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Simen Johan

Annie Liebovitz January 3rd, 2007 Annie Leibovitz Photo Gallery Get access to content from your local PBS station.Get sneak previews from some of your favorite shows including Masterpiece, Nova, etc.See what's on tonight at your local PBS station. Annie Liebovitz Born in 1949 in Waterbury, Connecticut, Annie Leibovitz enrolled in the San Francisco Art Institute intent on studying painting. It was not until she traveled to Japan with her mother the summer after her sophomore year that she discovered her interest in taking photographs. When she returned to San Francisco that fall, she began taking night classes in photography. Time spent on a kibbutz in Israel allowed her to hone her skills further.

LUCY GLENDINNING Robert Frank Robert Frank's fine flatulent black joke on American politics can be read as either farce or anguished protest. It is possible that Frank himself was not sure which he meant. In 1956, he was still a relative newcomer to the United States, and his basic reaction might well have been one of dumb amazement as he investigated the gaudy insanities and strangely touching contradictions of American culture. A similar shock has been experienced by many others who have been suddenly transplanted as adults to this exotic soil. A few artists and intellectuals have even managed to turn the experience to their creative advantage, if their direction had not yet been too firmly set, as though a new country might be a substitute for being born again.

Las modelos de Tichý Una lata de tomate usada. Un trozo de plexiglás abandonado. Un paquete de cigarrillos vacío. Que con desechos de ese tipo se puedan fabricar cámaras fotográficas es algo de por sí sorprendente. Jay Mark Johnson (This section is not actively updated) “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through the narrow chinks of his cavern. AUGUST SANDER: RETRATO DE OTTO DIX Y SU MUJER Otto Dix es uno de los grandes pintores alemanes modernos. Nació en 1891 y murió en 1969. Participó en la Primera Guerra Mundial, y realizó sus estudios artísticos en las Academias de Dresde y Drusseldorf. En los años 20, fue con George Grosz uno de los mejores representantes de la Nueva Objetividad (Neue Sachlichkeit), de signo desgarrado y expresionista. Denunció la injusticia social de la Alemania de la posguerra, con un realismo próximo a la caricatura, con claros influjos del expresionismo, futurismo o dadaísmo.

Nan Goldin American photographer Nancy "Nan" Goldin (born September 12, 1953) is an American photographer. Her work often explores LGBT bodies, moments of intimacy, the HIV crisis, and the opioid epidemic. Walker Evans y la Gran Depresión. Evans (1903-1975) no es solo uno de los nombres mayores en la historia de la fotografía "sino que es un fotógrafo que consigue comunicar con el espectador de una forma intensa y clara en su afán de contarnos la realidad y el cómo son las cosas." Walker Evans es "una de las figuras que más han influido en el arte contemporáneo y señaló el camino a seguir en la fotografía. Sus imágenes son sencillas técnicamente y con ellas allana el camino al arte, todo podía ser bello". Con una mirada poética, cuya modernidad procedía de la literatura, Evans contribuyó a la creación de esa imagen por la que América se reconoció a sí misma. Con sus fotografías, en las que combina la crítica social, el documental y la estética, trata de acercar las duras condiciones de vida y la pobreza de la población rural a un público ignorante de la situación por la que atravesaba el país.

In Memory of Photographers We Lost in 2011 They went by several different names. James Atherton was a “news photographer” while Tim Hetherington preferred “image maker.” We just call them photographers. They make images, yes, often connected with the news. But they actually record the world–in all of its beauty, horror, pain and confusion–at a particular time and place. For three of the photographers who were killed covering the civil war in Libya this year, the uprising to oust Muammar Gaddafi was far from their first experience in combat.

SALGADO'S ETHIOPIA Up on the plateau in northern Ethiopia, life has barely changed in thousands of years. Sebastião Salgado spent two months walking in the mountains to catch the intricacies of the landscape. Text by Simon Willis In the highlands of northern Ethiopia, the mountains keep insiders in and outsiders out. There is only one main road, and no other access except on foot. For Sebastião Salgado, who took these photographs, this made it a perfect subject.
