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face to gif What is this? face to gif is a simple webapp that lets you record yourself and gives you an infinitely looping animated gif What is the output? face to gif outputs a gif @ 10 frames per second. The file may be a bit big, but you can use a gif optimizer. You can configure the size once you start streaming by clicking the toggles on the preview image. How can I upload to imgur? Just click the imgur button on the image. Because of imgur's 2MB limit for gifs, I will try to upload the original or an optimised one if the original is too big. It says something bad about my browser... face to gif uses some new-ish APIs that may not yet be supported in your browser. What happens to my data? The application is completely client side. View the source, inspect the source. What happens when I reload the page? All the data you generated will be lost unless you download or save the image to imgur. Why is there a delete button? This is slow! I have something to say!

Incorporated | LICEcap LICEcapsimple animated screen captures LICEcap can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to .GIF (for viewing in web browsers, etc) or .LCF (see below). LICEcap is an intuitive but flexible application (for Windows and now OSX), that is designed to be lightweight and function with high performance. LICEcap is easy to use: view a demo (output is here). In addition to .GIF, LICEcap supports its own native lossless .LCF file format, which allows for higher compression ratios than .GIF, higher quality (more than 256 colors per frame), and more accurate timestamping. LICEcap is GPL free software, each download package includes the source. Features and options: Record directly to .GIF or .LCF. Download LICEcap v1.32 for Windows (Jun 8 2022) (250kb installer)LICEcap v1.32 for macOS (Jun 8 2022) (876kb DMG) Windows: Prevent positioning window offscreen [issue 72] Windows: sign installer/executable Source codegit clone Old versions

ScreenToGif - Home GIFyourself Resize animated gif For permanent links you can use: (Please be patient, resizing may take some time, depending on file size and selected resize method) Online image resizer Ezgif's online image resizer will resize, crop, or flip animated gifs and other images, with the same quality and speed as professional software, without the need to buy and install anything.Useful when you need to reduce GIF size or fit the image in specific dimensions. GIF animation resizing is sometimes tricky, and you will probably have to choose between a smaller file size or image quality.Some gifs may need the "coalesce" option (which removes all optimizations from frames) if other methods fail and the output image is flickering or has strange artifacts, but it may significantly increase file size and is very slow. You can also use this tool to resize animated WebP, APNG, FLIF, and MNG files without losing animation, and any other common image type.

Create photo editing with surprising effects for free The Swiss army knife of photo editing ! Post here an ad for your blog or website. Application on Facebook List of tools Photocollage Animated text PhotoEditor New ! PhotoEffect GIF Slideshow GIF effect Resize a picture Pop Art picture 3D Cube SplashColor GIF Video Glitter Glitter Frame Protecting an image Animated smiley FX pictures Compil' Polaroid Decompose an animated GIF Video Clip Webcam GIF Receive Newsletter Bloggif on Facebook Sites not to be missed! Create GIF effect 1. Stars Scanner Colors Square Negative Lake Blurred Old movie Snow Hearts Weathervane Fireworks Swirl Radial Zoom Explodes Wave Rotation Roll Thermal Pixelated Mirror Minimizes Beats Crush Stone Pencil Gray Push Recursive Shaking 2. Last GIF effect created Hide last creations | See more... Copyright © 2014 Find dozens of free tools to easily create your editing on
