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Mark Harden's Artchive: "Artchive"

Mark Harden's Artchive: "Artchive"

M.U.A.U. Museo Urbano de Arte Urbana. Bienvenue sur les services en ligne de l'OEB These online services have been designed to allow applicants, attorneys and other users to conduct their EPO business electronically in a secure state-of-the-art environment. Improving online services We have initiated a major programme to improve IT support for the filing and processing of patent applications. Online filing Use the online filing software to file EP, Euro-PCT and PCT applications; submissions in EPO opposition, appeal, limitation and revocation proceedings; and subsequently filed documents for all EP proceedings. Online fee payment Online fee payment is a convenient and user-friendly online service designed for holders of EPO deposit accounts. Administration The Administration facility allows you to specify which members of your staff can access the online fee payment and mailbox services. My files My Files allow you to view published and unpublished files via a secure connection. Mailbox Security We take your online security and confidentiality very seriously.

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