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Related:  Vie extraterrestre

“At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years” Ex Canadian Defense Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the end of the day, you have to listen to what your heart tells you. Paul Hellyer was the Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960′s during the cold war. He was responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Navy and Army into what is known today as the Canadian Forces. He was the highest ranking person (on paper) inside of the Department of Defense for Canada. He has been speaking about UFOs and extraterrestrials for quite some time now, and he recently made an appearance on RT news stating that there are at least 4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. Upon retirement, Hellyer began to blow the whistle on UFOs and extraterrestrials. “Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. Sources:

12. - Hyperversals: a New Category of Aliens? AlienMind The Verdants 12. - Hyperversals: a New Category of Aliens? For years now, experiencers have written about a category of extraterrestrials who so greatly exceed aliens like the grays, for example, that descriptions sometimes fall short. Such aliens have been described as “non-physical” or hyper-dimensional. In Jim Marrs’ book Alien Agenda, government-trained remote viewers reported that such aliens are physical but originated during a succession of previous universe cycles (something like a previous universe, but not exactly). Cosmologists have toyed with the idea of a re-cycling universe, yet until articles about negative energy and marginally faster-than-light physics were published during recent years, a re-cycling universe was largely considered impossible. More recently, the notion of a multiverse - a succession of interconnected, or inter-dimensioning universes, has been advanced by cosmologists. See Michio Kaku’s article about escaping to another universe.

60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life, Study Suggests Though only about dozen potentially habitable exoplanets have been detected so far, scientists say the universe should be teeming with alien worlds that could support life. The Milky Way alone may host 60 billion such planets around faint red dwarf stars, a new estimate suggests. Based on data from NASA's planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft, scientists have predicted that there should be one Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of each red dwarf, the most common type of star. But a group of researchers has now doubled that estimate after considering how cloud cover might help an alien planet support life. "Clouds cause warming, and they cause cooling on Earth," study researcher Dorian Abbot, an assistant professor in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, said in a statement. This illustration shows simulated cloud coverage (white) on a tidally locked planet (blue) that would be orbiting a red dwarf star.Credit: Jun Yang

The Nordic Alien Species, page 1 posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 06:12 PM Originally posted by ProudCanadian But seriously are there no darker ones that contact us? Just curious. ProudCanadian "The Nordics" are not a real race. Somebody made them up. "The Grays" (not their real name.) are a real race visiting Earth. However, many visiting races have some shade of gray skin and are about the same size and shape as The Grays, and many people who see alien people like this, assume them to be The Grays. Some of our visiting races are very small (2-3 ft.), some very tall (7-8 ft.), some thin and some heavy. These are just the ones I know about for myself.

BIENVENUE SUR LA PAGE FRANÇAISE DÉDIÉE AUX ALLIÉS DE L'HUMANITÉ - Les Alliés de l'Humanité - FRLes Alliés de l'Humanité – FR …Il y a plus de vingt ans, un groupe d’individus venus de plusieurs mondes différents s’assemblèrent en un endroit discret de notre système solaire, près de la Terre, dans le but d’observer les visites que nous font certains extraterrestres. De leur poste d’observation caché, ils furent en mesure de déterminer l’identité, l’organisation et les intentions de ceux qui visitent notre monde et de surveiller leurs activités. Ces observateurs s’identifient comme faisant partie des «Alliés de l’humanité». Les Alliés nous ont livré leurs rapports successifs en 1998, en 2000 et en 2008. Chacun de ces rapports contient une série d’exposés traitant de thèmes particuliers relatifs à la présence extraterrestre qui s’intensifie dans l’entourage de notre planète. Prenez le temps de lire attentivement ce Message. Il remettra certainement en cause vos conceptions et vos croyances sur ce qu’est la vie dans l’univers qui nous entoure.

A Guide To Earth’s Extraterrestrial Races by Michelle Walling, CHLC Lately we have had to focus on the negative aliens of the Draco species as well their negative Grays and Reptilians consorts in order to expose the matrix agenda. There are astral taps that exist as a part of their matrix program and they needed to be identified in order to recognize them more easily. We will now move to a neutral perspective in order to explore the origin, evolution, and qualities of some of the extraterrestrials tied to the planet at this time. As I have mentioned, there are positive and negative beings within each extraterrestrial race. In a world without the matrix and duality, we could easily imagine seeing ourselves side by side with an array of different beings not unlike the Cantina bar in the movie Star Wars. We have had many lives and experiences that we are currently drawing upon. Zeta Reticulan Grays Place of Origin: These beings are a product of this universe. Reptilians Avians

Selon des chercheurs, l'Homme pourrait atteindre une civilisation extraterrestre « intelligente » en 2383 Persuadés que la civilisation humaine court à sa perte, des chercheurs de la Nasa ont calculé la date probable de colonisation de différentes planètes du Système solaire et au-delà, en fonction de la puissance logicielle nécessaire pour y parvenir. L'Homme pourrait ainsi atteindre une lune de Jupiter en 2076 et le système Trappist-1 en 2290. Cela vous intéressera aussi « Un programme d'exploration spatiale agressif et soutenu, qui comprend la colonisation, est essentiel à la survie à long terme de la race humaine. » C'est la conclusion d'une nouvelle étude prépubliée sur le serveur arXiv qui a calculé dans combien de temps l'Homme pourrait établir des colonies sur différentes planètes de l'Univers. Une durée de voyage incertaine Les chercheurs ont établi un calendrier avec une date possible de lancement des missions, qui ne tient toutefois pas compte du temps de voyage. Atteindre une civilisation intelligente en 2383 Intéressé par ce que vous venez de lire ?

Pour confirmer la découverte d'une vie extraterrestre, la Nasa propose une échelle de confiance Une forme de vie extraterrestre a-t-elle réellement été découverte ? C'est ce qu'une échelle imaginée par des chercheurs de la Nasa pourrait nous aider à mieux comprendre. Car, alors que « notre génération pourrait être celle qui découvrira la vie au-delà de la Terre, ce potentiel s'accompagne d'une certaine responsabilité. » Une forme de vie extraterrestre a été découverte. Cette annonce, nous l'attendons tous. Dans un article publié dans Nature, ils proposent la mise en place d'une échelle à sept niveaux, symbolisant la complexité de la tâche et menant jusqu'à la réponse à LA question : « Sommes-nous seuls ? Les astronomes de la Nasa souhaitent ainsi sortir de la vision duale de la problématique qui semble s'être installée dans l'esprit du public. « Nous avons fait croire qu'il n'y avait que deux options : c'est la vie ou ce n'est pas la vie. De la vie sur Mars ? Et pour des traces de vie en dehors du Système solaire ? Intéressé par ce que vous venez de lire ?

Former CIA Pilot John Lear Says “There Are Millions Of Aliens Living On The Moon" - News As though that weren’t sufficient, Lear likewise guarantees that there are metropolitan zones underneath the Moon’s surface where races of dim extraterrestrials reside. As per the previous CIA pilot, these underground offices have research facilities where hereditary experimentation is done. In the UFO world, John Lear is a notable and disruptive figure. He made revelations of highly confidential information about extraterrestrial movement during the 1980s and 1990s. Around then, Lear said: In 1953, an outsider boat slammed and caught an extraterrestrial we called EBE 3, which helped the US government. As per Lear, NASA has adjusted pictures gotten by Apollo missions 8, 10, and 11 to conceal some lunar privileged insights. The NASA distribution SB2-46 distributed these photos in 1971. Since numerous structures on the Moon were at that point there when the tasks started, extraterrestrial investment was required. Conceivable Alien Construction On The Moon What is your take?

There Could Be Four Hostile Civilizations in the Milky Way In 1977, the Big Ear Radio Telescope at Ohio State University picked up a strong narrowband signal from space. The signal was a continuous radio wave that was very strong in intensity and frequency and had many expected characteristics of an extraterrestrial transmission. This event would come to be known as the Wow! Signal, and it remains the strongest candidate for a message sent by an extraterrestrial civilization. This led many astronomers and theorists to speculate as to the origin of the signal and what type of civilization may have sent it. Almost fifty years after it was detected, the Wow! The recap, the Wow! Ehman circled the alphanumeric designation for this signal (6EQUJ5) and wrote “Wow!” For one, the signal was only heard on one frequency, with no noise detected on any of Big Ear’s 50 other radio channels. The mystery of the Wow! He is perhaps best known as the host of The Exoplanets Channel, a Youtube channel about exoplanet studies, SETI, and interstellar travel.
