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如何變更網站的標題和說明? - 網站管理員工具說明

如何變更網站的標題和說明? - 網站管理員工具說明
Google's generation of page titles and descriptions (or "snippets") is completely automated and takes into account both the content of a page as well as references to it that appear on the web. The goal of the snippet and title is to best represent and describe each result and explain how it relates to the user's query. We use a number of different sources for this information, including descriptive information in the title and meta tags for each page. We may also use publicly available information, or create rich results based on markup on the page. While we can't manually change titles or snippets for individual sites, we're always working to make them as relevant as possible. You can help improve the quality of the title and snippet displayed for your pages by following the general guidelines below. Create descriptive page titles Titles are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it’s relevant to their query. How snippets are created

How to Write Perfect Title, Description & Keyword Meta Tags How to Write Perfect Title, Description & Keyword Meta Tags for Top Search Engine Rank The incredibly simple techniques discussed below have made hundreds of clients extremely happy by bringing them top ranking for their most important search phrases at the top three search engines after we implemented the 8 items discussed below on their sites. Use them well and make your site rank highly in search engine results for your chosen search phrases & terms! If you have your site designed by a web development company, don’t be surprised if they leave out this critical step to online success. Small Business Webmasters can increase rankings in the search engines by carefully placing your most important keyword phrases in 8 places on web pages. If you do understand HTML, let’s proceed to make your site rank in the top 10 search results for your chosen search phrases at each of the search engines META tags should appear between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags and those for this page look like this:

Improve Search Engine Rankings - Top 10 Tips to Improve Search Engine Rankings Search engine ranking factors are some of the most closely guarded secrets in online business. Google and other search engines don't publish exactly how they rank webpages in search results, because that would lead to massive gaming of the system and produce non-useful results. Fortunately, you don't have to figure out how Google determines search engine rankings all by yourself. Here are the top 10 factors that positively affect your search engine rankings: (We go over each one in detail below.) Keyword Use in Title TagAnchor Text of Inbound LinksGlobal Link Popularity of SiteAge of SiteLink Popularity within the Site's Internal Link StructureTopical Relevance of Inbound Links to SiteLink Popularity of Site in Topical CommunityKeyword Use in Body TextGlobal Link Popularity of Linking SiteTopical Relationship of Linking Page Here's each of the top 10 search engine ranking factors, with easy-to-understand explanations and actionable tasks you can apply today. 1. 2. 3. 4.

URL structure - Webmaster Tools Help A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your content so that URLs are constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans (when possible, readable words rather than long ID numbers). For example, if you're searching for information about aviation, a URL like will help you decide whether to click that link. Consider using punctuation in your URLs. Overly complex URLs, especially those containing multiple parameters, can cause a problems for crawlers by creating unnecessarily high numbers of URLs that point to identical or similar content on your site. Common causes of this problem Unnecessarily high numbers of URLs can be caused by a number of issues. Additive filtering of a set of items Many sites provide different views of the same set of items or search results, often allowing the user to filter this set using defined criteria (for example: show me hotels on the beach).

请问<a href="#" title="文本文本文本{换行符}文本文本文本">换行符怎么写啊? - Web 开发 / ASP //***********默认设置定义.********************* tPopWait=10;//停留tWait豪秒后显示提示。 tPopShow=4000;//显示tShow豪秒后关闭提示 showPopStep=5; // 显示的距离 popOpacity=90; // 默认的透明度 //***************内部变量定义***************** sPop=null; curShow=null; tFadeOut=null; tFadeIn=null; tFadeWaiting=null; function showPopupText(){ var o=event.srcElement; MouseX=event.x; MouseY=event.y; if(o.alt!=null && o.alt!=""){o.dypop=o.alt;o.alt=""}; if(o.title! function showIt(){ dypopLayer.className=popStyle; dypopLayer.innerHTML=sPop; popWidth=dypopLayer.clientWidth; popHeight=dypopLayer.clientHeight; if(MouseX+12+popWidth>document.body.clientWidth) popLeftAdjust=-popWidth-24 else popLeftAdjust=0; if(MouseY+12+popHeight>document.body.clientHeight) popTopAdjust=-popHeight-24 else popTopAdjust=0;;;"Alpha(Opacity=0)"; fadeOut(); } 在HTML里.加上这段JS 这样就可以换行了..呵呵,并且还可以加处图片呢!

11 DIY SEO Tips (Part 1) - Link Building and SEO Friendly Web Design Editor note: This is part 1/2 of a series about do-it-yourself SEO from Scott Fox, author of Internet Riches and the E-Commerce Success Blog. (Part 2: 5 tips on using search keywords and phrases) Search engine optimization is a requirement for growing your business online just like a Yellow Pages listing was in the 20th century. If you’re not prominently listed in search engine results, your business may as well not exist to millions of potential customers. Despite lots of hype by SEO consultants, the basics of SEO are actually pretty straightforward. Here are my Top Eleven Do-It-Yourself Search Engine Optimization Tips. A. 1. The most important factor in determining search engine rankings today is the number and quality of other sites that link to your site. To boost your site’s rankings, you need sites that are relevant to your topic area to link back to you. 2. 3. So, for example, don’t just ask for links using your domain name or "click here" as the "anchor text". B. 4. 5. 6.

Étudier la stratégie SEO de votre concurrent en trois étapes Le SEO, de par sa nature où les résultats de recherche apparaîssent sous forme de classement, est une pratique dont les résultats seront directement influencés par les actions de vos concurrents. Si vous visez le premier rang pour un mot-clé compétitif, vos stratégies SEO doivent être plus créatives et générer des meilleurs résultats que celles de vos concurrents, par exemple au niveau du contenu ou des liens entrants. Cela implique que vous devez inévitablement vous tenir au courant des actions entreprises par vos concurrents, afin de non seulement identifier les raisons de leur succès, mais aussi savoir ce que vous devez faire pour les surpasser. Afin de vous aider à demeurer concurrentiel dans votre marché en ligne, cet article vous partagera des recommandations sur les points essentiels à analyser lors de l’étude d’un concurrent, principalement au niveau des items « on site », du profil des liens entrants et des contenus performants. Quels sont les endroits privilégiés? Conclusion

HTML5新手入門指南 HTML5的發展越來越邁向成熟,很多的應用已經逐漸出現在你我日常生活中了,不只讓傳統網站上的互動Flash逐漸的被HTML5的技術取代,更重要的是可以透過HTML5的技術來開發跨平台的手機軟體,讓許多開發者感到十分的興奮! 當你開始想要學習、試圖想要投入相關的開發時,由於HTML5的技術還在持續發展、進化當中,學習的資源也都比較零散,較難有一個整體的方向。在本篇文章中,筆者將會導覽HTML5的主要技術組成,並且提供一些學習資源讓大家參考。 HTML5到底是什麼? 一般廣義而言的HTML5則包含了HTML、CSS和JavaScript三個部分,不單單只是HTML部分而已,CSS 3和JavaScript也有許多的創新,讓整個網頁程式功能更加繽紛。 HTML5的技術組成 離線功能 HTML5透過JavaScript提供了數種不同的離線儲存功能,相對於傳統的Cookie而言有更好的彈性以及架構,並且可以儲存更多的內容。 WebStorage -- 比Cookies更大、更有彈性的的儲存Web SQL Database -- 本地端的SQL資料庫Indexed DB -- Key-value的本地資料庫Application Cache -- 將部分常用的網頁內容cache起來 即時通訊 以往網站由於HTTP協定以及瀏覽器的設計,即時的互動性相當的受限,只能使用一些技巧來「模擬」即時的通訊效果,但HTML5提供了完善的即時通訊支援。 WebSocket -- 即時的socket連線Web Workers -- 以往JavaScript都是single thread,透過Worker可以有多個運算Notifications -- 原生的提示訊息,類似像OS X的Growl提示 檔案以及硬體支援 不知道大家有沒有發現,在Gmail等新的網頁程式當中,已經可以透過拖拉的方式將檔案作為郵件附件? Drag'n Drop -- HTML元素的拖拉File API -- 讀取使用者本機電腦的內容Geolocation -- 地理定位Device orientation -- 手持裝置的方向Speech input -- 語音輸入 語意化 語意化的網路是可以讓電腦能夠更加理解網頁的內容,對於像是搜尋引擎的優化(SEO)或是推薦系統可以有很大的幫助。 多媒體 JavaScript 現在就開始用HTML5 學習的方向

On-Page Optimization Tool This web page optimization tool analyzes existing on page SEO and will let you see your website’s data as a spider sees it allowing for better web page optimization. This on page optimization tool is helpful for analyzing your internal links, your meta information and your page content in order to develop better onpage SEO. In the guide below, we’ll explain how to maximize the potential of this free SEO tool to improve your website’s on page SEO. Using the On Page Optimization Analysis Free SEO Tool The words used in the metadata tags, in body text and in anchor text in external and internal links all play important roles in on page search engine optimization (SEO). Use this free Internet marketing tool to run an SEO onpage optimization analysis on your website URLs. Please check out all of our other free SEO tools for webmasters. If you like this free SEO tool, you'll love our other tool that crawls entire websites! Rerun this Tool

Les 20 outils indispensables pour réussir son référencement Analyse sémantique et technique, optimisation, netlinking… Pour mener à bien un projet d’optimisation d’un site pour le référencement naturel, il est nécessaire d’avoir recours à des outils pour être efficace. Découvrez une sélection de 20 outils pour vous épauler à chaque étape du référencement de votre site… Etude sémantique… 1 : Google générateur de mots-clés Nombre de recherche par mois, concurrence… Le générateur de mots-clés Google vous permettra d’obtenir des informations sur les mots clés que vous visez. 2 : Copyscape La duplication de contenu peut être préjudiciable pour votre référencement, Copyscape vous permet de vérifier que votre contenu n’a pas été repris, sans votre accord, sur un autre site.Lien : Copyscape. Analyse du référencement… 3 : Outils pour webmaster Google Google Webmaster vous permet d’analyser l’indexation de votre site et son état de santé (erreur d’exploration, url bloquée…). 4 : SEMVisu 5 : SEMRush SEMRush a plus ou moins les mêmes fonctionnalités que SEMvisu.

什么是Opera MAMA?Web开发者的搜索引擎 | GooSeeker Google等搜索引擎注重的是网页内容的抓取和索引,而MAMA(Metadata Analysis and Mining Application,元数据分析挖掘应用)是Opera首创的可以追踪网页结构的“搜索引擎”,可以对网页的标记、样式、脚本和其他网络开发技术进行索引。通过这个搜索引擎,可以获得此类答案:“我能不能找到一个超过100个链接的网页?”,“我能不能找到一个页面既使用了CSS的Font-sizes属性又使用了HTML的含有Size属性的FONT元素?”,“多少网页使用了CSS样式表?平均每个网页存在多少标记错误? 根据官方网页[1]的以下内容: Many parties would be interested in such a service, even if the market would be smaller than for a "traditional" search engine. 可以推断,该搜索引擎的用户可能主要是Web开发者,但是这些用户往往是有影响力的软件公司的职员或者Web标准组织的专家,所以用户的含金量比较高。 什么是MAMA 根据官方网页[1],MAMA是网页结构搜索引擎,它爬行互联网,索引的信息有:网页怎样使用HTML, CSS和脚本,网页是否符合HTML标准等等。 怎样使用MAMA 根据官方网页[1],MAMA有以下使用情景: 浏览器开发者可以利用MAMA的数据判断哪些技术更流行,以便决定哪些Bug的优先级最高,哪些功能特性要最先支持标准组织使用MAMA的数据判断哪些技术更普遍地被采纳,用以测量技术的成功程度Web应用的开发者同样利用这些信息决定应该优先提供什么业务特性Web应用的开发者利用MAMA提供的实例,以获得灵感和指导

How to Write Effective Social Media Headlines that Drive Traffic [With Examples Simply put, social media promotion is all about a headline and a link. So, what is the number one skill you’ll need to master if you want to get the most “bang for your buck” out of social media? Crafting a spectacular headline! (Harder than it sounds – so read on…) The Purpose of the Headline Caught your attention, right? The only purpose of any headline is to convince the user to read what comes next. If you’ve got a headline at the top of a long article, like in a newspaper, magazine, or on a website, it should compel the reader to glance downward to be successful; it’s up to the lead sentence to do the rest. When it comes to social media, the headline has more work to do. So, let’s take a few moments and see what you need to do to make your headlines effective on some of the major social networks. On Twitter Now that’s a tweet designed to stand out. The average active Twitter user has a ton of headlines passing through his feed every time he checks in. Bad Tweet: Rock and Roll! Good Tweet:

10 Techniques de référencement pour maximiser vos mots clés Un des éléments importants dans l’optimisation du référencement de votre site web c’est le renforcement de vos mots clés (ou expressions clés) pour générer du trafic vers votre site web. Une des techniques de référencement qui est logique et naturelle est de placer vos mots clés dans un texte avec une forte densité. Mais les moteurs de recherche ont évolué, aujourd’hui le contenu de votre site a non seulement besoin de contenir vos expressions clés, mais doit aussi être écrit d’une façon naturelle et compréhensible pour l’internaute. Une suite de mot clés dans une page n’apportera plus aucun bénéfice à votre référencement, voire peut entraîner une pénalité. La question que vous devez vous poser maintenant doit ressembler à celle-ci « Que puis-je faire pour obtenir plus de mots-clés dans ma page sans pour autant sacrifier l’aspect informatif et naturel et surtout sans avoir des ennuis ? 1. Pour que cela soit plus clair voici un exemple: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
