moment of silence and then that question. I don’t know if that prolonged moment of silence was in honor of the memory of what they thought was now-gone employability. I can promise you that as I got older and there was more distance from my college graduation, I fretted less. Because in the ensuing years, I learned that the answer to that question was: quite a lot. Sometimes a skill is not just a skill. Want to use Click to Tweet on your blog? Free Download! Get Your Free Content Marketing Career Poster Now! Your Content Marketing Skills Add Up To A Lot Getting your art degree, it turns out, doesn’t only make you a prime candidate for being a professional artist, but it also spawns the ability to defend your work in front of a room of critics. 1. This skill is huge. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Creating Marketing Personas Over my career I have been fortunate to work for a number of different organizations, all of which have been in completely different stages of their marketing maturity. Regardless of what stage they are in, one of my first priorities is creating in-depth marketing personas. Marketing personas are like the foundation for building your marketing house. Without personas, how do you know which message will appeal to your target market’s needs? Or where to reach your audience to build awareness and drive them to your website? Or what to write about in your content marketing efforts? Or how to talk to your audience on social media? The problem is, most of the literature on marketing personas takes you down the path toward: “John has a wife, 3 kids and a dog’ … which has never proved all that helpful for me. That’s why I wanted to write this article to share my experiences and learnings from creating marketing personas at several companies over the years. What are marketing personas? 1. 2. 3.

3 bias cognitivi usati dagli esperti per creare contenuti persuasivi Creare dei contenuti persuasivi non è semplice come si crede. Oltre ad adottare delle astuzie tecniche, bisogna conoscere alcune nozioni basilari di psicologia. In caso contrario, il destinatario dei tuoi messaggi non si comporterà come ti aspetti. E il 90% del tuo lavoro sarà stato inutile. Ti sei mai chiesto perché alcuni messaggi pubblicitari e promozionali hanno presa su di te, mentre altri ti passano davanti agli occhi e quasi non li noti? inserisci i tuoi contatti in un form ti iscrivi a una newsletteracquisti in un e-commercerichiedi un preventivo o una consulenzachiami a un numero verdescegli sullo scaffale un prodotto invece di un altropreferisci un Brand a un suo concorrentelasci un commento su un social, sappi che hai deciso di farlo e che la tua decisione non avviene per caso. Devi elaborare una strategia comunicativa? Stimolando le risposte del target attraverso l’uso di input e segnali. Bias cognitivi ed euristiche: gli inganni della mente Perché li usiamo? Quando li usiamo?

Qualcosa sta cambiando: Marketing Tradizionale vs. Content Marketing | SMM Italia | simone serni Aziende di tutto il mondo e persone a contatto con la vendita stanno accorgendosi che qualcosa sta cambiando. Il Marketing tradizionale non sta più funzionando come prima. Non per questo dobbiamo pensare che il Marketing stia morendo, si sta solo trasformando. Come ci ha insegnato Darwin: non vince il più forte ma chi riesce ad adattarsi al cambiamento. Il Marketing del futuro? Il Marketing tradizionale parla alle persone. Vuoi essere un vincitore? Creare Contents non significa pubblicare semplici foto, immagini, infografiche, video, post e tweet, ma contenuti scelti con strategia e realizzati appositamente per il proprio pubblico di riferimento. Seconda verità: il Content Marketing è un micro-sistema formato da gran parte delle nuove metodologie del marketing moderno. Le moderne metodologie sono: - Digital Marketing (contenuti digitali) - Social Marketing (attività strategiche sui Social Media) - Article Marketing (Articoli mirati di approfondimento, post, ecc.) 2.

Zero Moment of Truth e content marketing: soddisfa la domanda giusta Nel marketing ci sono dei passaggi codificati che descrivono l’interazione dell’utente con il prodotto o il servizio. Uno dei più famosi oggi è sicuramente il Zero Moment of Truth, un’idea partorita da Google che descrive alla perfezione la situazione che viviamo ogni giorno durante i normali processi d’acquisto. Ma andiamo per ordine. Secondo Wikipedia, i momenti della verità si riscontrano: “When a customer/user interacts with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression about that particular brand, product or service”. Storicamente si parla di tre momenti essenziali nel marketing: Primo momento della verità: quando un cliente si confronta con il prodotto nella vita reale.Secondo momento della verità: quando un cliente acquista un prodotto e sperimenta la sua qualità.Terzo momento della verità: il consumatore diventa un ambassador e rende nota la sua opinione. Tutto questo fa parte della storia. Definizione del Zero Moment of Truth Pensa al video storytelling. 1. 2.

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