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Adjectives Describing People & Personal Qualities

Adjectives Describing People & Personal Qualities
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descriptive words Vocabulario Peluquería del español al inglés / Spanish-to-English hair salon glossary / para salón de belleza / peluqueria palabras en inglés a capas - layered, in layers ablandador (de pelo) - relaxer, straightener, softener ablandador de canas - pre-softener for color-resistant gray hair so it will absorb dye better abombado (peinado) - bouffant abombarse (cabello) - frizz up, puff out abrillantador (nom) - gloss, brightener, lustrant abrillantador (adj) - brightening, glossing, shining abundante cabellera - full head of hair acaracoloado (pelo) - in ringlets acartonado (pelo) - stiff, without movement or vitality accesorio para pelo - hair ornament aceite de aguacate (o palta) - avocado oil aceite de ajonjolí - sesame oil aceite de argán - argan oil aceite de canela - cinammon oil aceite de germen de trigo - wheat germ oil aceite de jojoba - jojoba oil aceite de linaza - linseed oil aceite de oliva (o aceituna) - olive oil aceite de planchado - pressing oil acentuar - accentuate, emphasize acharolado (hair) - stiffened by gel or fixative ácido - acidic; acid aclarar (pelo) - rinse; lighten, make lighter acondicionador - conditioner Afro - Afro

The Present Simple Tense Spelling Tip In the present simple 3rd person singular (he, she, it), add s, es, or ies to the base form of the verb. To regular verbs just add an s – Ex: travel >travels, give > gives, play >playsTo verbs that end in s, ss, sh, ch, x, and o, add an es – Ex: wash > washes, mix > mixes, go >goesTo verbs end in y after a consonant (any letter that isn’t a vowel), change the y to i and add es. Ex: study > studies, fly > flies Sometimes the present simple tense doesn’t seem very simple. Here we will sort it all out for you! We use the present simple tense to express the following ideas: To state facts or general truthsTo express habits or customsTo relate future plans (often regarding programs and timetables)To tell jokes and stories or to report sporting events in real time. Examples of the Present Simple The sun sets in the west.We produce lasers for cosmetic surgery.They move into their new home next week.So, I go to Mr. Forming the Present Simple Time Expressions in the Present Simple Answers:

descriptive words chart Future I Simple going to Exercises on Future I Simple with going to Going to future expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared. Form of going to Future Use of going to Future an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared example: I am going to study harder next year. Signal Words in one year, next week, tomorrow Exercises on going to Future Tests Future I Simple going to: Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3 How Much of My World Do I Build? First, let me say that worldbuilding is an essential skill for every writer, regardless of genre. Not all writers need to concentrate on all areas of worldbuilding, but every writer must do some worldbuilding if he hopes to have a novel that is coherent, consistent, and real. Second, writers seem to come in three varieties — those who really have no idea what worldbuilding is or why they should bother with it; those who do know, but figure they’ll wing the details as they go; and those obsessive folks who secretly believe that they really can’t start the book until the whole planet is in place. I’ve spent time in all three camps — most of my time in the last one. The system works. Build only what you need; imply the rest. What do you need? A — Special physics It used to be that the only places where you might run into special physics were in SF and fantasy novels. If you require special physics, however, you must now answer the following questions. Special Physics — Matrin Magic On to step F.

English Grammar Tenses: Stories, Exercises and Answers Welcome to the English Grammar Tenses – The Ultimate Resource! One of the easiest ways to teach and learn grammar is through stories. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses So we at Really Learn English made this huge collection of stories and exercises available for you, completely free of charge. You can read the stories online, download the story PDF files, print and use them by yourself or with your students, and check the answers using the answer key. All we ask in return, is that if you find this resource useful, please link to it and share it with your students, colleagues, and anyone else who may benefit from it. Thanks for your support! What does TENSE Mean? A tense is a form of the verb which shows the time at which an action happens. It comes from the Latin word "tempus", which means "time". Click here for the full article on what tense is. Please share this page with others: For example: Lisa dances every day. Simple Present Story 1 Mr.

Setting: Using Scene To Enrich Your Writing In both fiction and nonfiction, the setting is the general background against which your story takes place—the physical location and time period, both of which influence your characters and plot. So how can a creative writer use setting and scenery to further offset, augment, or reflect the action of the plot? Although we’re going to be exploring this issue in terms of fiction, these techniques work for nonfiction as well. These craft techniques work in all genres: poetry, stories, personal essays, memoir, and books. Suppose you’re writing a novel that is set in the Deep South in 1955 and your protagonist is an immigrant facing prejudice and roadblocks at every turn. Setting the stage for a short story or novel is a crucial part of engaging your reader. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. These are just a few of the ways an author can use the setting of a story to enhance the characters, plot, and theme of a short story or novel. QUESTION: What was the setting of the last thing you wrote?

The Best Sites For Grammar Practice I haven’t been a real big fan of putting a lot of time into direct grammar instruction. I generally believe, and I know some research has shown, that students can develop grammar skills through reading, and prioritize helping my students find high-interest reading materials. In addition, I use concept attainment (see posts near the bottom of The Best Resources About Inductive Learning & Teaching) to help students learn grammar concepts inductively. And I just hate “drill-and-kill” grammar worksheets. A number of our ELL students who have gone on to community college have been telling us they wish we had put more time into direct grammar instruction. However, I am reflecting on if I should make any changes in how I help my students develop grammar skills. One very small change I am making is having students spend a little more time on grammar practice when we go to the computer lab — but spending it strategically on common challenges I have identified through their writing. And, it’s free.

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